The system prompt sounded in Mu Liang's mind: "Ding! A domesticable life has been detected, do you want to domesticate it?"

Mu Liang glanced at Li Yue, and replied with his thoughts: "Domestic."

"Ding! The third-level 'Four-Eared Golden Beast' is being domesticated..."

"Ding! Consuming 10 domestication points, the 'Four-Eared Golden Beast' has been successfully domesticated.

"Ding! Do you inherit the talent of 'Four-Eared Golden Flowing Beast': Enormization?"

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and responded softly: "Inherit."

"Ding! "Giantization" is being improved...? Adapting... The inheritance is complete.

When the system prompt sounded, the four-eared golden beast's ears shook a few times, its eyes were blank for a moment, and after refocusing, it looked at Mu Liangshi with a little more intimacy.


The four-eared golden beast barked twice, like a spoiled child, rubbing its head against Mu Liang's palm.

"Hey, let's call him Xiaoliu from now on." Mu Liang said softly.

He took the word "flow" from "Four-Eared Golden Flowing Beast", which has the same pronunciation as the word "six", which is easy to remember and easy to call.

"嗖~~~" The four-eared golden stream beast shook its ears happily, obviously liking the name very much.

Li Yue bit her lower lip, staring at the four-eared golden beast with sparkling eyes, and was attracted by its coquettish appearance.

"It's so cute." She couldn't help stretching out her hand, and lightly poked the four-eared golden beast's head.

"Hold it." Mu Liang stuffed the four-eared golden beast into the girl's arms.

"Okay." Liyue immediately regained her spirits, holding the four-eared golden stream beast and lovingly stroking it.

She elongated her voice, "It feels really good."

Mu Liang asked with a smile in his eyes: "Shall I use its fur to make you a dress?"

The four-eared golden beast froze when he heard the words, its four ears drooped, and it looked at Mu Liang pitifully.

Liyue said angrily, "Don't scare it."

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding you." Mu Liang laughed a few times, and poked the four-eared golden beast's head.

The ears of the four-eared golden flow beast stood upright again, and its original sluggish appearance disappeared.

Liyue sat down holding the four-eared golden flow beast, put it on her lap, picked up a mushroom and fed it.


The four-eared golden beast stretched out its short forelimbs, hugged the mushroom and gnawed on it.

"It's so cute." Li Yue couldn't help poking the four-eared golden beast's head again.

The four-eared golden beast swayed, and the mushroom in its arms almost fell to the ground, so it quickly grabbed the mushroom tightly.

"It's not bad to be so young all the time." Mu Liang said softly.

Liyue asked in surprise, "Don't you evolve it?"

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Let's talk about it when it's necessary."

"Then what ability did you get from it?" Li Yue asked curiously.

"Enlarge." Mu Liang stretched out his hand as he said, and with a thought, the palm of his hand became one meter larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, looking like a cattail fan.

"Hey, can any place become bigger?" Li Yue asked in amazement.

"It should be..." Mu Liang subconsciously nodded.

He looked at the enlarged palm, and then looked down between his legs, his eyes became strange.

Liyue asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Mu Liang shook his head, and shrunk his enlarged palm back to its original shape.

The ability inherited from the four-eared golden beast is to make the body huge, just like its mouth.

Liyue didn't ask any more questions, and continued to tease the four-eared golden beast, the more she watched it, the more she liked it.


The fire was burning, and Mu Liang added a few logs to it.

The four-eared golden beast turned its head to look at the mushroom soup in the pot, shaking its ears back and forth.

"Want to drink?" Li Yue asked.


The four-eared golden beast shook its ears again.

"Then you have a taste." Li Yue scooped up mushroom soup all night and placed it in front of the four-eared golden beast.

It shook its ears and came forward, lying on the edge of the bowl and licking it.

Li Yue looked at Mu Liang, and said in surprise: "It seems to like mushroom soup very much.

Mu Liang said clearly: "It is omnivorous, it will eat everything except poisonous things.

"That's easy to raise." Li Yue nodded in satisfaction.

Mu Liang decided: "Well, let's keep it in the palace in the future, it's not bad to be a pet."

"Okay." Li Yue agreed.

The four-eared golden beast finished drinking a bowl of soup, then poured it into the arms of the silver-haired girl with its belly open.

Liyue stretched out her hand to rub its belly, it felt surprisingly soft, making it hard to put it down.

Mu Liang looked at the four-eared golden stream beast, and endured not allowing it to evolve. If it becomes too big, it won't be cute.

As the night gradually deepened, Li Yue hugged the four-eared golden beast and yawned, the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

"Go to sleep." Mu Liang reached out and took out a big bed with soft quilt and pillows on it.

Li Yue hugged the four-eared golden beast and lay down on it, she could see Mu Liang from the side.

She asked softly, "Aren't you sleeping?"

"Go to sleep, I'll study the portal." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to help the girl cover herself.

"Okay." Li Yue replied, already getting used to it.

She looked at Mu Liang quietly, and he took out a table from his portable space, covered with blueprints.

The night was getting deeper, Mu Liang raised his eyes to look at the side, the silver-haired girl was already asleep, and the four-eared golden beast was nestled in her arms, sleeping soundly.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips raised unconsciously, his eyes flickered, and he turned his head to look in another direction.

There was a flash of killing intent in his eyes, which made the spying monsters afraid, and finally chose to back away.

High-level monsters already have high intelligence, the stronger the strength, the higher the intelligence, and they have a certain perception ability in the face of danger.

Mu Liang's murderous intent was revealed on purpose, scaring away waves of prying monsters, not wanting them to disturb the sleeping girl.

He continued to study the portal, and it was dawn before he knew it.


The four-eared golden beast opened its eyes, jumped up from the bed, and was about to fall on the head of Improvement.

next second.

Li Yue suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and quickly grabbed the four-eared golden beast: "Hey, don't disturb Mu Liang.

Mu Liang let out a breath slowly, drew his attention away from the study of the portal, and stretched out his hand to put the documents and table back into the portable space. (King's)

"Wake up." He looked at the silver-haired girl, and reached out to grab the four-eared golden beast.

Li Yue nodded lightly, sat up and asked: "Did you not sleep all night?"

"I was too engrossed in the research, I forgot." Mu Liang said softly.

Li Yue folded the quilt and said softly: "Then you rest for a while, I'll prepare breakfast.

"Are you here to prepare breakfast?" Mu Liang's eyes were strange.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Li Yue scolded.

She blushed and said, "I'll cook mushroom soup, you made it last night, I've already remembered how to do it.

"Okay, then you can do it." Mu Liang smiled.

"I won't let you down." Li Yue said seriously, with an expression of reluctance to admit defeat.

"I'm looking forward to it." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

However... Half an hour later, he still took the pot and spoon, and the silver-haired girl blushed at the side.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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