Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2032: Only Thick-Skinned People Can Live Better. (1 More)

In the flight waiting lounge of the transport spacecraft, Da Luo looked at the flight ticket in his hand, his face full of pain.

He sat down next to Laiwu, and complained: "Big sister, the ticket for this transport spaceship is really expensive."

Laiwu glanced at him and said coldly: "There are cheap third-class seats, why do you want to buy the same first-class seats as me?"

She is rich and powerful, and bought a first-class seat, and the ticket price is four times that of a third-class seat.

"Hey, I want to follow big sister." Da Luo raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

Laiwu narrowed her beautiful eyes and said calmly, "I want to cause trouble in the Xuanwu Kingdom. I can help you deal with it, right?"

"It's nothing, big sister is just thinking about it." Da Luo put on a straight face.

"Preferably." Laiwu's eyelids drooped slightly, leaning against the back of the chair to rest, her beautiful eyes looking around the environment of the waiting room.

"Big sister, this place looks so luxurious, I thought it was a royal palace." Da Luo looked at the environment of the lounge in admiration.

The waiting lounge is made of colored glaze, and twelve pillars are used to prop up the roof. The pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and they are integrally formed, looking like pieces of art.

"It's very good." Laiwu nodded slowly.

Da Luo looked around, tilted his head and said in a low voice: "Big sister, do you think these pillars can be sold for a good price if they are removed?"

"?" Laiwu's eyebrows trembled, and he tilted his head to warn: "Don't cause trouble, and clean up those weird thoughts in your head."

"Big sister, I'm not a fool." Big Luo muttered.

"I think you are a fool." Laiwu turned his head with a big head, not wanting to talk to Da Luo.

..." Da Luo was a little depressed, but he was soon attracted by other things in the lounge.

He found that there were many paintings hanging on the wall, many of which were extremely exquisite, but when he saw the price tag in the lower right corner, his body trembled.

Soon half an hour passed, and the boarding prompt sounded in the lounge.

"Passengers who have purchased the No. 26 flight, please prepare to check in and board the ship."

"Big sister, it's our turn to board the ship." Da Luo glanced at the ticket in his hand.

"Shut up, don't make noise." Laiwu put his hands on his forehead and walked towards the ticket gate.

The two successfully completed the ticket check and walked along the passage to the boarding gate.

The transport service provided at the customs is a medium-sized transport spaceship, which can transport a thousand passengers at a time with a full load, and travels between Shanhai Commercial City and the customs every two hours.

The boarding passage is similar to the corridor bridge passage on the previous earth, directly connecting the boarding entrance of the transport spaceship from the lounge.

The staff reminded: "The first-class seats are on the top floor."

"Okay." Da Luo grinned back with a smile.

Laiwu couldn't help speeding up his pace, stepping on the steps to the top of the cabin.

"Big sister, wait for me." Da Luo yelled, quickening his pace to catch up.

Laiwu felt dizzy, and Da Luo followed behind him like a piece of brown candy that couldn't be shaken off.

The two found a place to sit down, separated by an aisle, which made the woman secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later, a prompt from the staff sounded in the cabin: "All passengers, please find the seats listed on the tickets and sit down. The flight will take off in five minutes." 11

"Tap Tat ~ www

The other passengers got on board and all the seats were filled quickly.

Da Luo glanced around and found that the first-class seats were bought by nobles and wealthy businessmen, and everyone was well dressed, only he and Laiwu looked a little out of place.

Soon after, the hatch was slowly closed, the steam engine of the transport spaceship was activated, and the turbofan rotated at an extremely high speed, providing upward lift for the transport spaceship.

The transport spacecraft was rising at a constant speed, and the whole process was very smooth, with only a slight sense of weightlessness.

Directly above the customs is the Shanhaiguan Fortress. The transport spaceship only needs to fly vertically upwards, and then turn around to enter the Shanhai Commercial City.

Due to the short flight distance, even the flight time is deliberately extended, so this transport spacecraft is not equipped with a restaurant, and it is transformed into a cabin to save space.

There is no restaurant, but there are carts selling snacks and drinks, and the staff will push the carts to sell in the cabin.

Da Luo bought a pack of biscuits and watched the free TV series in the cabin while eating.

In the cabin of the first-class seat, there is a wall-mounted TV, which will play movies, TV series, and advertisements, and it is also for promoting products.

"It's very interesting." Da Luo watched with relish.

Laiwu was also fascinated by it. It turns out that there is such a magical thing in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

They watched so engrossed that they didn't even notice that the transport spacecraft began to descend.

The voice of the staff sounded: "Five minutes later, the transport spaceship will land in Shanhai Commercial City, please prepare for disembarking all the passengers on board."

...asking for flowers...

"Hey, that's it?" Da Luo and the others came back to their senses.

Laiwu frowned and said, "I haven't finished watching this episode yet."

The staff smiled and said: "Passengers who like TVs can go to the Zhenbao Building or Magic Tool City in Shanhai Commercial City to buy them.

The magic tool city is similar to the electrical city, furniture city, and wholesale city on Earth. All the spiritual weapons and magic tools traded in the Xuanwu Kingdom are sold there.

"You can go and have a look." Laiwu nodded thoughtfully.

The transport spacecraft landed quickly and landed safely on the take-off and landing field of Shanhai Commercial City, next to the train station of Shanhai Commercial City.

The cabin door opened, and the passengers disembarked under the guidance of the staff.

"This is the Shanhai Commercial City. The air seems to smell better." Da Luo took a deep breath and looked around with his face raised.

Laiwu said coldly: "Okay, you go to the seller, and I will find someone to translate the ancient characters on the stone tablet.

"Big sister, let's be together, and we can take care of each other when we encounter problems." Da Luo shouted hastily.

Laiwu said coldly: "If there is a problem, I can solve it myself."

Da Luo said cheekily: "Big sister, people who can understand ancient characters should also be interested in these funerary objects. I'll follow you."

Laiwu looked at him coldly, and Da Luo was still smiling, but his smile became stiffer and stiffer.

She didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the long street not far away.

Da Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed.

In his opinion, Laiwu is very powerful, and it is much safer to follow her.

The woman was walking on the bustling street, looking for the 'Treasure Building'. This is the news she inquired about. The Treasure Building collects all kinds of treasures without asking where they came from.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

A kind passer-by helped guide the way: "Zhenbao Building, go straight along this street, and you will find Zhenbao Building at the end. There is a signboard at the door, remember to look and you will find it.

"Thank you." Laiwu thanked and walked along the long street.

Da Luo carried the animal skin bag on his back and cheekily followed the woman.

When the two found the Zhenbao Building, the bell of Shanhai Commercial City just rang at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the correct code. .

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