In the palace, in the study.

Mu Liang is drawing the design of the space teleportation gate, and wants to use eight space teleportation magic arrays to superimpose for the next attempt.


The tip of the pen scratched across the paper, making a rustling sound.

Hundreds of drawings have been stacked on the desktop, most of which are waste cases, which are placed on the desktop for reference.

"It's still not right." Mu Liang put down his pen, crumpled the half-drawn drawing into a ball, and threw it into Zhi Zhanchen.

"It's harder than I imagined."

He sighed, packed up the blueprints in front of him, sorted them and put them in his portable space.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door, and the voice of the little maid sounded.

Xiaomi Ruannuo shouted: "Your Majesty, Diane has returned with a message and has a report.

"Come in and tell me." Mu Liang responded casually.


The study door was pushed open, and the little maid walked into the study.

Mu Liang grinned and said, "Speak."

Xiaomi recounted what happened at the port: "Your Majesty, Miss Diane said that Miss Rishuang is here...?"

"Miss Dianes asked how to deal with them." She bowed obediently.

"Have there been any casualties?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

"No, no one was injured this time." Xiaomi said crisply.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then waved his hands and said, "Then just fine me, and don't need to be imprisoned."

Bai Shuang once helped 643 resist the ghost tide, and she has a good relationship with the highland girls, and she can turn a blind eye to some things.

And a fine is necessary, to let others know that even if the prince violates the laws and regulations of the Xuanwu Kingdom, he will be punished.

"Yes." Xiaomi agreed.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "Where are those thieves?"

Xiaomi explained: "Only one thief who was attacked was caught, and the other thieves did not violate laws and regulations, so they were not caught.

"Yes, I see." Mu Liang waved his hand.

Xiaomi saluted respectfully, turned and left the study.

Not long after, Diane in Shanhaiguan received a reply from Xiaomi.

Diane raised her brows lightly when she heard the words, and said calmly: "Sure enough, Your Majesty still misses the past."

She stood up and left the room, walking towards the lounge.

In the lounge, Bai Shuang and Mette were chatting, when they saw a woman coming in, they shut their mouths at the same time.

Diane said bluntly: "Your Majesty said, you will be free after paying the fine, and you don't need to be sent to prison."

"Have to pay a fine?" Meite's eyes widened.

Diane said with a serious face: "Of course, regulations are regulations, and everything is fair.

Bai Shuang quickly persuaded: "Second brother (cdbf), I don't have many basalt coins, so pay them."

With a sullen face, Mette calculated the pros and cons in her heart, and fell silent.

Diane asked indifferently: "Or do you want to be sent to prison, and then go to labor reform for mining?"

"I'll pay the fine." Mette's eyes twitched.

Diane nodded in satisfaction, took out the fine and handed it to Mette: "Very good, here is the fine, sign and pay the fine."

Mette glanced at the amount on the fine, and suddenly felt her face darken, and at the same time, she felt that the heart of the woman in front of her was also dark.

Reluctantly, he took out the Warcraft spar and handed it to Diane according to the amount equal to the fine.

Diane checked it herself and put it away after making sure there was no problem.

She said with a slight smile: "I'll take you to reapply the customs clearance documents, and then you can go in.

Mette asked in a deep voice, "Where's the thief?"

"Sent to prison." Diane said indifferently.

"Give him to me." Mette said hastily.

Diane stretched out her hand and shook her index finger, and refused: "That's not acceptable, he is already a prisoner, so how could he give it to you casually."

Mette said with a serious face: "He stole and dug the ancestral tomb of our Haiting royal family, and must be handed over to us."

Diane applauded: "Then you are really useless, you can't even look down on the ancestral tomb, and let him dig it up.

"It's not just him, there are other gangs." Bai Shuang added.

Diane shrugged: "We'll put this person in prison first, if you want anything, you have to ask Mu Liang.

"You." Mette's face was ugly.

"This is a rule, and there is nothing I can do about it." Diane said indifferently.

"Second brother, don't worry." Bai Shuang quickly comforted her.

Diane cast a glance at Mette, and said coldly: "You have grievances. After you leave the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can fight as you like, but don't cause trouble in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Understood." Mette replied with a black face.

Diane nodded in satisfaction, looked at the girl with a smile, and asked enthusiastically: "Bai Shuang, how about I invite you to eat hot pot?"

Bai Shuang regretted, "I'm afraid I can't do it today, I'm going to see Mu Liang."

She wanted to talk to Mu Liang, bring the imprisoned thieves over, interrogate the traces of other thieves, and recover the funerary objects in the grave of the first ancestor.

"Okay, come to me after you're done." Diane raised her eyebrows lightly.

She took the two of them out of the lounge, and after filling out the customs clearance documents, she passed through the Shanhaiguan Pass to Shanhai Commercial City.

On the street, Da Luo held five bunches of candied haws in his hand, and ate them as he walked.

He opened his mouth and bit off two red fruits, and said in a vague tone: "big sister, is it too early to go to the Treasure Building?"

"It's early, you don't have to follow." Laiwu said coldly.

She also holds candied haws in her hand, as well as a bag of popcorn and candies.

The two of them were going to the Treasure Building to talk to Immortal Hu about the stone tablet trade.

"That won't work, I want to protect the big sister." Da Luo said with a straight face.

"You? Protect me?" Laiwu rolled his eyes and ate the candied haws in one bite.

She was just about to throw away the wooden stick in her hand, but she thought of being fined for littering yesterday, so she hurriedly interrupted her actions.

"Big sister, you have already been fined three times." Da Luo reminded.

"Shut up." Laiwu said angrily.

She has just arrived in Xuanwu Kingdom, so she doesn't understand many regulations here.

After the two left from Zhenbao Building yesterday, they wandered around in Shanhai Commercial City, bought a lot of food, and threw rubbish casually, but they were fined in the end.

"Oh." Da Luo muttered, continuing to eat the candied haws in his hand.

The two walked towards the Treasure Building, and met Bai Shuang and others who had left Shanhaiguan.

Laiwu's pupils contracted, and he squeezed the candied haws in his hands, already recognizing Baishuang and Mette.

"Big sister, what's the matter?" Da Luo asked puzzled.

"It's okay." Laiwu pretended to be calm, and continued to walk forward.

Bai Shuang glanced at the two of them, and continued walking with Mette.

Laiwu heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that he rarely showed his face outside, neither Baishuang nor Mette knew him.

After Baishuang and Mate walked away.

Laiwu said coldly: "Those people just now are the princess and second prince of Haiting Kingdom.

"What!" Da Luo exclaimed.

"I didn't expect to catch up here so soon." Laiwu's face darkened.

Da Luo worried and asked: "Then what should we do now, the boat will be fine?"

Laiwu thought for a while and said, "Go and sell the stele first, the ship is camouflaged, they won't be able to recognize it."

"That's right, you can't work in vain." Da Luo nodded in agreement, and followed the woman towards the Zhenbao Building.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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