Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2025: The Birth Of The Void Ghost Five. (3 More)


On the ground, Roy tore the approaching guard in half, tasted a mouthful of flesh and blood, and threw it aside in disgust.

"The strength is too weak, it's not tasty." He curled his lips and continued to torture and kill other people.

"Help, what kind of monster is this?" the guards shouted in horror.

However, their calls for help were of no avail, and after a few breaths, they turned into corpses all over the place.

"Jie Jie Jie, this feels so wonderful." Roy licked the flesh between his fingers, his attention fell on the cells on both sides of the road.


With his hands, he dismantled all the cells, and the living subjects inside looked at him in horror.

Roy narrowed his scarlet eyes, thought for a while before speaking: "Follow me, or die."

"I, I don't want to die." An experimental subject shouted hastily.

"I don't want to die either." Many people hurriedly said.

"Very good." Roy nodded in satisfaction, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of black mist, covering everyone present.

This is the black mist with the mutated 'virtual' blood factor, which penetrates into the limbs and bones of these experimental subjects and changes their bodies.


The experimental subjects screamed, their strength began to rise, their bodies turned jet black, and their size also increased rapidly, and they soon turned into monsters that were neither human nor ghost.

The black mist dissipated, and some people exploded to death because they couldn't bear the energy of the black mist. Only eight people survived.

Roy grinned and said, "Jie Jie Jie, my people, come out with me to change the world."

"Yes, my lord." The eight experimental subjects who had turned into monsters knelt down and saluted at the same time.

Roy raised his head and said in a strange voice: "Call me Emperor Xu, your emperor."

"Yes, Lord Xuhuang!" The experimental subjects saluted respectfully.

"Let's go." Roy's eyes were blood red, and he opened his mouth to aim at the soil layer above his head.

The next moment, he spewed out a ten-meter-thick breath, turning the soil above his head into dust.

Roy jumped up and flew to the ground.

The other experimental subjects kept up. Affected by Roy and the 'deficiency' blood factor in their bodies, they were no longer human beings, and the killing instinct was engraved into their souls.


They left the ground, alarming the surrounding people. Seeing the terrifying Roy and others, they all screamed in fright.

Roy made a sound in disgust: "It's so noisy, everyone deserves to die."

He breathed out and destroyed all the surrounding buildings, turning hundreds of people into fly ash.

"Jie Jie Jie, ruin this place for me." Roy ordered.

"Yes." The eight experimental subjects responded, rushed out at an astonishing speed, and began to massacre the people without distinction.

"I need more followers." Roy grinned, and sprayed a large black mist, covering the surrounding streets.

"Ahem, what is this?" Someone inhaled the black mist, many scarlet lines appeared on his body, and his eyes turned blood red.

In just a few minutes, they turned into monsters, their skin turned jet black, and black horns grew from their heads.

"Jie Jie Jie

They screamed strangely and rushed towards other normal people, and the fighting began.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's so beautiful." Luo Gong looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction.

The originally bustling city of Yoshik became thick with smoke, screams sounded one after another, more and more people died, and more and more people were infected.

Lie Suotu was alarmed, woke up from the retreat, and led other strong men from the City Lord's Mansion to encircle and suppress Roy.

"Damn you all." Roy stared angrily, and started to fight.

Today's strength has surpassed the twelfth level, and is stronger than Lie Suotu, only one step away from the legendary thirteenth level.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this?" Lie Suotu spat out blood, and was seriously injured by Roy after several fights.

The other powerhouses were even more invincible, and were beaten and retreated steadily. Some were directly torn into several pieces by Roy's hands, and blood spilled all over the ground.

Roy said indifferently: "Surrender to me, or die."

"I surrender." An eleventh-level powerhouse knelt down tremblingly.

"Very good." Roy relished being bowed down.

A tentacle protruded from his shoulder, piercing through the shoulder of the eleventh-level powerhouse, injecting the mutated 'virtual' blood factor into his body, turning him into a monster like himself.

Roy looked at the others, his killing intent was almost out of control.

"I surrender too."

The others fell to their knees one after another, and were injected with 'virtual' blood factor by Roy, changing their bodies and consciousness, turning them into murderous monsters.

Roy waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, subdue more subordinates, and kill those useless humans."

"Yes." The mutated humans got up and scattered, starting to attack other humans.

Lie Suotu looked at Roy in horror, and seeing him walking towards him, he quickly turned around and prepared to run away.

With a flash of his body, Roy appeared in front of Lie Suotu, raised his foot and stepped on him, lowered his head and asked, "Jie Jie Jie, I have been tortured for seven years, don't say you don't know what Tianxu Sect has done. "

々I, I don't know. Lie Suotu's pupils trembled, and he pretended to be calm and denied it aloud.

Roy stepped hard, causing Lie Suotu's chest to sag, and his head burst open.

He said coldly: No, you know, you are also the master of Tianxu 1 and 2. the y

When he was imprisoned in the cell, he had heard Lie Suotu's voice outside, and he still remembered it.

Lie Suotu's pupils constricted, how did he know?

He is indeed the leader of Tianxu Sect, the real master, and it is because of his existence that the missing people in the city will not be taken seriously.

"It really is you." Roy's blood-colored eyes widened.

"Damn it." Lie Suo Tu violently resisted, enduring the severe pain and fighting Roy.

His strength was still too weak, half an hour later, Roy bit off his head.

"This taste is so wonderful." Roy's eyes sparkled, his face full of enjoyment.

He joined the massacre of human beings. In just one day, the city of Yoshik was slaughtered. (Qian Hao) suffered countless human deaths and injuries. More than 10,000 people were infected and became Roy's subordinates.

Roy looked at his subordinates and shouted loudly: "Jie Jie Jie, from now on, we are the Void Race, a race more noble than humans.

"Yes, we are the Xu clan." The infected powerhouses shouted, with fanaticism in their eyes.

Roy's body size began to skyrocket. In just ten minutes, his body size became 100 meters larger, and eight pairs of wings grew from his back, spreading out to cover the sky and the sun.

He looked down at his subordinates standing on the ruins, and waved: "Go, kill all humans."

"Yes. The powerhouses of the Xu Clan responded in unison and started a new round of slaughter against humans.

Thus began the war between humans and the Voids, which lasted eight years. Under the leadership of Roy, they were defeated in the end.

The surviving human beings call the Xu Clan the Xu Gui, a group of monsters who only know how to kill.


ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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