Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2018: It's Nothing To Be Ashamed Of. (2 More)

Heights, outside the palace.

Mino squatted on the ground, looking up at the huge tree of life with his chin in his hands.

She raised her face and muttered: "Didn't Mu Liang say he would be back today, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Yue Qinlan came out of the palace and said gracefully: "He said he would come back today, but he didn't say what time it is, you don't have to wait here.

Mino said delicately: "It's okay, I'm free today, so I'll just wait here."

"Think of him that much?" Yue Qinlan squatted down beside the rabbit-eared girl.

"No." Mino's eyes wandered, his pretty face flushed slightly.

"Really?" Yue Qinlan asked with a smile like a flower.

"I...a little bit." Mino opened his mouth, and finally spoke with a blushing face.

With a smile in Yue Qin's blue eyes, she said gracefully: "There's nothing to be shy about, everyone wants Mu Liang."

"Sister Qinlan, do you want it too?" Mino's blue eyes widened, and the plush rabbit ears on the top of "June 4th" looked rich.

"Well, only a little bit like you." Yue Qinlan stretched out her hand and gestured.

"Hee hee, I don't believe it, mother must miss Mu Liang very, very much." Laughter sounded, and Yue Feiyan leaned against the gate of the palace.

Yue Qinlan turned her head to look, and said angrily, "Aren't you going to train?"

"Slightly slightly~~~"

Yue Feiyan stuck out her tongue playfully, then vibrated the wings of Vermilion Bird's armor, leading her to fly high into the sky, to the air force base.

"Giggle~~~" Mino Mei's eyes curved, and two dimples appeared on her face.


The space fluctuated, and Mu Liang returned to the front of the palace with his arms around Li Yue's waist.

Mu Liang's eyes were smiling, and he asked warmly, "Smiling so happily, what good thing happened?"

"We're back." Li Yue said softly.

"Mu Liang!" Mino Mei's eyes lit up, and she stood up with a bang.

"Miss me?" Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

Mino drooped his ears, put his arms around Mu Liang's waist, and said generously: "Yeah, I miss you.

Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, the girl who was shy and refused to admit it just now, is now so courageous, it seems that the girl has grown up.

"Good." Mu Liang smiled.

Yue Qinlan asked softly, "What have you gained from going out this time?"

"Yes." Li Yue stretched out her hand, and a small four-eared golden beast appeared in her palm, tilting her head to look at Yue Qinlan and the others.

"Wow, so cute~~~"

Mino's beautiful blue eyes lit up immediately, and his drooping rabbit ears stood upright.


The four-eared golden beast shook its ears, and the fur balls on the tips of its ears trembled.

"What kind of monster is this?" Mino Mei's eyes sparkled.

"Four-eared golden beast, new pet." Mu Liang said softly.

"I hug." Mino stretched out his hand towards the four-eared golden beast.

It tilted its head and glanced at Mu Liang, seeing that its master didn't refuse, so it didn't resist either, and let the rabbit-eared girl hug her.

"So soft, so fragrant, so cute." Mino rubbed his face against the four-eared golden beast, and it was completely cute.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, and asked elegantly: "So this time I'm going out for a few days and only bring it back?"

"That's more than that, there's it." Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and a centipede crawled out from his wrist.

The centipede is twenty centimeters long, dark blue all over, and has centipedes. It is the second beast that Mu Liang has domesticated on the mysterious island.

Centipede centipede, third-order beast.

"That's not in vain." Yue Qinlan took a step back, away from the centipede.

With a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, he let the centipede go back into his sleeve.

Mino hugged the four-eared golden beast, loving it and said: "Mu Liang, can I sleep with it at night?"

"Okay, remember to give it a bath." Mu Liang said indifferently.


The four-eared golden beast shook its ears, and looked at Mu Liang with some reluctance.

"Be obedient, and I won't kill you." Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, stretched out his hands to pinch the ears of the four-eared golden beast, and fed it three hundred evolution points.


The four-eared golden beast squinted its eyes in satisfaction, and was taken away by the rabbit-eared girl without any resistance.

Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinlan, and asked in a peaceful voice, "How is the situation in the kingdom?"

Yue Qinlan held up Yujiao's hair and smiled gracefully: "As usual, everything is fine.

"Sure enough, the Xuanwu Kingdom cannot live without you." Mu Liang said softly.

Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes curved, and she said coquettishly: "Stop praising me, go in and rest.

"Hahaha, good." Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, and walked into the palace.

He casually asked, "Where are the others?"

Yue Qinlan explained: "Everyone is busy and will be back later."

"Did Xi Beiqi and Scarlet Yan be lazy?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said: "Although they are lazy, they still have a sense of proportion when it comes to serious things..."

"Well, indeed." Mu Liang walked towards the study.

Before entering the study, he stopped and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Yue Qinlan asked in bewilderment.

"Something happened to the wooden avatar." Mu Liang left a sentence, turned around and walked towards the back garden.

Yue Qinlan's complexion changed, and she quickly followed.

The two hurried to the back garden and walked towards the huge tree of life.

When the two came to the tree of life, everything looked as usual without any abnormal changes.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and stuck it on the trunk of the tree of life, closing his eyes to feel something.

After a few breaths, Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and a large piece of green light was pulled out from the trunk of the tree of life.

The green light condensed together and turned into a wooden clone.

He looked frail, with wood grains on the surface of his skin, showing a tendency to turn back to wood.

Yue Qinlan said in a solemn tone: "How did it become like this?"

Mu Liang put his hand on the wooden avatar's forehead, the memory was transmitted rapidly, and everything that happened was replayed in his mind.

He opened his eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and said in a serious tone: "The wooden avatar encountered three holy ghosts. Although they defeated them, the avatar was also seriously damaged."

"Three holy ghosts!" Yueqin's blue water-blue pupils shrank.

"Xuhuang, where will it be?" Mu Liang asked coldly.

"What Emperor Xu?" Yue Qinlan asked.

"I still don't know about 3.5, you have to ask to know." Mu Liang looked at the wooden clone, stretched out his hand to take over the internal space of the wooden clone, and took out the three banned virtual ghost kings.

Yue Qinlan looked at the three virtual ghost kings, and couldn't help but tremble a little, the aura of the holy rank frightened her.

With a thought, Mu Liang sealed the Nine Kings of Xu and the Sixth King of Xu, took them into his body and suppressed them, leaving only the Eighth King of Xu whose strength had fallen.


There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Elina, Yan Bing and the others sensed the aura of Xu Gui, hurried to the back garden, and saw the shrunken Xu Ba Wang.

"Mu Liang, what's the matter?" Alina, Yan Bing and the others said in astonishment.

Mu Liang explained casually: "Don't worry about the virtual ghosts captured by the wooden avatar."

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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