Outside the city of Salon, on the rugged mountain road, Bai Shuang and Mette led the knights to the mountain.

The one who walked in the front was the captured thief Fupi. At this time, he was tied up and only his feet could move.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Bai Shuang frowned and asked, "Hey, haven't you arrived yet?"

"It's just ahead." Phoebe said with a dark face.

Bai Shuang said coldly: "Don't play tricks, or you will die.

...Elegant, don't shout and kill. "Mette Head Ave.

"Huh." Bai Shuang snorted tenderly.

Mate had no choice but to look at Fupi coldly and warn him not to play tricks.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Fopy turned and walked on, and it was another half hour before he stopped.

He said loudly: "It's here, it's there."

Bai Shuang looked at it intently, and asked suspiciously, "Is that small dirt bag the entrance to the big tomb?"

Phoebe nodded and said, "Yes, they piled the dirt back when they left."

"Your Highness, the soil has indeed been turned over." The knight who stepped forward to check came back to report.

Maite ordered: "Then dig again.

Bai Shuang was puzzled and said: "How come, why is the tomb here, it is still such an inconspicuous earthen bag."

The long sword engraved with the royal family's emblem shows that the owner of the tomb is very noble. How could such a person be buried in the wilderness in such an inconspicuous place.

Mette said seriously: "Go down and have a look."

"Okay." Bai Shuang looked at the knights who were digging.

After more than ten minutes, the mound was completely dug up, revealing neat stone slabs.

Mette ordered coldly: "Pry open."

"Yes." The knights responded respectfully, and worked together to pry open the stone slabs, revealing the dark entrance of the tomb.

Bai Shuang looked at Fupi, raised her chin: "You go down first."

Phoebe jumped up indifferently, and the knights followed, and then took out the lantern beetle to illuminate the cave below.

After seeing this, Mette and Baishuang followed, seeing various patterns on the cave walls.

"This is the emblem of the royal family." Bai Shuang saw the pattern on the stone wall clearly through the light of the lantern beetle.

"Go and have a look inside." Mette took a look, and recognized the royal family emblem on the stone wall.

"Okay." Bai Shuang responded, turned around and followed Big Brother into the depths of the tomb.

Fopi walked in front, the passage was very deep, and it took a long time to see the tomb inside.

In the main tomb, the coffin is still there.

Da da da…………

Bai Shuang and Mette frowned and looked around, looking for any clues.

"It looks so simple on the outside, but it's so big on the inside." Bai Shuang exclaimed.

Meite's pupils shrank and said: "The scale of this tomb can only be built like this with the status of a king..."

Foppy was a little surprised, maybe the owner of this tomb is a certain king.

Mate walked towards the coffin, the lid had been lifted, and there was a dead bone lying inside, and the clothes on his body had rotted away.

He stared at the dry bone, feeling a little throbbing in his heart.

Bai Shuang tilted her head and asked, "Do you want to take this pile of bones back?"

"Take it back, maybe father can see something." Mette said seriously.

"Come here, protect the coffin and carry it away together. Bai Fu can give the order.

"Yes." The knights stepped forward.

Mette looked around the ground, looking at the potholes on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "There should be a lot of funerary objects here, and they have all been taken away now."

Fupi pursed his lips, feeling even more depressed.

Bai Shuang saw the hole after the stele had been dug away, looked back at Fu Si and asked, "What was originally here?"

Fupi replied truthfully: "The stone tablet, the ancient characters on Lupi are rubbings from the stone tablet."

"Where's the stele?" Bai Shuang asked.

"Poached away." Phoebe said indifferently.

Bai Shuang was speechless for a moment, then twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Are you poor, do you want stone tablets?"

"...I'm poor." Phoebe's eyes twitched.

Mate asked in a deep voice: "Do you know what is written on the stone tablet?"

Fupi said unhappily: "If you know, do you still use rubbings to trade and inquire?"

..." Mate was speechless.

"Your Highness, nothing else was found." The searching knight came back and reported.

Mette looked around the tomb, sighed and said, "Then go back."

"Yes." The knights answered, lifted the coffin and left the tomb.

Everyone left the tomb and returned to the city of Salon by the same route.

Met nudged Nufpi with his chin, and ordered: "Press him down and watch.

"Yes." The knights saluted and pushed Fusi down.

"Go and find your father." Mette glanced at her sister.

Bai Shuang yawned, and replied boredly: "By the way.

The two returned to the palace, but did not find King Haiting in the main hall.

The maid said respectfully: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has gone to the ancestral hall."

Bai Shuang and Mette looked at each other, turned around and left the main hall at the same time, and walked quickly towards the ancestral hall.

In the ancestral hall, King Haiting was flipping through the genealogy and books recording the history of the Haiting Kingdom.


When Bai Shuang and Mette entered the ancestral hall, King Haiting slowly closed the book in front of him.

Mette said helplessly: "Father, I only found the coffin and dead bones, nothing else."

"There is no way to determine the identity of the owner of the long sword." Bai Shuang also nodded.

"There's no need to search, I know who the tomb belongs to." King Haiting said with trembling hands.

"Whose?" Bai Shuang and Mette's spirits froze, and they became serious when they saw this.

King Haiting took a deep breath, and said in a trembling voice: "That should be the tomb of the first ancestor, and it is also the only one that was not buried in the cemetery."

"Eh?" Bai Shuang exclaimed.

King Haiting said firmly: "The sword is the weapon used by the ancestors of the first generation. It is clearly written in the ancient book, and there are pictures on it. There is no mistake."

Mette asked in puzzlement, "Then why wasn't the first ancestor buried in the royal cemetery?"

King Haiting shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't know about this, it's not written in the above.

Bai Shuang murmured: "The era of the first generation of ancestors must be more than 2,800 years from now (Zhao De's)..."

King Haiting nodded and said: "Well, it is written in ancient books that the ancestors of the first generation had a big secret, which was engraved on several stone tablets and disappeared in the end."

"Stone tablet!" Bai Shuang and Mate looked at each other and exclaimed involuntarily.

King Haiting frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Meite told about the situation in the tomb, and about the stele.

King Haiting's spirit was shaken, and he exclaimed in shock: "That should be the stele that records the great secret!"

"It's just that the stele is gone now." Mette said in a deep voice.

King Haiting's eyes flashed coldly, and he ordered loudly: "Order, find Laiwu and the others no matter what."

"Yes." Mate quickly agreed.

Bai Shuang asked: "Father, the bones of the first ancestor have been brought back, do you want to bury them in the cemetery?"

"Well, I will arrange it." King Haiting nodded.


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