Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2037: Get All Ancient Monuments. (3 More)

Treasure building, in Hu Immortal's office.

She is reviewing the data of various Acropolis commercial streets, and checking the shipment status of large orders.


She flipped through a few pages of the order and looked at the dense numbers on it, feeling much happier.

"Earn more magic beast crystals to make Mu Liang stronger." Hu Immortal whispered to himself.

When she knew about Emperor Xu, there was an extra stone in her heart. If she wanted to live a completely stable life in the future, she had to deal with Emperor Xu and the remaining ghost king Xu.

She took a deep breath and continued to check the order data.

Invisible fluctuations appear, and Mu Liang appears in the office~indoor.

"Ah, why are you here?" Hu Immortal said in surprise.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Come and see you."

His research on the space portal had reached a bottleneck stage, and he wanted to go out for a walk, remembering that there was still a deal on the stone tablet, so he came to Hu Immortal.

The fox fairy raised her beautiful eyes, and said charmingly: "Are you sure you didn't come because of the stone tablet?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "It's true to see you, and it's also true to see the stone tablet."

"That's more or less the same." The fox fairy's rose red pupils smiled a little more.

"Lu Lupin~~~"

There was a knock on the office door.

The staff's voice sounded: "Master Fox Immortal, Miss Laiwu and the others are here."

"Understood, let them go to the reception room first." Hu Immortal replied.

"Yes." The staff responded.

"Let's go and have a look together." Fox Immortal Shi Shiran stood up.

"Okay." With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang left the office with the fox-tailed woman.

When the two came to the reception room, Laiwu and Da Luo had just finished drinking hot tea.

"You two are very punctual." The fox fairy said with a smile.

Laiwu said indifferently: "Of course, we are sincere."

She looked at Mu Liang secretly, guessing his identity in her heart, seeing how he was dressed and how he made people feel, she knew that he was not an ordinary person.

"Who's this?" She asked without recognition.

Hu Xianmei said: "Our king."

"King Xuanwu!" Lai Wu's eyes widened immediately.

"..." Da Luo's body trembled, and he looked at Mu Liang in astonishment, a little frightened.

With a smile in the beautiful eyes of the fox fairy, he said gracefully: "Our Majesty is a good person, so don't be nervous.

Mu Liang was suddenly speechless, so he received a good person card?

"Where is the stele?" Hu Immortal suppressed a smile and looked up at Laiwu.

"Do you want to buy it?" Laiwu's heart moved, but his face remained indifferent.

Hu Immortal nodded and said: "Our Majesty wants to study ancient characters, that's why we want to buy it."

"Make an offer." Laiwu glanced at Mu Liang.

Hu Immortal said calmly: "We need to see the real thing before we can determine the price."

"En." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

"The stele is on the boat." Laiwu frowned slightly.

Mu Liang frowned lightly: "At the port?"

Laiwu looked into Mu Liang's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

Mu Liang asked, "What berth is it at?"

"Berth No. 58." Da Luo replied subconsciously.

Laiwu's pupils contracted, and he looked coldly at the talkative Da Luo.

"Then let's go." Mu Liang said indifferently.

The invisible fluctuations spread out, covering several people in the reception room. Before Laiwu and Da Luo could get ready, the four disappeared in the next moment.


At the port, next to the No. 58 berth, the space fluctuated a few times, and Mu Liang appeared with Hu Xian and others.


As soon as Da Luo fell to the ground, he blurted out a scream, which made Laiwu's body tremble in fright.

"Shut up." Laiwu punched Da Luo on the head.

"Ah." Da Luo's eyes were blank, and he covered his mouth with his hand.

Laiwu looked around with shock in his eyes. Is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom a space magician?

"This ship?" Mu Liang looked at the wooden boat parked at berth 58.

"Yes." Da Luo replied tremblingly.

"It's Big Sister and they're back." A surprised voice came from the boat.

The thieves came out one after another, waving to Laiwu and Da Luo with joyful faces.

"Hey, who is that orc beauty?" A thief exclaimed in surprise.

"Is it a new partner?"

"It doesn't look like it, it's dressed so well, it looks like an aristocrat."


The thieves started talking.

"Shut up." Laiwu scolded with a black face.

"Big sister is angry, stop talking." The thieves quickly shut up.

Mu Liang glanced at them indifferently, put his arms around the waist of the fox-tailed woman, and lightly jumped onto the big boat.

Laiwu and Da Luo hurriedly followed, and then looked at the other thieves with warning eyes.

"Take out the stele." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

Laiwu's throat moved, and he waved his hands: "Go and move the stele out."

She was a little afraid of Mu Liang, he was the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, an existence with extremely terrifying strength.

...asking for flowers...

"Yes." Only now did the thieves understand that the person who came was a buyer, and he came to buy the stele.

Excitedly, they ran back to the cabin and moved six thick stone tablets to the deck.


The stele is very heavy, and each piece weighs more than a thousand catties.

"The steles are all here." The thief clapped his hands and said.

"En." Mu Liang stepped forward, looking at each stone tablet.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the six stone tablets suddenly floated up, as if there was no gravity.

The thieves stared wide-eyed, and some people exclaimed directly.

Laiwu and Da Luo were also a little surprised. What kind of magician is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom?

Mu Liang only took a few glances, and remembered all the words on the stone tablet in his mind.


Some thieves couldn't hold back, and asked in a low voice: "Big sister, who are they?"

"The king of Xuanwu Kingdom." Laiwu said coldly.


The thieves gasped and looked at Mu Liang in shock.

Mu Liang moved his fingers, and the stele fell to the ground, because the boat did not move at all.

He looked towards Laiwu, and said calmly: "Each stone tablet is 200,000 yuan Xuanwu coins."

Laiwu frowned and said, "Can it be exchanged for Warcraft spar or gold coins?"

She is still very satisfied with the price.

"Of course, but if you want to spend in the Xuanwu Kingdom, it is better to take Xuanwu coins, and you don't need to exchange them." Hu Xianmei smiled.

Laiwu hesitated for a moment, she had spent half a day in Shanhai Commercial City, and knew that what the foxtail woman said was right, Xuanwu City was the most circulated currency in the Xuanwu Three Kingdoms.

"Of course, it's up to you to decide." The fox fairy smiled slightly.

"I want a monster spar." Laiwu said seriously.

"Yes." The fox fairy nodded gracefully.

She didn't believe that Laiwu and the others would leave after taking the Warcraft spar, and would eventually spend it in Shanhai Commercial City and send it back to her pocket.

The fox fairy took out the same amount of magic beast crystals, counted them in front of Laiwu, put them back in the leather pouch and handed them to the woman.

Seeing this, Mu Liang waved his hand and put the six stone tablets directly into the space inside his body, and the transaction was completed.

"Okay, I wish you all the best in Xuanwu Kingdom." Hu Immortal waved his hand lightly.

Mu Liang didn't talk nonsense, and left the big boat with the fox-tailed woman.

ps: [3 more]: Looking for a custom job. .

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