Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2033: It Means Waste Product With No Value. (2 More)

Outside the Zhenbao Building, Da Luo looked up at the building and sighed: "This building is like a palace.

Laiwu ignored his words, and walked towards the gate of Zhenbao Building, and staff soon came to greet him.

"Welcome." The staff warmly welcomed.

Laiwu was a little uncomfortable, and tightened the animal skin in his arms.

The staff's eyes fluttered, and they took a step back and asked, "What do you two want to buy, or do you want to look around first?"

"I'm here to make a deal." Laiwu made up his mind.

The staff blinked their beautiful eyes and asked, "What's the deal?"

Laiwu said coldly: "I have some stone tablets engraved with ancient characters, I don't know if you are interested in it?"

"ancient script?"

The worker's pink lips parted, hesitating for a moment and said: "I need to ask Mr. Hu Immortal for instructions, Your Excellency will go upstairs with me to the lounge first."

Ancient characters are very special. Those with "720" are genuine products, and more are forged. They need to be treated with caution. Only valuable ancient characters can be traded in Treasure House.

"Okay." Laiwu nodded slowly, and followed the staff to the second floor of Zhenbao Building.

The two were arranged into the lounge by the staff.

The staff member smiled and said, "You two wait a moment, I'll go and invite Master Hu Immortal to come over."

"Okay." Laiwu waved his hand.

Ten minutes later, there were clear footsteps outside the door.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The door of the lounge was pushed open, and the fox fairy walked into the lounge with graceful steps, her pink eyes fell on Laiwu and Da Luo.

The staff member stretched out his hand and said: "Master Hu Immortal, these two guests want to trade."

"Well, hello." Hu Xian nodded with a smile.

"You, hello..." Da Luo looked straight ahead, and was amazed by the beauty of the fox-tailed woman.

Laiwu was also amazed, and fixedly stared at the fox-tailed woman.

At this moment, she was doubting the gender she liked.

"Both of you, come back to your senses." The fox fairy lifted up one of her fox tails, naturally covering half of her face, only revealing those beautiful eyes like autumn water.

"Sorry." Lai Wu's pretty face flushed slightly, and he cleared his throat resentfully.

The fox fairy sat down, gently stroked the hair on the tip of his tail with one hand, and asked, "Where is the stone tablet you want to trade?"

Laiwu said, "I didn't bring the stele, but I have some rubbings of animal skins with ancient characters on the stele."

The rubbing method she used is very primitive, rubbing charcoal on the stele, and then covering it with animal skin and pressing it hard, the toner will adhere to the animal skin, thus completing the rubbing.

Although this method is simple, it is easy to cause blurred handwriting, and the font is easily blurred.

"Let me see." The fox fairy leaned forward slightly.

"Yes." Laiwu took out the animal skin and handed it forward.

The staff stepped forward, took the animal skin and brought it to the fox-tailed woman, unfolded it thoughtfully and put it down.

The fox fairy picked up the animal skin and carefully examined the ancient writing on it.

She saw it from the beginning to the end, and didn't know the ancient characters, and didn't know what these strange symbols meant.

Laiwu asked calmly, "Do you understand, Your Excellency?"

"I don't understand." Hu Immortal shrugged helplessly.

"..." Laiwu sighed inwardly.

"However, if these ancient characters are real, I will buy these steles." Hu Immortal said calmly.

She smiled slightly, and said with a light smile: "Of course, if someone lied to me, the consequences would be very serious."

Da Luo hurriedly assured: "Of course it is true, these steles were dug out from ancient tombs.

"Shut up." Laiwu scolded.

"Oh........." Da Luo realized that he had said something wrong, and shrank his neck embarrassingly.

"Whose ancient tomb?" The fox fairy asked curiously.

Laiwu frowned and said, "Isn't Zhenbaolou never asking about the origin of items?"

Hu Immortal crossed his legs and said calmly: "That's what you said, but how do you prove that the stele wasn't forged by you?"

"We can't understand ancient characters either." Laiwu shook his head regretfully.

The fox fairy thought for a while, and said in a charming voice: "Well, leave these animal skins to me, and take them back to our majesty to see at night. If he is interested, I will buy all the stone tablets."

Mu Liang has always been interested in ancient books and ancient characters. If the ancient characters on the stele are real, he will definitely be interested.

"Yes." Laiwu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement.

The ancient characters rubbed on the animal skins come from different steles, and the content is incoherent. I am not afraid that the other party will know all the information from the animal skins.

"Come here to find me again at this time tomorrow." Hu Immortal said, turning over his hands, and put the animal skin into the portable space magic tool.

Laiwu's pupils contracted, and the animal skin disappeared out of thin air?

"Is there anything else?" The fox fairy asked with a smile.

Da Luo hurriedly said: "Yes, I still have some treasures here, and I want to sell them..."

"Let me see." The fox fairy raised his chin.

Da Luo opened the animal skin bag and took out the contents one by one, many of which still had Shaban on them.

The fox fairy casually picked up a piece to examine, it was a metal arm guard, with a ferocious beast spar inlaid on it.

She checked it carefully, put down the armguard and said: "This is a middle-level spiritual weapon, it is not well preserved, there are already cracks, and the beast spar on it is useless.

"What do you mean?" Da Luo blinked.

"It means that this armguard is a waste product and has no value." Hu Immortal said bluntly.

"Ah, what about the others?" Yin Luo asked hastily.

The fox fairy picked up each piece and checked, and found that many of them were the same as the armguards, and had lost their trading value.

Da Luo's expression was dull, so many waste products?

Hu Immortal put down the three spiritual weapons that were still usable, and said calmly: "Although the remaining three spiritual weapons can still be used, they are too ordinary, so we will not accept them in the Treasure House."

The most indispensable thing in the treasure building is the spirit weapon. There is a spirit weapon workshop. What kind of spirit weapon does the Xuanwu Kingdom not have?

"How come..." Da Luo opened his mouth wide.

"You take all these things back." Hu Immortal raised his hand to signal.

The staff stepped forward, put all the objects on the table back into the animal skin bags, and sent them back to Da Luo.

Da Luo was dejected and kicked the animal skin bag.

The fox fairy smiled and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No more, see you tomorrow." Lai Wu stood up with a sullen face.

Her mood 3.6 is not beautiful, the spirit artifacts that she painstakingly brought out from the tomb have no trading value, and the most valuable ones are the few high-level magic artifacts and stone tablets left.

At the time when they were under the tomb, they brought out a few high-end magic tools, but for safety reasons, they didn't carry them with them, otherwise they might not even be able to get on the transport spaceship.

"See you tomorrow." Hu Immortal stood up unhurriedly, watching Laiwu and Da Luo leave the lounge.

She took out the animal skin again, and murmured softly: "I just happen to be going back to the highland today."

The foxtail woman now spends more time in Shanhai Commercial City, and occasionally goes back to the highland to spend the night. Unless Mu Liang makes the portal, this situation will most likely continue.

The fox fairy walked out of the lounge with graceful steps, there was still work to be done.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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