Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2027: The Sinners Of Humanity. (2 More)

Heights, inside the palace.

Mu Liang and the others sat in the main hall, digesting the information brought by Xu Bawang, which shocked the minds of all the women.

Yue Qinlan, Yue Feiyan and the others had already returned, and after hearing what Mu Liang and the others told, they were shocked.

Xi Beiqi was shocked and said: "It turned out to be like this, no wonder there was acid rain in the old continent, water resources were scarce, and it was difficult to grow green plants... It was all because of Roy.

Yueqin's blue eyes were cold, and her tone was murderous: "Because of an experiment, the mainland has become like this, this day Xujiao deserves to die."

Shibeki was filled with righteous indignation: "The sinner of mankind."

Yue Feiyan said angrily: "Tian Xu Sect has made a big mistake, and it is abhorrent that the Xu Clan wants to destroy all human beings.

Mu Liang is silent, where will Xu Huang be?

"Muliang?" Yue Qinlan asked in doubt.

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "I was thinking, Emperor Xu was a half-step emperor step ten thousand years ago, so after sleeping for so many years, his strength has fallen, or has he become stronger?"

"I... don't know." Yue Qinlan slowly shook her head.

"The Void Emperor split the twelve Void Ghost Kings, so the strength should be weaker?" Elena asked uncertainly.

Yue Qinlan said in a solemn tone: "It's hard to say."

Xi Beiqi clenched her fist and waved it: "It's best to continue to sleep deeply, and then fall asleep directly."

"This is the most impossible way to die." Yue Feiyan rolled her eyes.

"I'll just talk about it." Xi Beiqi grinned and showed her small canine teeth.

Yue Qinlan said in a solemn tone: "The most troublesome thing now is how to find the other ghost kings, and where is the emperor sleeping?"

"It's really troublesome." Mu Liang responded.

Alina suggested: "Would you like to stop interrogating the other Void Ghost Kings?"

Mu Liangmu's avatar caught three virtual ghost kings this time, and they were all imprisoned in the internal space.

"I asked before, and the answer is the same." Mu Liang sighed.

"Okay." Elena also sighed.

"Where will Emperor Xu be..." Li Yue pondered.

Everyone fell silent.

"What if we let Raya do the divination?" Elina asked again.

Mu Liang shook his head, and said lightly: "Xu Huang is much stronger than her, she can't figure it out, if he takes it forcibly, he will die.

Laya told him about this restriction. She was seriously injured and recuperated for a long time when she forcibly calculated the location of the mysterious island and Texid in the misty sea.

"Okay." Alina nodded disappointedly.

Mu Liang comforted: "Let's let it be, there's no use worrying now."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Xi Beiqi and the others responded.

Yue Qinlan remembered something, stood up and said: "I'm going to find my sister, she has been investigating the reason for the change in the mainland for so many years, and now I finally know the reason, I want to tell her personally.

"Go." Mu Liang agreed.

Yue Qinlan turned around and left the main hall, and flew to the film and television city in a transport spaceship.

In the main hall, Mu Liang looked at the women with sad faces, and said, "With me here, you don't have to be afraid when Emperor Xu wakes up.

Elena nodded vigorously, and said delicately: "Yeah, Mu Liang is so strong, Emperor Xu can also blow him up."

"That's right, improvement is invincible." Xi Beiqi and Menstruation Yan echoed.

There was a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, and he thought that he should save up some evolution points, and let the rock turtle or the tree of life evolve to level 13, so as to deal with Roy who might wake up.

With a thought, he opened his own four-dimensional attribute panel.

Trainer: Mu Liang.

Physical strength: 23492.2. Speed: 23514.0.

Strength: 23499.9. Spirit: 23500.5.

Lifespan: 25 years/133071 years.

Domestication point: 7012. Evolution points: 2732, 9973, 8489.

Abilities: Throwing Leaves into Beasts (Level 9), Enlightenment (Level 9), Body Changing (Level 8), Blood Poison Control (Level 6), Soul Poison (Level 5), Enormization (Level 3).


Domesticated Beast: Rock Shell Turtle Talent: Black Hole Gravity (Level 12).

King Bee·Talent: Contract Induction (Level 10).

Hexagonal Bloodthirsty · Talent: Blood Poison Control (Level 6).

Centipede·Talent: Soul Toxin (Level 5).

Four-Eared Golden Beast · Talent: Enormization (Level 3).


domesticated plants:

Fengshu·Talent: Sprinkle Leaves into Beasts (Level 9).

Bodhi Grass Talent: Enlightenment (Level 9).

Blue Silver Water Plant‧Talent: Weaken Domain (Level 5).


"Twenty-seven billion evolutionary points, not much difference." Mu Liang whispered softly.

His eyes flickered, and he needed to study more ways to earn Warcraft spar and Fierce Beast spar.

Xi Beiqi blinked her golden eyes, hesitated, and said: "Mu Liang, the ancestor wants to see you.

"Texid? Haven't left yet?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

...asking for flowers...

"No, the ancestor has always lived in the highlands." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

Mu Liang has been very busy, and the vampire girl didn't remind Texid about it.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said calmly: "Let him wait for me in the living room."

"Yes." Xi Beiqi's golden eyes lit up.

She turned and left the palace to tell the old ancestor the good news, at least in the girl's eyes, it was good news.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She took the escalator and walked to the place where Texid lived layer by layer, organizing the language in her mind.

Xi Beiqi slowed down, frowned and muttered: "The ancestor is too proud, what if Mu Liang is angered?"

"Mu Liang is so powerful, the ancestor should restrain his bad temper..." Her eyes flickered.

The vampire girl shook her head vigorously, not thinking too much, and walked quickly to the courtyard where the ancestor lived.

She pushed open the courtyard door forcefully, ran in hastily, and shouted, "Old Ancestor, Mu Liang promised to see you."

"Yelling, more and more unruly." Leopolo's voice came from the room.

"Hmph, the ancestor didn't mention me." Xibeqi muttered, opened the door and went in.

Texid stood up and asked in a deep voice, "You said Mu Liang can see me?"

"Yes, I just asked. Xi Beiqi nodded.

"Then let's go." Texid said, flicking his sleeves, and walked out.

Xi Beiqi hurriedly persuaded, "Old Ancestor, remember not to anger Mu Liang."

"Understood." Texid said in a deep voice.

Xi Beiqi sighed and said, "I'd better go with you, so as not to offend Mu Liang, and I can stop the old ancestor from being slapped to death.

..." The corners of Texid's eyes twitched, is it too late for this junior?

Orlis said angrily: "Xi Beiqi, why did you talk to the ancestor?"

"Understood, don't shout." Xi Beiqi nodded.

Texid raised his hand to give the vampire girl a headache, and said in a deep voice, "I'm awake."

"Hee hee, hang out!" Xi Beiqi covered her head and smiled playfully.

"Let's go." Texid showed helplessness in his eyes, and walked out of the yard.

Shibeki turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Oris and Leopold before turning around and catching up with Tesheed.

"Let's go together." Leopolo's eyes twitched, and he followed.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize again. .

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