Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2022: The Birth Of The Void Ghost Ii. (3 More)


Roy rolled on the ground, his skin began to turn red, like a boiled prawn, looking very scary.

The other people in the room were just watching, they were very familiar with this scene, they had more or less experienced the same situation before.

The boy who closed his eyes opened them again, and said in a cold tone: "Be patient, just get over it.~"

"Ah, someone help me." Roy showed pain on his face, and his body writhed like a maggot.

"Others can't help you." Someone shook his head.

"You can only rely on yourself to resist, just carry it over, or you will die."

"Everyone is the same."

Everyone spoke to each other, but no one stepped forward to help him.

Roy curled up desperately, trying to relieve the pain in his body in this way, feeling that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and his bones and muscles were repeatedly beaten.

The desire to survive made him persevere, and after an unknown period of time, the pain in his body began to subside.

He lay flat in sweat, feeling powerless all over.


The iron door was reopened, and the middle-aged man who left came back again, but there was another man behind him.

"Master Yilai, this is the newly captured experimental product, which has been injected with the ghost factor." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

The man named Master Yi Lai nodded slowly, knelt down in front of Roy, and carefully checked his condition.

He nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, this experimental product is in good health, and it has overcome the side effects of the 'deficiency' blood factor so quickly."

People with poor physical fitness or infirmity who are injected with 'deficient' blood factors are likely to die suddenly on the spot.

"Then when will you give him the second injection?" The middle-aged man asked respectfully.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it in two days." Master Yilai waved his hand.

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded.

Roy grabbed Master Yilai's leg, raised his eyes and said with red eyes: "Let me out, don't let father and mother worry..."

"It's hard to protect yourself, and you still think about your father and mother?" Roy's hand was kicked off with his feet.

"No, my father will be worried..." Roy's face was bulging with veins.

"Looking for death!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and kicked the boy away.

Master Yilai dissatisfied: "Hey, be gentle with my experimental product, it will be bad if it dies."

"Yes." The middle-aged man saluted respectfully.

Master Yilai glanced at Roy who was curled up, and raised the corner of his lips: "Go and stop his thoughts. y

"Yes." A cold light flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, he turned and left the room.


The iron door was closed again, and Roy lay on the ground clutching his stomach, his mind full of the words before Yilai left.

The next day came quickly, and Roy was sitting on the ground against the wall, with a bowl of dark food in front of him, and it was impossible to tell whether it was green vegetables or meat.

This is their food, and it is a necessity to survive here. After eating, they can quickly fill their stomachs, and they will not starve to death, so that they can carry out subsequent experiments.

The kind girl asked softly, "Why don't you eat?"

Roy didn't speak, just stared at the bowl in a daze.

The girl persuaded: "Eat something, otherwise your body will be starved to death, and your father and mother will be worried when you go back.

"Father, mother..." Roy's eyes lit up.

He hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the bowl and swallowed, thinking that he couldn't starve to death, otherwise how would he go back to see his father and mother.

After a while, a bowl of black food was eaten, and the empty bowl was thrown on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Seeing this, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't want anyone in the room to die.

I don't know how long it took before the iron door was opened, and the middle-aged man came back, this time with two subordinates, holding a tray with sticks of 'deficiency' blood factor inside.

The middle-aged man glanced at the empty bowl on the ground and signaled his subordinates to start working.

They picked up the 'deficiency' blood factor and injected it into everyone's body.

After a while, the ground was full of people crying in pain.


"It hurts, kill me, please."

The middle-aged man looked at this scene with a look of enjoyment on his face, and grinned: "This voice is really wonderful.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Roy was injected with two 'deficient' blood factors in a short period of time, and he endured twice as much pain as others.

"I like this look." The middle-aged man grinned.

He raised his foot to step on the boy's head, leaned over and said with a smirk: "I just like the look in the eyes that hate me but can't kill me."

...asking for flowers...


Roy roared angrily, and his body became more and more red.

The middle-aged man stared at the person lying on the ground, with the corners of his mouth raised all the time.

Two hours later, the side effects of the 'deficiency' blood factor passed, and everyone on the ground stopped struggling.

Two subordinates stepped forward to check, turned around and said, "My lord, three of them died."

"Pull it out and throw it away." The middle-aged man waved his hand.

"Yes." The two agreed, and dragged the three dead people out of the room.

The others looked terrified, and they didn't know how long they could last, maybe they would die next time.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

Roy struggled to sit up and leaned against the wall to look at the middle-aged man. He felt a force in his body that was strengthening his body.


"By the way, I brought you a present." The middle-aged man thought of something, and threw a bloody bag in front of Roy.

Roy frowned, looking at the bloody bag with a bad premonition in his heart.

"Appreciate slowly." The middle-aged man left a meaningful sentence, turned and left the room.

Roy looked at the blood-stained bag, and after a while, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, and pulled the bag open little by little, revealing two blood-stained heads.

He looked at those two familiar faces, with that unrepentant expression, his face turned pale as paper in an instant.

Roy stared, opened his mouth, his body trembled uncontrollably, but he couldn't say a word.

Others in the room couldn't bear to turn their heads away when they saw this, and some retched, seeing such a bloody scene for the first time.

Roy's voice was like a broken gong, howling in pain: "Father, mother..."

His body was shaking, and the next moment he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The death of Luoer and North stimulated him a lot, and his body had just experienced the side effects of the 'deficiency' blood factor, so his body and spirit couldn't bear it and he passed out directly.

With her mouth trembling, the kind-hearted girl looked at the two heads in the bag, stepped forward and pulled the bag up, covering the two unrepentant faces.

Half an hour later, Roy slowly opened his eyes, his complexion still pale as paper.

"Father, mother." He looked at the bag, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and he seemed to have lost his soul.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize it. .

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