Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2011: The Mysterious Island. (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the Highland Palace.

Mino stretched out his hands to straighten Mu Liang's collar, and asked Jiaohan, "Mu Liang, have you brought all your things?"

Mu Liang said softly, "I don't have anything to bring, and I'll be back in three days at the latest."

He is going to that mysterious island today to find out if there are monsters and plants suitable for domestication.

Mino asked seriously, "Did you bring food, drink, and clothes?"

Li Yue said softly: "I have brought it, I will help clean it up."

Mu Liang glanced at the silver-haired girl, she wanted to go out together.

Mino said softly, "That's good, with Liyue here, someone can take care of you."

Mu Liang pursed his lips, does he still need someone to take care of him?

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Go early and come back early, while there is nothing in the kingdom that requires you to be busy during this time."

Mu Liang stared at Yue Qinlan's blue eyes, and said warmly: "Okay, the kingdom will be managed by you during the few days I'm not here.

"Don't worry, I have experience." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

"Okay." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he took the silver-haired girl's hand, and the two disappeared in place.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hurrying footsteps came, and Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan ran into the main hall.

The two looked at Mino and Yue Qinlan, and said in astonishment, "Hey, improved?"

"Just left, you took a step too late." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

"Ah, I still want to give it away. 620 Yue Crimson Yan pouted.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "It's not that I can't see you anymore, I just left for a few days.

"That's what I said..." Yue Feiyan's eyes flickered.

Yue Qinlan looked at her daughter's red eyes, and asked suddenly: "I don't think you are here to see off Mu Liang, but you want to go with me.

"Ah, no, mother, don't talk nonsense." Yue Feiyan's eyes wandered, and she didn't dare to look at her mother.

"Guess right." Yue Qinlan said firmly.

"I still have to go to training, goodbye." Yue Feiyan said with a serious face, turned around and left the main hall as if fleeing.

"I'm going to train too." Xibeqi blinked her beautiful golden eyes, and left the palace angrily.

Yue Qinlan shouted: "Just know how to play."

Yue Feiyan's response came from afar: "No~~~"

On the other side, Mu Liang took Liyue away from the Xuanwu Kingdom and flew across the sea against the wind.


Li Yue put her arms around Mu Liang's waist, her long silver hair shining brightly in the sun.

Mu Liang asked gently: "Do you want to sleep?"

The silver-haired girl was on duty last night and hadn't slept for more than 24 hours.

"The wind is too strong, I can't sleep." Li Yue said crisply.

Mu Liang stopped when he heard this, and took out a small transport spaceship from the portable space.

Li Yue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was led by Mu Liang into the transport spaceship.


In the small transport spaceship, the air conditioner was turned on, and cold air filled the entire cabin.

Under Mu Liang's control, the transport spaceship advances at eight times the extreme speed.

Mu Liang said gently: "It will be more comfortable here."

"Hmm." Li Yue's eyes flickered, and she leaned into Mu Liang's arms.

"Go to sleep. Mu Liang patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Okay." Li Yue responded softly, her slender eyelashes fluttered, and her eyelids slowly closed.

Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly, and he was easily distracted, controlling the transport spaceship to move forward at an extremely fast speed.

Time passed slowly, and a few hours passed quickly.

Liyue sighed and opened her eyes.

"Wake up." Mu Liang said warmly.

Li Yue sat up and asked softly: "Is it coming?"

Mu Liang shook his head, shaking the animal skin sea chart in his hand: "Not yet, this sea chart is very abstract, I guess it will take time to find it.

Liyue probed to take a look, there were many lines drawn on the animal skin, which seemed to be irregular, she couldn't understand it at all.

Mu Liang flipped the animal skin over and over again, his mind had already been distracted and flew away from the transport spaceship to look for the reference in the chart.

Liyue asked concerned: "Can you find it?"

Mu Liang shook his head and said, "Not sure, look first."

"I'll accompany you." Li Yue put her hand on Mu Liang's.

"Okay." With a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, he led the silver-haired girl away from the transport spaceship, and with a wave of his hand (cdah), brought the transport spaceship back into the portable space.


At this time, a strong wind blew on the sea surface, the sea water surged, and waves more than ten meters high were formed.

Mu Liang hugged the silver-haired girl's waist, looking for the reference drawn on the sea chart, which was a reef pillar 100 meters above the sea.

Liyue helped to find it, and flew a few times in the surrounding sea area, and the scope of the search was expanding every time.

Looking at the endless sea, she turned her head and asked, "Could it be further away?"

"Go to the sky to see." Mu Liang heard the words and looked up.

"Okay." Liyue snuggled into Mu Liang's arms, was taken to fly high into the sky, and soon arrived under the clouds, and the oxygen content around her became thinner.

Mu Liang propped up the life domain, allowing the silver-haired girl to breathe normally, and after doing this, he looked down at the sea and looked for the rock pillar.

He has excellent eyesight, even at an altitude of several thousand meters, he can clearly see the waves on the sea.

"I didn't see it." Mu Liang looked around the sea, but found no reference.

"Go ahead and have a look." With a thought, he caused the silver-haired girl to disappear in place.

When the two reappeared, they had already arrived in the air thousands of meters away, and continued to look down at the sea to find a reference.

The silver-haired girl wants to help you, but unfortunately her eyesight is not as good as Mu.

Suddenly, Mu Liang paused, his face lit up.

"Found it." He pointed to the sea to the east.

Liyue also said happily: "Then go quickly."

"En." Mu Liang swooped down with Li Yue, and flew straight to the rock pillar.

When the two came to the front, the whole body of the reef pillar was dark brown, and some parasitic shellfish lived at the position where it intersected with the sea surface.

The reef pillars are huge, with a height of 100 meters and a diameter of 30 meters. There are no green plants.

Mu Liang took Li Yue to stand on the reef pillar, and took out the chart to find the location of the island.

"This way, let's go." He pointed to the northeast.

The two flew into the air again, flying forward against the wind.

As time goes by, the wind in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky is gradually covered with dark clouds, as if the sky is about to collapse,

"There is a storm." Mu Liang frowned slightly.

At the end of the line of sight, a hurricane is blowing on the sea, as if the end is approaching.

Li Yue exclaimed in surprise, "Then the island is not in there, is it?"

"Looking at the chart, it should be." Mu Liang exhaled.

He tightened the girl's hand, and the two looked at each other.

"Go." Li Yue nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang smiled, and with his arms around the girl, he was about to fly towards the spinning typhoon.


The wind was strong, the sea water was blown high into the sky, and the visibility dropped to more than ten meters.

Mu Liang opened up a barrier, unable to get close even in the wind and rain, and flew into the typhoon with Li Yue.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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