Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2020: Ten Thousand Years Ago. (1 More)

Ten thousand years ago.

Yoshik City is a prosperous super-large inland city with a settled population of more than five million people.

The city of Yoshik is very large, the height of the city wall is more than fifty meters, and the thickness reaches twenty meters.

The name of the city lord is Lie Suo Tu, who is an awakened person of the twelfth rank.

Spiritual weapon masters have a high social status and are respected by the powerful. There are many more senior spiritual weapon masters than now. In Yoshik city alone, there are more than a hundred senior spiritual weapon masters.

In addition to the forces of the City Lord's Mansion, Yoshik City also has many different organizations and forces. These forces are both evil and good.

One of the organizations, the "Tianxu Sect", is conducting a series of cruel human experiments under the banner of "seeking immortality".

The secret medicine of longevity was not researched, but other things were researched.

By a coincidence, the people taught by Tianxu refined a blood factor called 'Xu', which can strengthen the human body comprehensively after taking it.

For this discovery, the senior management of Tianxu Sect was very excited, thinking that the strengthening of the 'deficiency' blood factor to the end would mean immortality.

In order to obtain a stronger 'deficiency' blood factor, Yinxu began to conduct a large number of human experiments.

In the city of Yoshik, people disappeared every day. The city of Yoshik is too big, with a permanent population of more than ten million people, and the population is mobile. The Tianxu Sect took advantage of this and wantonly kidnapped people for human experiments.

In Yoshik City, there is a blacksmith's shop by the long street in the center. It is a two-story wooden building. The first floor is the pavement, and the second floor is the living area of ​​the blacksmith's family.

"Clang, clang, clang~~~"

The blacksmith Lol was beating the red-hot iron, sweat slid from his forehead, dripped on the red-hot iron, and was quickly burnt to dryness and vaporized.

"Hey hey hey

He swung the hammer, hitting the iron block one after another, knocking it into the shape of a kitchen knife.

Noth came down from upstairs. She was the wife of the blacksmith Lore, just an ordinary woman.

She brought a bowl of water, and said softly, "Lol, drink a bowl of water and take a break."

"Okay." Luo Er paused, took the bowl in his wife's hand, and drank the water in one gulp.

"Ah, it really quenches my thirst~~~"

He let out a long sigh of satisfaction, raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his forearm.

"Oh, I'd better wipe it with a cloth." Nuosi picked up a piece of cloth beside her and thoughtfully helped her husband wipe off the sweat on his forehead.

Lore asked casually, "Where's Roy?"

Nuo Si said softly: "I haven't woken up yet.

Roy is their child, already fifteen years old, learning blacksmithing from his father.

"This child, he hasn't woken up yet." Luoer shook his head dotingly.

"Let him sleep if he's sleepy. North has a smile on his face.

Luo Er smiled and said: "Well, don't call him, I can finish the rest of the work, and after the delivery of this batch of goods, I can relax for a few days."

Luoer's blacksmithing skills are very good, and are unanimously recognized by the surrounding people, so the business is also very good.

North smiled and said: "Well, you should pay attention to rest, I will prepare food."

"Understood." Lore waved his hand, picked up the hammer and continued to forge.

"Clang, clang, clang~~~"

With the sound of iron striking, North turned and went upstairs with an empty bowl, ready to make today's lunch.

Upstairs, in the room near the stairs, Roy woke up from the bed yawning.

The boy sat up, stretched lazily, his gray hair was messy, and his face was sleepy.

Roy said hoarsely: "I can't sleep anymore, I have to help my father forge iron."

He rubbed his eyes, got up, got dressed and left the room.

"Roy, have you had enough sleep?" North asked lovingly holding the vegetable basket.

"Mother." Roy blushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

North freed a hand, rubbed his son's head, and urged: "Go and wash your face, you look very listless."

"Okay." Roy smiled, and went downstairs briskly. He came to the water tank behind the building, scooped out water and washed his face.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

After he washed his face, he heard the familiar sound of iron striking.

The boy quickly wiped off the water on his face, turned around and walked out.

Roy rolled up his sleeves and said, "Father, I'll help you."

Lore kept moving his hands, and said: "No, you can have lunch later, you are hungry and have no energy, come back when you are full."

"No, I'm very strong." Roy said as he bent his arms, and his muscles immediately bulged.

He has been blacksmithing for two years, his strength is much stronger than ordinary people, and his physical fitness is stronger than some adults.

Lore lifted the hammer, his arm muscles were thicker than the boy's, and he smiled and said, "Don't get dirty."

"Oh." Roy grumbled, turned and walked out the door.

He stood at the door and looked at the long street. At this time, there were no people on the street, and many people had gone home to prepare lunch.

The young man looked up at the sky not far away, and he could already see a lot of cooking smoke.

Roy leaned against the door frame and muttered, "I don't know what my mother will prepare to eat."

"Clang, clang, clang~~~"

The sound of the iron hammering still persists, and before it subsides, the second sound and the sound follow one after another.

Roy grinned and couldn't help yawning, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone looking at him not far away.

Those were two men in black robes, their faces and figures could not be discerned.

"Who are they?" Roy frowned slightly and watched for a long time before the other party turned and entered the alley next to him.

"Roy, it's time to eat." North shouted from upstairs.

"Okay (good Wang Zhao)." Roy responded, turned and entered the blacksmith shop.

As soon as he entered the house, the man in black robe who disappeared in the alley reappeared.

"How was that man just now?" the taller man in black asked in a low voice.

The shorter man in black robe nodded: "It looks very strong, just right for experiments, Master Yilai will be satisfied."

The master Yilai they said was a member of Tianxu Sect, and it was he who studied the Xuer factor.

"Let's do it at night, and catch other targets first." The taller black-robed man decided.

The shorter black-robed man grinned and said in a weird voice, "Well, listen to you."

The two looked at each other, turned around and disappeared into the box.

They stepped out this time and locked nearly 20 targets, and they had to catch them as soon as possible.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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