Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2019: The Origin Of Virtual Ghosts. (3 More)

Alina asked suspiciously: "How did you catch Xu Gui back, what happened?"

Mu Liang made a long story short, telling what happened in the Old Continent.

Alina exclaimed: "So there are so many powerful virtual ghosts!"

Yue Qinlan frowned, and said in a dignified tone: "What is the identity of that Emperor Xu, from your description, it seems to be a very high status existence among Xu Gui.

"Just ask and you'll know." Mu Liang looked at Xu Bawang who was sleeping.

He raised his hand and pointed at Xu Bawang's head, stimulating him to wake up, and covering several bans at the same time.

Xu Bawang opened his eyes, and immediately spotted Mu Liang, his red eyes widened.

"You are surprised to see me." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Xu Bawang exclaimed in shock: "You are not dead!"

"I've let you down." Mu Liang said lightly.

"Damn you, humble blood eater." Xu Bawang's eyes widened with anger, and his heart was even more shocked.

Mu Liang said in a cold tone: "The person you are desperately trying to kill is actually a clone of me." 23 "Clone!" Xu Bawang uttered in shock.

Mu Liang asked coldly: "Tell me, what happened to the Xu Clan? Who is the Xu Emperor?"

The shock on Xu Bawang's face dissipated, he stared at Mu Liang's face, and grinned: "Please beg me, maybe I will tell you."

"Bah." Alina spat out and landed at Xuba Wang's feet.

She said angrily: "What are you? If our Majesty begs you, even the gods cannot."

"..." The blood vessels on Xu Bawang's forehead bulged, and he stared at the pink-haired girl with eyes that wished he could swallow the girl alive.

"What are you staring at?" Alina stared back at Xu Bawang, with the tendency to attack if there was a disagreement.

"Calm down." Mu Liang patted the pink-haired girl on the shoulder.

Elina said angrily: "Mu Liang, slap him to death, because he's broken.

"Okay, I will." Mu Liang quickly comforted him.

Alina took two steps back, still staring at Xu Ba Wang angrily.

Mu Liang looked into the eyes of the Eighth King Xu, and asked again: "Who is Emperor Xu?"

Xu Bawang grinned, and said mockingly: "Jie Jie Jie, Xu Huang is the highest ruler of our Xu clan, he created us, he is the supreme existence, and he is also the existence that can slap you to death."

Yan Bing said coldly: "Is the Emperor Xu creating the Xu Ghost?"

The Eight Kings of Xu mocked: "We are members of the Xu clan, and Xu Gui is the name given to you lowly blood."

"Bah." Alina was impatient.

Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he asked calmly, "Where is Emperor Xu?"

"I don't know." Xu Bawang closed his eyes.

"Where is he?" Mu Liang frowned.

Xu Bawang closed his mouth and didn't say a word.

Mu Liang lifted his chin and pointed at Xubawang's forehead, mentally attacking its consciousness.

This is the ability obtained from the centipede, called 'soul poison', which has the effect of polluting the mind and soul, making life worse than death.

"Ah!" Xu Bawang opened his eyes wide and angry, screamed uncontrollably, his body trembling violently.

Mu Liang asked coldly: "Where is Emperor Xu?"

"I really don't know." Xu Bawang's tone trembled, his complexion became more and more ugly.

"Impossible." Alina said in a choked voice.

Xu Bawang said sharply: "My lord is still sleeping, he can change the space, and when the blood moon falls, he will change the sleeping position. Only the Xu Four Kings can find you."

"Four Xu Wangs?" Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

Xu Bawang explained: "Our Xu family has twelve kings."

"Which number are you?" Yue Qinlan asked coldly.

"Xu Bawang." Xu Bawang's mouth moved, and the severe pain in his soul made his life worse than death.

Yue Qinlan asked: "Where are the other virtual ghost kings?"

Xu Ba Wang explained: "Xu Jiu Wang and Xu Liu Wang were captured by you, and the rest are sleeping. We are not compatible with each other, and we don't know where they will sleep."

"So you don't know anything?" Mu Liang raised his finger, and it was about to land on Xu Bazhu's forehead as he spoke.

Xu Bawang exclaimed in shock: "I know about Xu Clan and Xu Huang!"

He felt that if he didn't compromise, his soul would be torn apart, and that life would be worse than death. It was really worse than death.

Mu Liang looked at him calmly, without saying a word.

Xu Bawang asked sharply: "There is also the real reason for the change in this continent, don't you want to know?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "It must have been caused by your Xu clan."

Xu Bawang quickly explained: "No, this is what Emperor Xu did. It should be said that he did this because of him. We Ghost King Xu just obeyed orders."

"I'll give you a chance, let's talk." Mu Liang waved his hand, and the space around him twisted, as long as Xu Bawang lied, he would be strangled the next moment.

The huge tree of life trembled slightly, the spirit of the life element appeared, and the vines hung down one by one, and the rich breath of life surrounded Xu Bawang's body, which made him very uncomfortable, and the emptiness in his body was purified.

Xu Bawang's eyes showed fear, and he really felt death.

He knew that it would be easier to kill the winged girl in front of him than the wooden clone.

"Father, do you need my help?" Ling'er asked with a smile.

"Hey, don't use it for now." Mu Liang looked at the slim life element elf, and his heart was full of emotion.

The current life elemental elf is about the same height as Liyue, with a bumpy figure, which can be called an existence that is overwhelming.

Comparing Ling'er and Hu Immortal now, the two are not equal, but one is pure and innocent and the other is charming and enchanting. 400

Mu Liang looked at Xu Ba Wang, and said calmly: "Speak, as long as you tell a lie, you will surely die."

"No." Xu Bawang's body trembled.

"If you don't say it, there are two other virtual ghost kings, they will." Mu Liang sneered.

"I said." Xu Bawang gritted his teeth.

He pondered for a moment, and revealed a look of reminiscence.

"Say." Alina said coldly.

Xu Bawang said with a black face: "It's been too long, I need to remember."

The summoned Yao Er nodded, proving that Xu Ba Wang was not lying.

Mu Liang and the others endured, wanting to see whether Xu Bawang would confess honestly, or was planning to play tricks.

Xu Bawang recalled: "Ten thousand years ago, the mainland was not what it is now. At that time, there were green plants and walks everywhere..."

"Ten thousand years ago, this is too long." Alina exclaimed in a low voice.

Yue Qinlan said softly: "Quiet."

"Oh." Alina closed her mouth, staring at Xu Bawang.

"Ten thousand years ago, I was still a human being." Xu Bawang said in a startling way.

Mu Liang and the others constricted their pupils at the same time, the ghost king was once a human seat?

Yue Qinlan was stunned, and looked at Xu Bawang carefully from head to toe again, trying to see traces of human beings on him.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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