Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2023: The Birth Of The Ghost Iii. (1 More)


The iron door was pushed open, and Master Lai and a middle-aged man walked into the room with guards.

The boys and girls in the room trembled and hid in the corner in fear, staring at the adults who came in with fear in their eyes.

Beside the wall, Roy, who had originally had dull eyes, raised his head and stared at Master Lai and the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man grinned and mocked: "It's been five days, haven't you recovered yet?"

Five days ago, he chopped off the heads of Nuo Si and Luo Er, and sent them to the boy himself.

Roy's eyes were bloodshot, like a beast devouring people, and hatred filled his whole mind.

Master Yilai stepped in front of Roy, and said with satisfaction: "In just eight days, it's a miracle to be able to survive four transformations of the 'virtual' blood factor."

It has been eight days since the young man was arrested, during which time he was injected with blood deficiency factors four times, and he persevered through every four, five, and three times.

Others only completed two injections of "deficiency" blood factors, and only those who were caught earlier completed more than four injections of "deficiency" blood factors.

Many people died suddenly because they couldn't bear the huge energy of the 'deficiency' blood factor.

Roy didn't seem to hear Master Yilai's words, and his red eyes were still staring at the middle-aged man.

"Tsk, this look is trying to kill me." The middle-aged man grinned.

Master Yilai smiled playfully, slowly entangled himself and whispered: "With your current strength, you can't kill him, unless you can survive a hundred injections of 'virtual' blood factor, you can kill him he."

Roy has undergone four strengthening transformations of the 'virtual' blood factor, and already has the strength of a second-order powerhouse.

A middle-aged man is an eighth-level powerhouse, and a young man is hundreds of times stronger.

Roy's pupils trembled, he continued to look at the middle-aged man, and then at Master Lai again, the hatred in his heart remained undiminished.

"Master Yilai?" The middle-aged man asked in confusion, what was he whispering?

As soon as Master Lai waved his hand, he said calmly: "It's nothing, just give them an injection.

"Yes. The middle-aged man nodded respectfully and raised his chin towards his subordinates.

The subordinates took out the 'deficient' blood factor and injected progress into everyone in the room.


After a while, there were people lying on the ground struggling in pain, only Roy was leaning against the wall, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain.

"Interesting." The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

He has also been injected with 'deficiency' blood factor, and he knows how much pain it will cause to his body.

"It really didn't disappoint me." Master Yilai smiled with satisfaction.

Two hours later, the people on the ground stopped crying, and five more people stopped breathing permanently.

"Pull it out and bury it." The middle-aged man waved his hand.


Soon the dead were dragged away, and there were only eight people left in the room, each with paler and uglier faces.

Master Yilai said with his hands behind his back: "I hope the rest of you can hold on a few times."

"Ahem, kill me." A seventeen-year-old boy tried to crawl forward with trembling hands.

"That can't be done, you are still valuable." Master Yilai stepped on the boy's palm and crushed it hard.


The young man howled in pain.

Roy looked at him coldly, and felt that his body was much stronger again.

"I hope you have a good night." Master Yi Lai smiled, turned and left the room.


The iron door was slammed shut, and the room fell silent. Roy curled up his legs, quietly waiting for the time to pass.

The girl curled up in the corner tremblingly said: "Roy, I don't think I can last this time."

Roy raised his eyes to look at the girl, was silent for a while, and then said hoarsely: "Only by holding on can we get revenge.

"But I'm so tired, I feel like my head is going to split." The girl's eyes became a little hollow.

"..." Roy fell silent.

The girl's throat moved, and she continued: "I feel that death is a relief.

"Okay." Roy spit out a word after a long time, his eyes gradually turned red.

The girl said weakly: "If you can get out alive, tell my father and mother, I miss them very much."

"Okay." Roy said hoarsely.

The room fell silent again.

Two days later, everyone completed another injection of the 'virtual' blood factor, the girl's breathing stopped, and her eyes were fixed on Roy before she died.

The boy opened his mouth, his eyes were sore and astringent, but no tears flowed.

The girl's body was dragged away, and Roy's eyes followed her as she moved, and finally the iron door was slammed shut.

When the middle-aged man left, there were only three people left in the room...

"Sixth time." Roy murmured softly.

Two days later, the middle-aged man came again and injected the three people with the 'deficiency' blood factor again.

Two hours later, Roy watched the other two corpses being dragged away with a blank expression.

"You are the only one left, and you are doing well." The middle-aged man's eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he saw the possibility of longevity.

Roy closed his eyes and ignored him.

The middle-aged man grinned ferociously, stepped forward and beat Roy hard, and then left the room feeling relieved.

Roy lay on the ground, the pain in his body kept him awake, looking at the empty room, feeling lonely.

Time passed slowly, day by day.

The teenager completed the tenth...twenty...thirty injections of the 'deficiency' blood factor.

At this time, the pupils of his eyes could not see a trace of the whites, and his face was completely blank with no expression.

Half a year has passed, and the number of experimental objects in the underground cell is changing every day. Some people die and others are arrested. Only Roy has a cell to himself.

"The hundredth time." Master Yilai personally injected Roy with the 'deficiency' blood factor, this time the amount was ten times that of the previous one.

Roy's complexion bulged, and he stared at Master Yilai coldly, with murderous intent surging in his heart.

Now the young man has changed a lot, there are many black lines on the surface of the skin, and he has been injected with the 'deficiency' blood factor many times, making his mentality distorted.

At this time, his strength has reached the eighth level of 3.6.

"Master Yilai, this is a miracle. It is the first time someone can resist the modification of the 'virtual' blood factor a hundred times." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

He stepped forward and looked at Roy, his eyes seemed to be looking at a satisfied artwork.

Roy looked at the middle-aged man, suddenly his body exploded, and he reached out and grabbed his neck with lightning speed.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged man's eyes widened angrily, and he didn't expect the young man to suddenly get angry.


In the next second, the middle-aged man's neck was cut off by the teenager, and his head fell to the ground like a gourd.

With a flick of Roy's hand, the headless corpse flew out.

He raised his foot and stepped on it hard, the middle-aged man's head burst open, brains and minced meat sprayed onto the wall.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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