Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2038: Decipher The Ancient Inscriptions. (1 More)

Laiwu looked at where Mu Liang and Hu Xian were originally standing, and then at the animal skin bag in his hand. The transaction was easier than expected.

She had thought that Mu Liang would take advantage of his status as a king to forcibly lower the price or not pay at all, but she didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Da Luo looked at the animal skin bag eagerly, and said impatiently: "Big sister, do you want to give everyone a point?"

"What's the rush?" Laiwu glared at Luo.

She looked around at everyone, and asked coldly: "Where are the others, haven't they come back yet?"

"Big sister, you haven't come back yet." The thief guarding the boat replied.

Laiwu asked indifferently: "Where is Natler?

"Teller..." The thieves guarding the boat looked at each other.

"Speak." Laiwu frowned.

Teller was the first partner to follow her, even longer than Da Luo.

The thief whispered: "The "463" people from the Haiting royal family are chasing after them. Teller wanted to report to you, but he met the people from the Haiting royal family not long after getting off the boat, and they even brought Fopi up,

Another thieves added: "They clashed and were later captured by the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Teller was taken away!" Da Luo stared wide-eyed.

"Yes." The thieves guarding the boat nodded resentfully.

Laiwu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "So you just watch?"

The thieves explained: "big sister, we also want to save him, but the people in the Xuanwu Kingdom are not easy to mess with, they all have magic tools for long-distance attacks|even the princess and the concubine of the Haijiang royal family were taken away. "

Another thief said weakly: "And it also alarmed the holy beast protecting the country at the port, that is a magical beast with king-level strength."

With a cold face, Laiwu turned around and took a few steps, jumped up lightly stepping on the guardrail and jumped down, and walked towards the customs in the distance after landing.

"Big sister, wait for me." Da Luo quickly chased after her.

"What are you doing here?" Lai Wu turned around and asked in a cold voice.

Da Luo said solemnly: "Aren't you going to save Teller, I'll help you, otherwise it will be very difficult to rely on yourself.

Laiwu rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Who said I'm going to rob prison?"

"Hey, aren't you going to rob the prison?" Da Luo asked in amazement.

Laiwu looked at Da Luo with the eyes of an idiot, and said word by word: "Is it too life-threatening to rob a prison in the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"That's right." Da Luo foolishly scratched the back of his head.

He came back to his senses and asked, "What will sister do that day?"

Laiwu said coldly: "Go to the fox fairy, she knows the king, through her, you should be able to spend money to redeem Teller.

"Oh, then I'll go with you." Da Luo said quickly.

"Whatever you want, just don't get in my way." Laiwu said coldly.

Da Luohan smiled and said, "Of course not."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked towards the customs, preparing to go back to the Treasure Building to find the Fox Immortal.

On the other side, Mu Liang brought Hu Xian back to the office of Zhenbao Building.

"Are you going back?" Asked Mu Liang's hand around his waist, his pink eyes gleamed.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, Qin Yi is still on the high ground, waiting to help translate the ancient characters on the stone tablet."

"Okay, then go back." The fox fairy gently swayed the fox tail and took a step back.

"Are you busy today?" Mu Liang asked gently.

"A bit busy." Hu Immortal glanced at the documents and orders on the desktop.

Mu Liang said regretfully, "See you that night."

The fox fairy blinked her pink eyes, and asked in a charming voice: "Tonight, are you coming to pick me up to the high ground?"

"Yes." Mu Liang lowered his head, and left a kiss on the forehead of the fox-tailed woman.

"Go quickly." Hu Immortal smiled, put his palm on Mu Liang's chest and pushed gently.

Mu Liang smiled, and his body disappeared in place.

He returned to the Highland Palace, and as soon as he entered the main hall, he saw Yue Qinyi coming out of the kitchen with a cup of milk tea in his hand.

"I'm back." Yue Qinyi raised her hand to signal the milk tea in her hand.

"I brought the stele back." Mu Liang said bluntly.

Yue Qinyi's blue eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she hurriedly said, "Where is it, take it out quickly."

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang took out six stone tablets from the portable space, and placed them neatly in the main hall.

Yue Qinyi put down the milk tea and stepped forward to look at the first stone tablet.

She whispered the first line of words on the stone tablet: "My name is Hai Ting, I came to this continent through the sea of ​​mist eighty years ago...?"

"Hey, he came across the sea of ​​mist from the old continent." Yue Qinyi said in shock.

"Continue to look down." Mu Liang motioned.

"Okay." Yue Qinyi responded and continued to translate the following ancient characters.

She read out the following ancient text in astonishment: "My grandfather is Lie Suutu, the lord of Yoshik City, the leader of Tianxu Sect, and a sinner in the mainland......"

Mu Liang frowned slightly: "This Haiting is a descendant of Lie Sutu, he was not killed by Roy, and he even escaped..."

Yue Qinyi said in surprise: "That means, this stele is thousands or even ten thousand years old!"

"Well, there should be." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Qinyi continued to look down and read: "I am about to die, and I feel ashamed in my heart. I dare not tell future generations. I can only engrave it on a stone tablet, so that this secret will not be lost with my death."


The content of this paragraph is the same as that of the animal skin rubbings.

She continued to look down and read: "My ancestors, because of their own selfish desires, conducted human experiments, and the Tianxu Sect developed the 'virtual' blood factor..."

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and listened. This passage, like Xu Bawang's narration, described how the old continent went from prosperity to destruction.

"Humans and the Xu Clan have been fighting for eight hundred years. My father and grandfather died on the battlefield with guilt, and they couldn't make up for the mistakes made by our ancestors.

Yue Qinyi continued to look down: "In order to survive, I took my people across the sea to the sea of ​​mist, looking for hope of living."

"In the end, we were lucky enough to cross the sea of ​​mist and come to this continent. There are no Voids here. We settled here and rebuilt the city to live..."

Yue Qinyi paused, thought of something, looked up at Mu Liang: "His name is Haiting, what about the 4.0 Haiting Kingdom?"

Mu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "If it is the Haiting Kingdom he created, it would be interesting."

He thought of King Haiting, did he know about it?

"I will always miss my hometown on the other side, but I dare not go back. The Xu Clan is too strong. I hope that in the future, human beings can defeat the Xu Clan and regain their hometown. Yue Qinyi finished translating the last stone tablet.

"No more?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

"Well, not anymore." Yue Qinyi nodded.

Mu Liang pondered, but he never thought that the ancestors of the Sea King Family came from the Old Continent.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xiao Zi walked into the palace and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, Miss Bai Shuang is here."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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