Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2016: Void Ghost Emperor. (3 More)

At the edge of Wanku Forest, three thousand meters below the ground, the Void Ghost King, whose body had shrunk to the size of an adult, sat cross-legged.

He was recovering from his injuries, and his body below the head was lost, making him seriously injured.

The virtual ghost king is surrounded by black energy, which is empty energy, and he is healing the wounds on his body.

It took another day before he opened his eyes, and the red eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Ghost King Xu glanced at the shrunken body, and his face was gloomy and ugly: "Damn it, you hateful human beings, almost killed me."

He used the secret method of the Xugui clan to escape from Mu Liangmu's avatar, and lived deep underground without being discovered by the Muliangmu avatar.

The ghost king is moving his body, he has lost too much body, and now he can only maintain the size of a normal adult human, and his strength is also greatly reduced, only the strength of the supreme level.

He looked up at the top of his head, and when he thought of Mu Liangmu's avatar, his heart was full of fear.

"Should he leave?" Ghost King Xu said with a sullen face, fearful of Mu Liangmu's avatar, worried that he was still in Wankulin.

He was thinking a lot, counting the time.

Ghost King Xu's face was ugly: "It's almost time for the party, you have to leave here."

The Void Ghost Clan, high-level Void Ghosts will meet every once in a while.

He stood up, folded the wings behind his back, stretched out his hands to the sand above his head, hesitating whether to go up to the ground.

He was very entangled at this time, if he came back to the ground and met Mu Liangmu's avatar, then 437 really had only a dead end.

"No, I have to leave here quickly." Ghost King Xu gritted his teeth.

His body turned into a piece of black liquid, drilled into the sand field and moved towards the ground.


Not long after, the liquid transformed into the Void Ghost King came to the ground and condensed into the body again.

Wankulin was still windy and sandy, with a thick layer of sand piled on the ground.

Xugui King stood on the sand surface, looking around vigilantly, for fear that Mu Liangmu's avatar would appear suddenly.

"Very good, it looks like we haven't been found." Ghost King Xu heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and flew towards the outside of Wanku Forest.

His moving speed was very fast, and he flew a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye. It only took half an hour for him to leave the Ten Thousand Dry Forest, moving fast to the distance close to the ground.

Not long after he left, a figure appeared on the spot.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked at it calmly, aware of the residual ghost aura around it.

"Not long ago." He whispered softly, and his body disappeared in place.

Ghost King Xu flew forward close to the ground, as a senior member of the Xu Clan, he couldn't miss the party.

The Xu Clan is what humans call the Void Ghosts, and the high-level Xu Clans all have extraordinary wisdom (cdbb).

In the Xu Clan, there is a supreme emperor, and under the Xu Ghost Emperor there are twelve Xu Ghost Kings, all of whom are of holy rank.

This gathering is a gathering between the twelve imaginary ghost kings.

"I don't know how many have woken up." Ghost King Xu whispered to himself.

He ranks eighth among the twelve virtual ghost kings, and is called the eight virtual kings by the low-level virtual ghosts.

The Twelve Ghost Kings are not awake all the time, they fall into a deep sleep on weekdays and rarely wake up.

The location of this meeting is in the depths of the Old Continent, where there are few people.

At his speed, it would take him two days to arrive.

If it was the Void Ghost King before he was injured, it would only take one day.

Probably because of the injury, King Xugui didn't notice the clone of Mu Liangmu following behind him, even though it was very vigilant when flying.

Mu Liangmu's avatar followed unhurriedly, wanting to see what the Xu Ghost King was going to do, it would be best if he could find a new Xu Ghost's lair, and then get rid of it all at once.

The ghost king buried his head on his way, and there were only two days before the party started. If he was late, he would be laughed at by the other ghost kings.

His face was ugly: "Damn, in this state, they will be looked down upon."

The ghost kings are not very harmonious, but there are constant frictions. If there is no ghost king, they would have fought and killed each other.

As time passed, Mu Liangmu's avatar frowned slightly, guessing where the ghost king was going.

He wanted to intercept Xu Gui Wang several times, but in the end he held back, thinking not to make too small a loss.

Time passed again, and the day passed quickly.

When the next day came, Xu Guiwang's forward speed slowed down, he landed and rested for a while before continuing to take off.

Mu Liangmu's avatar still followed unhurriedly. Compared to the Void Ghost King, his flying consumption is very small, and he can fly for three or four days without any problem.

When it was about to get dark the next day [Master Xugui stopped in front of Shiwan Dashan.

There are continuous mountains in front, each mountain is bare, without a single green plant, and it is dark brown as far as the eye can see.

Ghost King Xu looked back and looked around vigilantly. He didn't find anyone following him before continuing to fly towards the mountains.

Not long after he left, Mu Liang appeared where it had been standing.

"It's really fast." Mu Liangmu clone said to himself calmly, and continued to catch up.

The ghost king is flying among the mountains, looking for the meeting place according to the smell.

"This breath, Xu Nine Kings and Xu Six Kings are here." Xu Ba Wang whispered to himself, his face still ugly.

He is not friendly with these two virtual ghost kings, it can even be said to be a hostile relationship, and they don't like each other.

Xu Bawang pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and continued to move forward, and finally stopped at the connecting place between the four mountains.

He looked around again, and found nothing unusual before he got into the ground.

Xu Bawang's diving speed was very fast, and he came to the ground at a depth of three thousand meters in a short while.

As soon as he left the sand and entered the underground space, a strong ghostly aura rushed towards his face.

He took a deep breath and couldn't help but let out a comfortable groan, and the injuries on his body healed a lot.

"Jie Jie Jie, Eighth King Xu, why did you become so embarrassed?" Weird laughter sounded, and a figure appeared in front of Eighth King Xu.

"Xu Jiu Wang, long time no see." Xu Ba Wang twitched the corners of his lips, but did not answer his question.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's so miserable, why did he become so small, and his strength didn't drop so much?" Another voice sounded.

Xu Liu Wang appeared, his body size was a circle smaller than Xu Jiu Wang's, and his appearance was very similar.

He looked at Xu Ba Wang unkindly, and now he is stronger than Xu Ba Wang.

Xu Bawang endured the anger in his heart, and said truthfully: "I have met a powerful Xueshi, and I can't beat him.

He is too weak to dare to anger the two Void Ghost Kings in front of him, otherwise he will only be the one who suffers.

Xu Liuwang said in a dark tone: "It's really useless, if you are beaten like this by a blood eater, if you let the adults know, you will be very miserable.

"You can't win against him." Xu Bawang said angrily.

"Jie Jie Jie, that's not necessarily true." Xu Liu Wang sneered again and again.

Xu Jiuwang also mocked: "You are too weak, blood food is just blood food after all."

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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