Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2030: Mission Accomplished. (2 More)

At night, somewhere in the mountains of the Old Continent.

The sky is full of dark clouds, the wind is rumbling, and you can't see your fingers in the mountains.

Under the mountains, mountains of meat slowly squirmed. In the middle of the mountain looking around, the Three Xu Kings were asleep, with black emptiness surrounding their bodies.


Xu Sanwang is very big, standing more than 100 meters tall, with four pairs of wings folded behind his back.

He has been asleep for more than five hundred years and has never woken up during this period.

However, it, which has been sleeping for five hundred years, shows signs of awakening at this time.

"The auras of Xu Ba Wang, Xu Jiu Wang, and Xu Liu Wang are gone." Xu San Wang, who had his eyes closed, suddenly spoke hoarsely.

"My lord!" The other high-ranking virtual ghosts on the mountain of meat all woke up, and hurriedly came to salute in front of the three kings.

Xu Sanwang ordered in a deep voice: "Go, find out what happened recently, the auras of Xu Bawang, Xu Liuwang and Xu Jiuwang can no longer be sensed."

It will take some time for him to fully wake up, and he can only give an order with a little thought.

"Yes." The high-ranking virtual ghosts respectfully saluted, their hearts were full of shock, how many grown-ups have lost contact?

"When will Lord Xuhuang wake up..." The third king Xu left the last sentence, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.

The underground space became quiet again, and the high-ranking virtual ghosts looked at each other.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost asked aloud: "Who has been to the lair where these three adults are?"

Xu Gui, who was at the ninth level of strength, said: "I went to Lord Xu Bawang's lair and died in Wanku.

"The lairs of the other two adults are very hidden, I have never been there." The other high-ranking virtual ghosts shook their heads.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost ordered: "Then go to Wanku Forest, maybe we can find clues."

"Yes." The other six high-level virtual ghosts responded in a deep voice.


In less than five minutes, the high-ranking virtual ghosts had put on human skins and were about to leave the cave.

Only high-level virtual ghosts can do such things as investigating the situation. After all, low-level virtual ghosts are not smart enough to disguise themselves in human skin.

The high-ranking virtual ghosts left their lairs and rushed towards the location of Wankulin.

"If Lord Xuhuang wakes up and knows that there are so many humans in this continent, will he be angry?" Ninth-level Xugui asked.

The eleventh-level Xu ghost said indifferently: "This is what the Lord Xu Sanwang has to bear, and it has nothing to do with us.

The tenth-level ghost said: "Maybe before Lord Xu Huang wakes up, he will take advantage of the next blood moon to kill all the remaining humans."

"You don't have to wait for the blood moon to come." The eleventh-level ghost grinned.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The tenth-order virtual ghost said hoarsely: "I still hope to keep some human beings in captivity, and I want to become stronger."

The eleventh-level Xugui grinned and said: "You can go to another continent, after all, Lord Xuhuang did not order to clean up the humans on the other side of the continent."

Too bad to live. The virtual ghosts laughed grinningly.

Three days later, they arrived at Wankulin.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost pulled the human skin on his body, and said hoarsely: "Where is the lair?"

The ninth-order virtual ghost looked around, looking for familiar traces.

The Wanku Forest is still full of wind and sand, and they are looking for Xu Bawang's ghost lair outside the Wanku Forest.

After half a day, the ninth-level virtual ghost got up and quickly pointed to the mountains in the distance: "My lord, I found it, it's over there.

"Very good." The eyes of the eleventh-level ghosts lit up, and they rushed away with other high-level ghosts.

Wait until they come to the mountains and look for the entrance to the lair.

"The emptiness here is very strong, there is nothing wrong with it." The tenth-level emptiness ghost took a deep breath, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Go down." The eleventh-level virtual ghost gave an order, and burrowed into the ground.

The other high-ranking ghosts followed and went deep underground to the ghost's lair, and a familiar aura rushed over.

"Jie Jie Jie, why are you here?" The familiar strange laughter sounded, and the high-level virtual ghosts in the lair woke up.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost said seriously: "We adults feel that your aura has disappeared, let us investigate.

"Our lord's breath is gone?" the high-ranking virtual ghost in the lair exclaimed in astonishment.

The eleventh-level ghost nodded and said: "Yes, not only your lords, but the auras of Lord Xu Liu Wang and Xu Jiu Wang are also gone."

The high-ranking virtual ghost in the lair was shocked and said, "How come, our lord has entered the square pillar forest."

"Why go to Wanku Forest?" the eleventh-level Xugui asked in a deep voice.

The high-level virtual ghost in the lair said in a deep voice: "Use the transport spaceship of Bird City to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and then go to the New World by way."

"It's so complicated..." The eleventh-level ghost pouted.

He was puzzled and said, "Then why did the other two adults lose their breath?"

The high-level virtual ghost in the lair guessed: "Could it be related to the gathering of adults?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget that the adults still have a party." The eleventh-level ghost said hoarsely.


"What sound?" He felt a chill all over, and a strange breath appeared in the lair.

"This number is more than expected." The cold voice sounded in the darkness, awakening all the virtual ghosts.

"々Who is it?" The eleventh-level virtual ghost said angrily.

"This voice is human!" The ninth-level virtual ghost said in a startled voice.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost opened its mouth and exhaled, illuminating the dark underground space.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked calm, avoiding the attacking breath.

As soon as he arrived here, he heard the virtual ghosts talking.

After Xu Bawang told Mu Liang the location of the Xu ghost's lair, he asked the life elemental spirit to restore the wooden clone as soon as possible, so that he could clean up the Xu ghost in the lair.

"It really is a human being." The eleventh-level virtual ghost glared at it.

Xu Gui in the lair exclaimed in shock: "You brought him in?"

"No, we don't know either." The tenth-level virtual ghost from outside hastily denied that if this crime falls on his head, he will be torn alive by adults.

"Don't waste time." Mu Liangmu's avatar raised his hand, purple arcs danced all over his body.

He moved, distorting the underground space, and the gravity of the black hole appeared, covering the surrounding virtual ghosts.

A group (of Zhao's) of low-level virtual ghosts exploded to death, black blood splashed everywhere, and were quickly scorched by purple lightning.

Affected by the heavy domain, ghosts cannot fly, and it becomes extremely difficult to avoid attacks.

Mu Liangmu's avatar did not hold back, and strangled all the virtual ghosts in the lair with all its strength.

"Damn it." The eleventh-level virtual ghost showed fear in his eyes, and he had no chance of winning against Mu Liangmu's avatar.

The gravity field is also active on him, making it difficult for him to move.


The entire underground space is shrouded in purple arcs, and the dazzling purple light can blind the eyes,


Two hours later, the mountains collapsed, filling the void ghost's lair.

Mu Liangmu's avatar appeared in the air, looking at the dusty area, his eyes were still calm.

"Mission accomplished. He whispered softly, and his body disappeared into the air.

ps: [2 more]: Xi J. .

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