Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2026: The Reason For The Continental Change. (1 More)

Eight floors highland, back garden.

Mu Liang and the others fell into a long silence after listening to Xu Bawang's words.

"Jie Jie Jie, human beings have resisted for eight hundred years, but they were defeated in the end." Xu Ba Wang grinned.

"What are you proud of, a prisoner?" Alina was so angry that she couldn't help cursing. "Xu Bawang's eyes widened angrily, his blood-colored eyes fixed on the pink-haired girl.

"What about me? I'll slap you." Alina flicked her hand and slapped Xu Bawang.


Xu Bawang was a little dazed, it was the first time he was slapped in the face by a human, and he didn't react.

Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it, Xu Bawang's mouth was closed, he couldn't say a word, he could only stare blankly.

Li Yue said in horror: "It turns out that Xu Gui was born in this way, and this 'Xu' blood factor is too terrifying."

Yan Bing was shocked and said, "It's been 10,000 years, Roy is still alive, I'm afraid he really became the tomb of the Xu clan!"

Mu Liang looked at Xu Ba Wang coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "Then how were you born, were you once human?"

The Eighth King Xu said strangely: "Jie Jie Jie, of course not, our Twelve Ghost Kings were split from Lord Xuhuang, and our bloodline is more noble."

In the 800 years that Roy led the Xu clan to fight against human beings, he used the "Xuan" blood to transform the body with 480 sons, splitting twelve ghost kings, and let them lead the Xu clan to exterminate human beings.

"Noble?" Alina felt her hands itch, squinting her beautiful pink eyes and staring at Xu Bawang unkindly.

"..." Xuba Wang closed his mouth wisely.

"Then why did the old continent become like this?" Mu Liang asked in a deep voice.

Xu Bawang said hoarsely: "This is for the complete extinction of human beings. Master Xu Huang used his ability to destroy this continent."

Under the influence and transformation of the "virtual" blood factor, Roy became disgusted and hated human beings, and his personality was completely distorted.

In order to completely exterminate human beings, he used his own ability to infect and polluted the old continent with the Twelve Void Ghost Kings.

At the same time, they destroyed the water source and devoured all life forms that could be devoured, including green plants and ferocious beast lotus.

Due to the destruction of the environment, the outbreak of natural disasters, landslides, tsunamis, desertification, etc., the sky and the sun are blocked, and the sunlight cannot shine on the land. The vitality of this continent is gradually cut off.

The whole process lasted for thousands of years. In order to accomplish this goal, Roy consumed a lot, and because he created the twelve ghost kings, he finally fell into a deep sleep. (cdba) Before falling asleep, Roy still ordered the virtual ghost kings to continue cleaning up the remnants of humans.

Liyue was heartbroken when she heard the words, "How much does he hate human beings..."

Elina put her hands on her hips, snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, after all this time has passed, human beings still survive."

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Xu Bawang sneered, and continued: "We have strangled human beings for thousands of years, do you really think we can't exterminate you?"

"What do you mean?" Alina frowned.

"We found that devouring you humans can improve your own strength. As long as you eat enough, you will eventually be able to evolve into a stronger existence. In the future, you may be able to reach the emperor level that Lord Xuhuang said." Xu Bawang's eyes showed yearning color.

He grinned and said: "Lord Xuhuang is already asleep, if you humans are all dead, what will we eat in the future, what will we improve our strength?"

In order to improve their strength and pry into higher levels of power, the virtual ghost kings treated human beings as blood food and began to raise human beings in captivity.

"What is the imperial rank?" Li Yue asked coldly.

Xu Bawang explained: "The emperor rank is a realm beyond the twelfth rank, and it was named by Master Xu Huang himself."

"Then why isn't it called the thirteenth step?" Alina pouted.

"Because there is no strong person at the thirteenth level, and no one has reached the so-called third level."

Xu Bawang said in a hoarse voice: "Master Xu Huang also doesn't like the division of realms for you humans, so he named them emperor ranks."

Mu Liang frowned and asked, "Emperor Xu has reached the imperial rank?"

Xu Ba Wang took a look at Mu Liang, and under pressure he still answered truthfully: "No, Lord Xu Huang was half a step above the imperial rank before he fell asleep."

"Half-step imperial step..." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

"In order to reach the emperor rank, you deliberately let the humans in the Old Continent survive." A cold light flashed in Li Yue's eyes.

Xu Bawang nodded and admitted: "That's right, we agreed that we can only wake up and harvest blood food when the blood moon falls, and we can't eat all of it."

"So that's how it is." Alina and the others looked at each other in shock.

Xu Bawang sneered and said: "Jie Jie Jie, if it wasn't for this reason, your human race would have been extinct long ago.

"That's right. Mu Liang gave Xu Ba Wang a cold look.

Xu Bawang's complacent expression froze, and he silently closed his mouth.

How do you make the 'virtual' blood factor?" Mu Liang asked.

Xu Bawang said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know about this, ten thousand years have passed, maybe Lord Xu Huang doesn't even know."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a strange voice: "Jie Jie Jie, don't you also want to use the 'virtual' blood factor to increase your strength?"

Mu Liang said coldly: "I don't want to become a monster."

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The Eight Kings of Xu taunted: "You humans are the monsters, if it weren't for the 'Xu' blood factor researched by the Tianxu Sect and you humans, our Master Xu Huang wouldn't exist.

"That's the fault of Tian Xujiao." Alina said coldly.

"That's you human beings too." Xu Ba Wang's eyes showed playfulness.

Alina proudly said: "Now you ghosts are defeated."

Xu Ba Wang said proudly: "Really, when Master Xu Huang wakes up, this continent will eventually be destroyed. 11

For his smug smile, Mu Liang just gave him a sharp look to make him shut up, and went silent with a dark face.

Mu Liang asked in a cold voice: "Where are the rest of the virtual ghost's lair?"

Xu Bawang opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

"Don't tell me?" Mu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dark green liquid flowed out from his fingertips, which was the centipede's toxin.

Xu Bawang's body trembled, the desire to survive made him speak.

"In the mountains outside Wanku Forest." He said angrily.

In the lair outside Wanku Forest, the high-level virtual ghosts in it were all bred by him, and the low-level virtual ghosts were multiplied layer by layer by the high-level virtual ghosts. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are descendants.

"What else?" Mu Liang asked indifferently.

Xu Bawang said in a deep voice: "I don't know about other lairs, they belong to other ghost kings."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "If this is the case, then you are useless."

"What do you mean?" Xu Bawang raised his voice.

"Shut up." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to seal Xu Bawang's mouth, and took him into the inner space to imprison him.

He won't kill the Eighth King Xu for the time being, it will be useful later.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly: "It turns out that the reason for the change in the continent is this..."

Liyue and the others fell silent, digesting the unbelievable information.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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