Under the clear blue sky, three big ships were advancing against the wind.

The coat of arms of the Haiting royal family is painted on the sails blown by the wind. These three ships are the ships of the Haiting royal family

On the big ship at the front, Bai Shuang stood at the bow and looked at the misty sea ahead.

Her beautiful eyes lit up: "Second Brother, you can already see the gate of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Well, I see." Mette nodded slowly, the end of her sight was the sea of ​​mist, and the glazed portal standing in the sea of ​​lightning storm.

He turned and ordered: "Slow down."

Bai Shuang reminded: "Second brother, if you want to arrest people in Xuanwu Kingdom, you have to say hello to Mu Liang."

After many investigations, the thieves who stole the tomb of the Haiting royal family's ancestor finally came to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mette thought for a while, and said, "You and Mu Liang have a good relationship, so go ahead and talk about it.

"Ah..." Bai Shuang was stunned.

Mette said with a serious face: "Go ahead and tell me, the possibility of him agreeing will be relatively high."

"Okay..." Bai Shuang pouted.

She asked again: "Then what if Mu Liang doesn't agree with us using force in the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

Mette's eyes flashed brightly, and he said coldly: "Then we can only guard it outside the sea of ​​mist."

Bai Shuang responded with a flat mouth: "Okay, I'll try to see if I can convince Mu Liang."

Mette raised her hand and patted her sister's shoulder, comforting her: "You have lived in the highlands for a few months, you should have a good relationship, he will agree to such a small matter.

"Is the relationship okay..." Bai Shuang's purple-gold beautiful eyes shone slightly.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Not long after, three large ships sailed into the Misty Sea, approached the port of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and stopped at the nearest berth.

The big ships dropped anchor one after another, and the crew disembarked skillfully, fixed one or three arm-thick ropes to the berths, and then built the stairs for disembarking.

On the berth not far away, the thieves guarding the ship discovered the big ship of the Haimen royal family.

"Oops, people from Haiting's royal family are here." Some thieves couldn't help but exclaimed out of fear.

"Shut up." The companion quickly covered his mouth.

"What should I do?" Someone panicked.

The old thief calmed down and said, "Don't be afraid, they won't recognize our ship."

"That's right, our ship has been camouflaged, just like an ordinary merchant ship." The thieves breathed a sigh of relief.

Another thief suddenly said: "Then what should the big sister and Da Luo do, in case they meet someone from the Haiting royal family..."

"No, we have to send someone to notify Big Sister and the others." The older thief said with a serious face.

"Who is going?" A small voice sounded.

"..." The crowd fell silent, everyone watched, no one wanted to take this risk.

"I'll go." The elder thief sighed and started to get off the boat.

He has been with Laiwu for the longest time, and he can't just watch the danger and not remind her.

"Be careful." The rest of the thieves warned aloud.

"..." The older thief twitched the corners of his mouth and stepped off the boat on the steps.

As soon as he got off the boat, he saw Bai Shuang and others also got off the boat.

Mette ordered in a deep voice: "You, take a few people to check the boats parked here, and look for any suspicious targets."

"Yes." The assigned knight saluted respectfully.

The older thief was stunned, and when he saw Fopi being held in the middle by the knight, he turned around and walked back.

Fupi was depressed, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the familiar old thief, and his eyes lit up immediately.

He pondered in his mind whether to betray the thieves, or to take this opportunity to escape.

Fupi wanted to escape all the time, but unfortunately he never had the chance, so he could only bear it all the time.

He looked at the back of the older thief leaving, and frowned, the other party seemed to have no intention of saving him.

"In that case, don't blame me." Fupi said in a cold tone.

He struggled a bit and shouted: "Don't run, save me."

"Who?" Mette paused in her forward steps, and turned her head sharply to look behind her.

"Damn it." The older thief cursed secretly, his pace of leaving suddenly accelerated, and finally he ran.

Mette's eyes turned cold, and she ordered loudly: "Catch him."

"Yes." The knights galloped up, chasing after the fleeing elder thieves.

"Hmph." Phoebe sneered a few times.

Bai Shuang hurriedly reminded: "Second Brother, this is the Xuanwu Kingdom, don't use force casually. y

"It's okay, just catch someone." Mette waved her hand indifferently.

The knights were galloping, and some of them had already thrown their spears, trying to stop the elderly thieves.

Cursing in his heart, the elder thief turned around to avoid the spear, drew out the long whip in his arms, and resisted the flying spear.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

The knight took the opportunity to approach, and the spear attack became more precise.


The spear flew out, and when it was about to hit the elder thief, a gunshot sounded in the distance.


The flying spear was hit by bullets, deviated from the direction and fell into the sea.

Diane's face was cold, and the sniper rifle in her hand hadn't been put down, she said coldly: "You guys are so brave, you dare to make trouble at the port."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After a while, the navy soldiers surrounded everyone and aimed their crossbows at the knights and thieves.

々Not good..." Mette's pupils shrank.

The hearts of the thieves also sank, alarming the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom, then things were not so simple.

Diane got off the platform and came to the port with a cold face.

"Diane." Bai Shuang greeted awkwardly.

"It is you."

Diane frowned, recognized the girl, and said angrily: "Bai Shuang, these are your people?"

Bai Shuang used to help resist the tide of virtual ghosts on the city wall, and they are familiar with each other.

"Yes." Bai Shuang smiled mischievously.

Diane put her hands on her hips, most of her anger subsided, and said speechlessly: "You know the rules of the Xuanwu Kingdom, why do you still bring people to make trouble at the port?"

"We are catching thieves." Mette couldn't help but said.

"You shut up. Diane gave Mett a glare.

"You......" Mette's face turned green and then pale, the second prince of Haiting Kingdom was scolded face to face, it was too embarrassing.

Bai Shuang took Diane's (Qian Lizhao) hand and said coquettishly: "Diane, this is my second brother."

Diane Sitou said: "Bai Shuang, you know the rules, even if your father comes, if you break the rules, you can't do it.

"Are you still going to catch me?" Mette narrowed her eyes slightly.

Diane looked down at Mette, her icy eyes flashed a cold light: "You seem very unconvinced."


The sea water was turbulent, and the sea dragon beast's huge head poked out of the water, the shadow of its body fell on Meite, and the breath of the tenth level rushed towards his face.

"Submit it?" Diane put her hands in front of her.

"...I'll take it." Mette's throat moved, and her face turned slightly pale.

Diane reached out and touched the sea dragon beast's head, then turned her head and said, "Come with me first, I won't let you go to prison, as for how to deal with it, let's see what your majesty has to say."

Bai Shuang had no choice but to turn her head to look at her second brother.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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