Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2021: The Birth Of The Virtual Ghost. (2 More)

At night, Roy lay on the big bed after washing, rubbing his sore arms.

He helped his father forge iron today, and his arms are a little sore, and he needs to rub them to relax.


Roy grinned, and his father's sleepy grunt in the next room could be heard from all over the room.

He tossed and turned twice, his breathing gradually became longer, and soon fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the originally closed door was pushed open from the outside.

The black-robed man who had appeared during the day stood at the door, and the two looked at each other. One of them entered the room, came to the bed and looked down at the sleeping boy.

Another person guarded the door, paying attention to the movement in the next room.

He curled his lips, if it wasn't for the fact that Luo Er and North were old, they would all be taken away and sent for experiments.

In the room, the man in black took out a piece of animal skin, poured a few drops of black liquid on it, and then covered the boy's mouth and nose with the animal skin.


Roy was awakened immediately, staring angrily at the black-robed man, wanting to fight back, but found that his body couldn't exert any strength at all, and his consciousness soon became confused.

After a few breaths, the boy closed his eyes, and lay back weakly.

Without saying a word, the man in black took out the bag and put the boy in it, and lifted it up effortlessly.

He left the room, nodded to his companion, and the two jumped directly from the second floor and disappeared into the darkness. 403

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

They walked in alleys, crossed four long streets at a fast speed, and finally stopped in front of an inconspicuous three-story wooden building.

The man in black looked around and saw no one following him, so he opened the wooden door and entered the house.

"I'm back." There were other people in the wooden house. They were standing by the wooden door in armor, and they were the guards on duty.

"En." The man in black responded, threw the boy on the ground casually, raised his hand and tore off the black robe, revealing a mediocre face.

"Send people down first." Another black-robed man said.

"Understood." The middle-aged man curled his lips and reached out to lift Roy.

He raised his chin towards the guard on duty and ordered: "Open the door."

"Yes." The guard responded quickly, stepped into the inner room, and opened three side-by-side wooden boards, revealing a rectangular iron door.

He forcefully opened the iron door, revealing the stairs leading to the ground. The walls on both sides of the stairs were inlaid with many glowing stones.

The middle-aged man mentioned that Roy stepped on the stairs to enter the ground. The staircase passage is very deep, two hundred meters deep underground.

He came to the end of the stairs, and in front of him was a long passage with iron gates on both sides of the passage.

"Let me out, what do you want?"

"Where is this place?"

There were many voices of anger and fear coming from the iron gate. These voices were male and female, but they could all be heard to be very young.

The guard on duty in the passage yelled viciously: "Shut up, if you make any more noise, you will all be killed."

"Who are you and why did you arrest us here?" A bold man asked angrily.

"Shut up." The guard knocked heavily on the iron door, making many people timid and afraid, and finally chose to be quiet.

The middle-aged man just glanced at it, then opened the nearest iron gate, and threw Roy directly inside.

There were already other people in the room, men and women curled up in the corner, their bodies were bruised and purple, looking at the middle-aged man in fear.

"Be honest, as long as you are obedient, you won't be beaten." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and slammed the iron door behind his backhand.

It became quiet outside the iron gate, only the boys and girls curled up in the corner dared to move.

"Woooo, I want to leave here." A girl couldn't help crying.

"It's useless, you can't escape." Someone said with a dull gaze.

"Is he okay?" The girl squatting in the corner pointed to Roy.

Another young man said indifferently: "He won't die, and we still need to use him for experiments, if he dies, he won't be thrown here.

Everyone fell silent when they heard the words, and many people cried silently, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

Some of these people have just been arrested for a few days, and some have been imprisoned for more than half a year, or even longer.

I don't know how long it took before Roy woke up slowly.

He opened his eyes, feeling (cdbb) that his whole body was sore, as if his body was about to fall apart.

"Wake up." A worried voice sounded, and the girl squatting in the corner breathed a sigh of relief.

Roy sat up reflexively, looking around warily.

Seeing other people in the room, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you and where is this place?"

The girl in the corner stood up and explained in a low voice: "We don't know where this place is, everyone was arrested."

"They were all caught?" Roy's pupils constricted, fear welling up in his heart.

"Yes." Someone replied.

Roy's body trembled, and he asked puzzledly, "Who caught us?"

"People from the Tianxu sect arrested us for experiments. The originally silent boy spoke up.

He was the first to be arrested in this room, and he has been imprisoned for more than six months, during which time he was injected with 'deficiency' blood factor four times.

Roy pressed: "What experiment?"

The boy's eyes were red and he said: "I don't know, they will inject a red liquid into my body every once in a while, which will make your life worse than death, but after you get through it, your body will become stronger."

"It will make the body stronger, isn't that good?" A girl who didn't understand asked aloud.

"No, I feel that I can't control myself more and more, and I want to kill someone!" The young man looked at the others with red eyes.


The others were taken aback and quickly hid in the corner.

"Don't worry, I can still control it now." The boy closed his eyes and curled up in a corner.

"No, I'm leaving here, my father and mother will be worried." Roy said excitedly.

The boy with his eyes closed said hoarsely: "If you can't get out, there are guards outside, you can't even get out of this iron gate."

"I don't believe it." Roy shouted excitedly, and pushed hard in front of the iron gate.

But no matter how hard he tried, the door wouldn't budge.

"How come..." Roy's expression turned ugly.

The boy with his eyes closed said hoarsely: "My body has been strengthened, and I can't even open this door, let alone you.

Roy was a little desperate, and roared unwillingly.


Not long after, the iron door was pushed open, and the middle-aged man who had left came back and kicked the boy to the ground.

"If you keep arguing, I'll kill your father and mother." He threatened in a cold tone.

Roy trembled and looked at the man in fear.

I saw him take out a syringe filled with red liquid, plunge it into his arm, and inject the liquid inside.


Roy screamed uncontrollably.

The middle-aged man gave him a cold look, turned and left.


The iron gate was slammed shut.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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