Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2031: Shut Up, Shame On You. (3 More)

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

On the other side of the misty sea, under the blue sky, a large ship was advancing against the wind.

At the bow of the boat, Laiwu was playing with a jade stone in his hand, looking at the sea ahead.

"Big sister, you should be able to reach the Misty Sea today." Da Luo came to the bow.

"En." Laiwu replied vaguely.

She looked forward with her beautiful eyes, and there were a few bright lights at the end of her sight, which were lightning in the stormy sea.

Laiwu cheered up, and instructed: "Let everyone be vigilant, and don't bring weapons ashore, so as not to attract people from the Xuanwu Kingdom to check the ship."

"Yes." Da Luo also cheered up. The sea of ​​storms can be seen here, which means that the sea of ​​mist is coming.

He hurriedly turned around to convey the order, so that the thieves could disguise themselves so as not to be discovered when entering the Xuanwu Kingdom.


Half an hour later, the big ship approached the Misty Sea, and the huge portal could be seen from a distance.

The portal of the Xuanwu Kingdom is too conspicuous, the glazed texture glistens in the sunlight, and the surrounding lightning is attracted by the lightning arrester on the portal, all gathered in one place, making it particularly conspicuous.

"Is this the entrance to the Xuanwu Kingdom?" the thieves exclaimed.

"It's too dazzling."

"It's so special, it looks like a portal to the residence of the gods."

The thieves were amazed again and again, and they crowded to the bow of the ship to look around.

"Get the hell out of here." 077 Da Luo scolded cursingly: "Whoever dares to reveal their identities when they go ashore later, I'll take your skin off.

"Hey, no, we have experience. The thieves laughed.

"We're going in." Laiwu said coldly.

The big ship sails into the glazed gate, and the customs and port can be seen from a distance.

Laiwu withdrew his gaze and looked at the inside of the Liuli Gate, and saw that there were gun barrels on it, moving the muzzles with the big ship.

There are also two rows of platforms 20 meters above the sea level inside the Liuli Gate, on which there are naval soldiers stationed. They hold military crossbows and sniper rifles to guard, and pay attention to the movements of passing ships.

"The guards are really strict." Da Luo shrank his neck.

Laiwu snorted coldly: "So be alert to me, don't have any accidents.

"Yes." The thieves responded in unison.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The speed of the big ship slowed down, and it sailed away from the glazed gate and entered the sea of ​​mist. In the distance on both sides of the ship was the surging fog, revealing the unknown and mystery.

"This is the first time I've come into the Sea of ​​Misty." Da Luo opened his mouth, his face full of surprise.

Laiwu pouted: "It doesn't look like anything special."

A thief suggested: "big sister, why don't you go to the foggy area to have a look?"

Laiwu rolled his eyes at him: "If you want to die, you can go by yourself, and the boat on the boat can be borrowed from you."

"Just kidding." The thief smiled bitterly.

He slandered in his heart, obviously it was Laiwu who said it was nothing special, why he joked about going in to have a look, and he had to be scolded.


The big ship approached the port slowly, and under the guidance of the staff on the port, it finally stopped at the No. 58 berth.

"Leave a few people to watch the boat, and the rest can move freely, remember not to reveal your identity." Laiwu said with a serious face.

"I want to disembark."

"I also want!"

"..." For a while, everyone squeezed forward.

"You and you...stay on the boat, and I will send someone to bring you food." Laiwu raised his hand and pointed at the five people.

She said coldly: "After the buyer is confirmed, sell all the things on the boat, and then it will be your turn to move freely."

"Ah, alright." The thief who was selected to stay behind had a displeased face, but he didn't dare to refute Laiwu's meaning, and reluctantly took a few steps back.

The rest of the thieves showed smug smiles and clapped each other's hands. They were all looking forward to the next trip. After all, the Xuanwu Kingdom's reputation is very good.

Laiwu glanced at them, then pointed at the two of them and said: "You still have you, responsible for purchasing food."

"Yes." The two selected were like eggplants beaten by frost, but they were also happier than the left-behind thieves.

"Let's get off the boat." Laiwu packed up several stone stele rubbings and animal skins, and was about to get off the boat and go to the Xuanwu Kingdom to find the seller.

Da Luo carried an animal skin bag on his back, which contained treasures dug out from the tomb, and he would also throw them away in the (cdbc) Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

A few people walked up the port, and saw a row of escalators running from a distance.

"Hey, what's that?" Da Luo stepped forward and said in surprise.

"The moving ladder is amazing." The other thieves exclaimed.

"Shut up, shame on you." Lai Wu's eyes twitched.

Da Luo exaggeratedly shouted: "big sister, the ladder that can move, this is amazing."

Laiwu put his hands on his forehead and walked towards the escalator.

After the production of automatic hands goes up, it is also equipped with several escalators to attract tourists.

"When taking the escalator, please stand firmly, do not lean on the handrail, pay attention to your feet and be careful not to fall, and do not exceed the yellow line area in the stairs to avoid pinching

Next to the escalator, there is a music player playing prompts in a loop, and there are staff guarding beside it to avoid accidents.

Laiwu listened to it for a while, then stepped on the steps of the escalator as he did, quickly stood firm and supported, and was transported to the upper floor with surprise in his eyes.

"How?" she murmured softly.

"Hey, big sister also thinks it's amazing, right?" Da Luo's voice sounded behind the woman.

"Shut up." Laiwu's eyes flickered, he raised his chin proudly, and strode towards the customs entrance.

She followed the staff's guidance and the sign next to it, and walked to the window to handle the customs clearance document.

The whole process was very fast. When Laiwu got the customs clearance document, he checked it several times in amazement before carefully putting it away.

"To enter the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can take a sightseeing train or a transport spaceship. The fare is different." The staff reminded.

"Which one is faster?" Laiwu asked casually.

The staff member smiled and said, "The transport spaceship will be faster, and it will take you 20 minutes to arrive at Shanhai Commercial City."

"What about the sightseeing train?" Laiwu asked curiously.

The staff explained: "It will take a whole day, but there will be many scenic spots along the way, which cannot be seen by transport spacecraft. It is a different experience."

"I see." Lai Wu hesitated.

She thought for a while and said, "It's better to take the transport spaceship, I'm in a hurry."

"Okay, go over there to buy a ticket, the nearest flight is half an hour later. The staff reached out to signal the ticket window in the distance.

"Okay." Laiwu nodded, and walked towards the ticket window.

Da Luo hurriedly followed, shouting, "Big sister, they are still checking what I bring, but luckily I don't bring a weapon, otherwise I won't be able to get in."

"...Shut up." Lai Wutou said.

"Oh." Da Luo raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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