Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2024: The Birth Of The Ghost Four. (2 More)

Roy raised his foot, and a piece of skin fell from the sole of his foot, which belonged to the middle-aged man's face.


Master Yilai looked at the blood stains all over the floor, clicked his tongue and said: "I have endured until now, it's hard for you."

Roy turned his head to look at Master Yi Lai, catapulted his body and started to attack him.

Master Yilai frowned, and the aura of the twelfth step spread out.


Roy rushed forward, and his whole body was slapped on the ground, as if a mountain was crushed on his body.

"Your current strength is at most eighth rank, four realms behind me." Master Yilai stepped on the young man's back.

Roy's face was pale, and his blood-red eyes were fixed on Master Yilai.

"You want to kill me, you are too weak." Master Yi Lai grinned.

He slowly entangled himself, and said word by word: "Even if you receive five hundred injections of 'deficiency' blood factor, you still can't beat me.

After he finished speaking, he raised his foot, and then stepped on it hard, breaking the boy's wrist and ankle.


Roy groaned, but tried not to let out a scream.

"You know, in Tianxu Sect, there are twelve people who are as strong as me, and you will never have a chance to take revenge." Master Yi Lai sneered a few times.

23 Roy gritted his teeth, his mind was full of Master Yi Lai's words, knowing that he was still too weak.

"Be honest." Master Yilai left the room with his hands behind his back.

Soon guards came in and dragged away the middle-aged man's body, leaving a pool of bright red blood on the ground, and no one came to clean it up until it dried up.

Roy's body trembled, and he turned over enduring the severe pain. He felt a little itchy in his wrists and ankles, and the broken bones were connected again.

His pupils dilated slightly, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Two days later, his injuries healed, and he received three times the previous injection of the factor.

"One hundred and three times..." Roy looked at the closed iron door, then raised his hand to look at the shackles on his body.

In order to prevent him from harming himself and attacking others, the people of Tianxu Sect specially asked a senior spiritual weapon master to refine a set of shackles to bind the boy's body.

Roy's blood-red eyes flickered, and he whispered softly: "Since you can't be better than you five hundred times, then six hundred times, seven hundred times, or a thousand times."

In the following five years, the boy was injected with the improved 'deficiency' blood factor four hundred times successively.

Now, his skin has turned black, his hair has completely fallen out, and his eyes have become narrow and bright red.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Roy pulled the spiritual weapon shackles on his body, but found that he still couldn't break free, the veins on his forehead bulged, and the tyrannical breath spread out.

His strength has already approached the eleventh level, and his body has also grown a few circles compared to a few years ago, looking like a monster.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The iron door was opened, and Master Lai led the people into the cell.

Master Yilai said with satisfaction: "Don't struggle anymore, the spirit weapon on your body was refined by five senior spirit weapon masters, and you can't break free even with the strength of the twelfth level."

Roy looked at the few people with cold eyes and remained silent.

"Go, try the new 'virtual' blood factor for him." Master Yilai said indifferently.

"Yes." The subordinate responded, stepped forward, and took out two pure black new 'virtual' blood factors.

This is newly researched by Master Yi Lai, using Roy's blood and adding a variety of new drugs, the effect is three times that of the previous "virtual" factor.


The subordinate was stunned for a moment, and found that the needle could not pierce Roy's skin, and the needle broke directly.

"My lord, his skin is too hard." The subordinate hurriedly said.

"Then cut the skin with a knife first." Master Yi Lai flicked his hand, and a short knife landed in front of his subordinate.

They picked up the short knife, cut open the skin on Roy's arm with difficulty, and then inserted the needle into it for injection.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Roy shook his body, feeling the new 'deficiency' blood factor flowing in the blood vessels, changing the flesh and bones, and the process was very fast.

He closed his eyes, held back his silence, and pretended it didn't work.

Master Yilai frowned: "Is there no effect?"

"Continue to inject." He thought for a while and ordered to increase the area.

The subordinate obeyed and injected Roy with five more 'deficiency' blood factors.

In the following six months, Roy received dozens of injections of 'deficient' blood factors, and his strength steadily increased.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps sounded outside the door.

Roy looked up and "whispered: "The nine hundred and ninetieth time. "


The iron door was pushed open, Master Yi Lai led the guards into the cell, and brought today's 'virtual' blood factor.

"I think, now you should be looking forward to seeing me." Master Yi Lai said indifferently.

Roy didn't speak, just waited with lowered eyes.

"Go ahead and give him an injection. Master Yilai nodded as usual.

The subordinate obeyed the order and stepped forward, cut open Roy's black skin with a knife, and inserted the needle for injection.

Roy's breathing became heavy, the nine hundred and ninetieth injection was completed, and the wound cut by the dagger healed completely in the next second.

At the same time, his aura began to rise, and he broke through the holy rank in just five minutes, and his strength surpassed Master Yi Lai, reaching an unknown rank.

"Thirteenth step?" Master Yilai screamed, his voice changed.

He quickly calmed down again, and said in a serious tone: "No, there is no thirteenth rank in the world, and you are not.


Mi Mi Mi

Roy tilted his head and asked in a strange voice: "Now, can I kill you?"

"You, what do you want to do?" Master Yilai took two steps back.

"Bang 917~~~"

Roy shook violently, and the spirit on his body exploded into pieces.

He stood up, and the terrifying breath spread out.

The two subordinates rolled their eyes, twitched and fell to the ground, and were shocked to death by the coercion.


Roy opened his blood-colored eyes, his body shot out, and the next moment he appeared behind Master Yi Lai, holding his head with his broad hands.

"You..." As soon as Master Lai raised his hand, he was about to fight back, but he was not Roy's opponent at all. two


Roy opened his mouth wide, bit off Master Yi Lai's head in one gulp, chewed it like a brittle bone several times, and swallowed it.

"It tastes pretty good." He grinned grimly.

After nine hundred and ninety injections of the 'virtual' blood factor, Roy has lost his humanity, and his personality has become violent and murderous.

He licked the teeth that had become sharp, and swallowed the remaining 'virtual' blood factor completely, and his strength improved again.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's not as good as Master Yi Lai's." Roy grinned, as if climbing up from hell.

He seems to have discovered a new continent, the taste of the strong is so fascinating.


Roy pierced the cell directly and started the massacre.

"Humans, you should all die." His voice echoed underground.

ps: [2 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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