Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2045: All People On This Continent Must Be Killed. (1 More)

In the old continent, at the junction of a certain salt water area and land, there is a barren mountain.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Outside the barren mountain, a man wearing a black animal skin cloak appeared.

"I feel it, my lord is here." The man lifted his hood, revealing his scrawny face.


The man looked down at his feet, the sand flowed strangely, and finally condensed into a big hand to grab the man.

"Jie Jie Jie, looking for death." The man laughed strangely, and a large black mist appeared around his body, shaking the attacking big hand back into sand.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

There was an angry roar from the ground not far away, and a huge monster burst out of the ground.

It was an eighth-level ferocious beast that looked like an ape, with four thick arms and a yellowish-brown body.

The man strayed into the beast's territory, which angered it, and the group attacked before.


The eighth-level ferocious beast roared angrily, leaped high and slapped the man with its big hands, while controlling the surrounding sand to fly up and shoot at him like bullets.

"Go away." The man's eyes were replaced by red, the disgusting breath spread out, and then the skin swelled up like a balloon, and finally burst.

Flesh flew everywhere, the camouflaged human skin was taken off, and the body swelled to a height of 100 meters at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jie Jie Jie, the body is still comfortable." Xu Sanwang moved his limbs, and the breath of the holy rank spread out.

The eighth-order ferocious beast whimpered in fear, paused in its attack, turned around and was about to flee.

Third Xu King opened his mouth and sucked, the body of the eighth-level beast flew up immediately, and was pierced by his protruding tongue.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The eighth-level ferocious beast roared in pain, and in the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood in its body was infected, and its limbs became stiff.

The Third Xu King opened his mouth and sucked, his tongue wrapped around the body of the eighth-level beast, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"The taste is not bad." He grinned grinningly, turned around and walked into the deep mountain in satisfaction.

The Three Kings of Xu felt that Emperor Xu was sleeping here, and he had to confirm whether he would wake up before he could formulate the next plan, whether to annihilate all human beings, or go to another continent to devour blood to strengthen himself.

The twelve imaginary ghost kings were created by Roy. After thousands of years of evolution, they already have independent thoughts. As long as Roy does not wake up, they are free.

"Tap Tat ~~`||~"

Xu Sanwang walked in the barren mountain, carefully sensing Roy's position.

He is special, endowed with a special ability by Roy, who can sense his position when the Void Emperor is sleeping.

Every time when the ghost king gathers, the three ghost kings will wake up once, and go to find the place where Roy is sleeping to determine whether he will wake up.

"My lord, let's sleep for thousands of years." Xu Sanwang cracked his lips and smiled, continuing to search for the place where Roy was sleeping.

He is like a giant, walking in the mountains, relying on the induction in the dark, and finally stopped in the depths of the mountains.

"I found it." The Third King Xu looked serious, his body began to shrink, and finally became the size of an adult, and then he went underground to find the exact location where Roy was sleeping.

He went deep into the ground, one hundred meters... five hundred meters... one thousand meters...

The Three Xu Kings didn't stop, and continued to march deep underground.

When the depth reached 3,000 meters, the surrounding earth and rocks disappeared, entering an empty underground space.

The oxygen here is equal to zero, and there are many blue crystals around, emitting a faint blue light, making people barely able to see the underground environment clearly.

The Three Xu Kings floated in the air, feeling the temperature of the ground, which has exceeded 100 degrees, and they are already used to it.

He called out: "Lord Roy?"

The underground was very quiet, no one responded, only his voice echoed underground.

The Three Xu Kings fell to the bottom of the cave and walked among the blue crystals.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Lord Roy?" The Third Xu King spoke again.

He stopped, and the surroundings were still very quiet.

Xu Sanwang continued to walk forward, and there was something in front of him that attracted him.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Not long after, he saw a huge figure covered in blue crystals.

"Master Roy." The Third King Xu paused, and the inherent fear welled up in his body, and he couldn't help but knelt down.

In the blue crystal, Roy closed his eyes tightly, and his pitch-black body did not move up and down, as if he was dead.

Seeing this, Xu Sanwang stood up, walked to the huge blue crystal, raised his hand and knocked on the crystal.

"Bang bang~~~"

The crystallization has not changed. Roy still maintains his sleeping position.

"Lord Roy?" The Three Xu Kings called out again.

To be cautious, he stayed in place for two days, making sure that Roy in the crystal would not wake up, before preparing to leave.

"Lord Roy, I will come to see you next time." The Third King Xu respectfully saluted, turned around and prepared to leave.

"How long have I been asleep?" A cold voice sounded behind him.

Xu Sanwang's body froze, then he trembled all over, and turned around reflexively to look behind him.

Inside the huge crystal, Yin was still asleep, with his eyes tightly closed.

Xu Sanwang asked in amazement: "Master Roy?"

The hoarse voice sounded again: "I ask you, how long have I been asleep?"

"Master Roy, you have been in a deep sleep for more than eight thousand years." The Third Xu King was terrified, and hurriedly lowered his head to answer.

His heart sank, because he was about to wake up?

Roy was silent for a while, then the voice sounded again: "It's been more than eight thousand years, what's going on outside?"

The Third King Xu hesitated for a moment, and said in a picky way: "Master Roy, the sky outside is covered by dark clouds, and the green plants are no longer visible...?"

Roy asked in a deep voice, "Have all human beings become extinct?"

The Third King Xu's heart trembled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master Roy, I just woke up, and I don't know much about it yet.

Roy asked indifferently: "Where are the other Eleven Ghost Kings?"

The Three Kings of Xu answered the wrong question: "Master Roy, do you need me to summon them?"

He avoids (Lee's) Roy's question, which would be easily revealed otherwise.

Roy said hoarsely: "Well, I still have a year to fully wake up, and then let them come to see me.

"Master Roy, why don't you wake up now..." the third king Xu couldn't help asking.

"..." The underground space fell into silence, and Roy's voice did not sound.

"Master Roy?" Xu Sanwang spoke again, but still did not receive a response.

The Three Xu Kings didn't leave immediately, they were terrified for three days, and after confirming that Roy was asleep again, they left the underground space with a serious face.

He is going to find other virtual ghost kings and tell them the news so that he can prepare for it.

The blood-colored eyes of King Xu flashed, and he said coldly: "All humans in this continent must be killed."

He returned to the ground, spread the wings on his back, and flew to the inland area.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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