Li Yue gently pushed open the study door, walked into the room, and saw Mu Liang was writing and drawing on paper.

She asked curiously: "Mu Liang, what are you doing?"

Mu Liang looked up at Li Yue, and said softly, "Draw the design of the space portal."

Liyue's expression was dumbfounded, her pink lips were slightly parted and she asked in surprise, "Spatial portal?"

Mu Liang said softly: "Well, Little Xuanwu is too big, if there is a space portal, it will be easier to move.

Li Yue's eyes flickered, and she asked in a crisp voice: "The space portal you mentioned is like a door, and you can teleport through space when you enter?"

"That's right, that's it." Mu Liang's eyes showed admiration.

Li Yuefen opened her lips slightly: "Can this kind of thing be made?"

Mu Liang said clearly: "I don't know, it's just my idea, I'm researching it, it should be a bit difficult to make it in a short time."

He remembered what the fox fairy said last night, and wanted to spend the night in the palace every day, but the highland was too far away from Shanhai Commercial City, it was already late at night after he was busy every day, and running back and forth was also very tiring.

The fox fairy also often goes to various acropolises, inspects the commercial areas of the acropolis, handles some large orders, and sometimes travels to three acropolises in a day.

What the fox-tailed woman said reminded Mu Liang of making 23 portals.

Li Yue's eyes flickered slightly, and she encouraged her softly: "You can make a space teleportation array, and it's only a matter of time before you can make a space teleportation gate."

"Of course, I think so too." Mu Liang smiled.

He took the silver-haired girl's hand, and asked in a clear voice: "You came to see me, what's the matter?"

Liyue said softly: "I just met Sister Qinlan outside, let me ask you, do you want to attend the closing ceremony of the sports meeting tomorrow?"

Mu Liang shook his head, and said softly: "It's fine for her to go, I'm going to sea tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?" Li Yue asked suspiciously.

Mu Liang explained: "The Fox Immortal got a sea chart, which leads to a mysterious island. There are rare monsters there. I'll go and have a look."

To improve his own strength and ability, he needs new domesticated beasts or domesticated plants. Rare monsters are very attractive to him.

"I'll go with you." Li Yue said crisply.

Mu Liang said with a smile in his eyes: "Well, if you don't tell me, I will take you with me."

Li Yue's eyes trembled slightly, and she said seriously: "I will go wherever you go."

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Li Yue asked softly, "How do I go tomorrow? I'm going to prepare to transport the spaceship?"

Mu Liang said lightly: "No, I'll take you to fly there, it doesn't look very far, you can get there before dark.

Liyue said softly: "Okay, I'll go and arrange the training plan for the Ghost Special Forces."

Mu Liang said softly, "It's time to train new members."

"Already looking for something." Li Yue replied.

The Xuanwu Kingdom is very large, with as many as twelve Acropolises, two customs offices, and seabed towns and other areas. People from the Ghost Special Forces are needed to perform tasks in different places, and there are several times when there is not enough manpower.

"That's good." Mu Liang felt relieved.

Liyue left the study, and he continued to study the space portal. If it was really researched, it would be enough to shock the spiritual masters and refiners in the world.

When the silver-haired girl passed the main hall, she saw Xibeqi sitting on the sofa, watching TV leisurely.

Liyue asked crisply: "Xi Beiqi, don't you have to go to training today?"

Xi Beiqi separated from the plot in the movie, turned around and said: "I will go in the afternoon, and there will be Crimson Face in the morning.

"Okay." Li Yue nodded slowly, and was about to leave.

"Hey, Moon Crimson Face?" Suddenly, Xi Beiqi screamed.

"What's wrong?" Li Yue quickly turned her head and saw the red-haired girl who appeared on the TV at a glance.

Xi Beiqi widened her golden eyes and said, "Why did Scarlet Face make a movie? When did it happen?"

Li Yue was also a little surprised, and said in amazement: "I don't know either."

"Damn it, she pretended to do it, and I want to make a movie too." Xi Beiqi put her hands on her hips, her beautiful eyes were full of envy.

..." Li Yue twitched the corner of her mouth, turned and left without saying a word.

Xi Beiqi's eyes flashed, she got up and turned off the movie, and left the palace excitedly.

She jumped up, her eyes turned blood-colored, her wings spread out from behind, and she flew towards the No. 8 Acropolis.

When she arrived at Acropolis No. 8, Xue Ji was instructing people to prepare props for a new TV commercial.

"Xue Ji!" Xi Beiqi shouted.

Xue Ji shook her hand, looked back at the red-haired girl, and said in surprise, "Xi Beiqi, why are you here?"

"I want to make a movie, you put me on TV." Xi Beiqi said seriously.

"Ah?" Xue Ji was stunned.

She waved her hand and said, "I haven't made a movie these two days."

"Then what are you shooting?" Shibeki asked with her hands on her hips.

Xue Ji replied: "Advertising, we need to promote the new shoes."

"The advertisement is also shown on the TV, I can." Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Xue Ji asked suspiciously: "Hey, why did you shoot commercials?"

Xi Beiqi said with a serious face: "Crimson Face is already making movies, and I want to be on TV too, I can't lose to her.

"Just because of this?" Xue Ji was a little speechless.

She knew that Yue Qinyi let Yue Feiyan show up in Yiying, and no vampire girl came to her because of this.

You must know that Yue Feiyan only appeared for two minutes in the movie, and still didn't have a single line.

The Variety Witch took a deep breath, looked at the vampire girl speechlessly, and thought about rejecting her or agreeing.

Xi Beiqi urged: "Hurry up, I still have training in the afternoon."

Xue Ji asked: "Is it enough to just show your face on TV?"

"Yes, the time to show your face is longer than Scarlet Face." Xi Beiqi said seriously.

Xue Ji twitched the corners of her mouth, and compromised: "Okay, you go change your clothes, and I will let you play later. w

"Okay." Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

She was taken down by the staff and changed into clothes 427, which were the work clothes of the staff of the shoe and clothing store.

"Is this asking me to be a staff member?" Shibeki asked.

Xue Ji handed out a piece of paper, and said crisply: "Yes, this is the advertisement that I will read later, and I will cooperate with other people to shoot a three-minute advertisement later."

"Okay." Xi Beiqi looked at the advertisement on the paper, and there were only three sentences.

ten minutes later.

Xue Ji said loudly: "The others are ready, fight for it."

"Yes." The other staff responded in unison.

"I can do it too." Xi Beiqi raised her hand and said coquettishly.

Xue Ji said with a serious face: "Well, just behave like I just told you, is that okay?"

Xi Beiqi said seriously: "Of course, I'm very good. Mu Liang praised me for acting."

"I hope." Xue Ji couldn't help laughing.

The filming of the commercial soon started, until the group ended two hours later,

Xi Beiqi breathed a sigh of relief, waved her hands and said, "The filming is finally over, I'm going back to training, I hope to see this commercial tomorrow."

The Variety Witch was a little speechless. It took two hours to shoot the three-minute commercial.

The staff couldn't help asking: "Director, did Your Majesty praise the wrong person?"

"Is there even a need to ask?" Xue Ji rolled her eyes, watching the vampire girl who repeated the slogan wrongly thirteen times leave.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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