Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2046: It Should Be Really Stupid. (2 More)

Palace, inside the main hall.

Lying on the sofa, Xi Beiqi yelled frantically with her mobile phone in her hand: "Oh, why did you die again?"

"I don't believe that I can't make it through." She bit her lower lip, tapped her finger on the phone screen a few times, and continued to operate.

Five minutes later, the girl yelled frantically again, and then tapped the screen to continue the operation.

In the main hall, Xiao Zi and Buff who were scrubbing the floor were chatting softly.

"How many times is this?" Buff whispered.

Xiao Zi glanced sideways at the sofa, and whispered, "It's the sixth time."

Buff was puzzled and said, "This level is not difficult, how come you can't pass after dying six times?"

Xiao Zi nodded in agreement, and muttered: "Maybe she doesn't know how to play, it's very simple, I passed it twice.

"Do you want to teach Miss Xi Beiqi?" Buff pouted in the direction of the sofa.

Xiao Zi shook her head, and said coquettishly: "Forget it, she passed the last level five times, I wanted to help, but she refused.

"Miss Xi Beiqi still wants to rely on herself." Xiao Zi nodded slowly.

"Ah, I'm dead again, I don't believe that I can't get over it." 077's crazy shout sounded again from the direction of the sofa.

Xiao Zi and Buff looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and continued to mop and wash the floor.

"What's wrong with Xi Beiqi?" A warm voice sounded, and Mu Liang appeared beside the maid.

Xiao Zi and Buff quickly saluted: "Your Majesty!"

Buff explained in a crisp voice: "Your Majesty, Miss Xibeiqi is playing a game, maybe she has lost too many times, and she is a little manic. y

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and asked amusedly, "What kind of game can make her so angry?"

Since he possessed the ability to 'copy', he would use it up every day, mainly to copy difficult-to-make spiritual artifacts, mobile phones, watches, etc., which gradually allowed all the girls in the palace to have mobile phones to play with.

The mobile phone cannot be connected to the Internet, so the girls can only use it to take pictures and videos, watch offline downloaded videos on the mobile phone, listen to music, and play offline stand-alone games.

Mu Liang is fortunate that before time travel, there were games and videos downloaded for entertainment in his mobile phone.

Xiao Zi pursed her lips and whispered, "Push the box."

.” Mu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth, how could he be so angry when he was playing sokoban?

Sokoban is a small game that comes with the mobile phone. It is an offline game and has as many as three hundred (cdcd) levels.

"Ah, why did you lose again?" Xi Beiqi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Mu Liang walked to the sofa, looked down at the vampire girl, and cast a shadow on her face.

"Hey, Mu Liang." Xi Beiqi shook her hand, she didn't hold the phone steady, and the screen shot directly on her face.


"Ah, it hurts. She let out a cry of pain and quickly picked up her phone and sat up.

The girl blushed, turned her head resentfully, her golden eyes flickered.

Mu Hao asked with a smile: "Lost again?"

"" Shibeki lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Let me take a look." Mu Liang reached for the cell phone in the hands of the vampire girl.

He sat on the couch and turned on the screen again.

Xi Beiqi couldn't hold back, and looked at the screen with her head.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand to tap and slide on the screen, controlling the villain to push the boxes one by one, and finally stop at the designated position.

Xi Beiqi widened her beautiful golden eyes, and said in amazement: "Hey, can you still go like this?"

It only took Mu Liang tens of seconds to push all the boxes to the designated positions and passed the level smoothly.

Mu Liang returned the phone to the vampire girl, and said softly, "Okay, it's not difficult."

"Why didn't I expect to go this way..." Xi Beiqi pursed her mouth and poked her finger on the screen.

She started the next level, sliding her finger on the small screen.

Mu Liang looked sideways, watching the vampire girl control the villain and push the simplest box to the corner.

"Ah, I made a mistake." Xi Beiqi gave Mu Liang a shy look.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gestured on the screen: "The first step is wrong. You should push this box first to leave a space before you can push this box..."

"Oh, I understand." Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she skillfully clicked 'Restart'.

Beside, Xiao Zi and Buff looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

Buff guessed in a low voice: "Tell me, could it be that Miss Xi Beiqi pretended to be stupid on purpose to attract His Majesty to help her pass the test?"

"It doesn't look like it, it should be really stupid..." Xiao Zi said softly.

The two women looked at each other again and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Xi Beiqi asked disappointedly: "Mu Liang, am I stupid?"

"No, don't think about it." Mu Liang raised his hand and tapped the vampire girl's forehead.

"Oh..." Xi Beiqi's eyes flickered, but she still didn't dare to look at Mu Liang.

Three quarters of the drop of Mu Liang's blood in her body had been absorbed, which caused the girl to become more and more obsessed with Mu Liang, and she would feel lost even if she didn't see her for a day.

Mu Liang patted the vampire girl on the head, stood up and asked, "Today's rest?"

Xi Beiqi shook her head and explained: "No, I will go to the air force base in the afternoon, and Scarlet Face will be watching in the morning."

"Well, then you can play." Mu Liang turned around and prepared to leave.

Xi Beiqi said: "Mu Liang, that old ancestor is here...?"

Last night, Texid contacted the vampire girl through the resonance bug, explained the situation, and asked Leopolu to send more than a hundred vampires to live in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

These vampires are the future of the Yeyue family, the continuation and hope of the bloodline.

Mu Liang said in a warm voice: "Well, I see, when the time comes to apply for the ID card, people will help arrange to live in various David cities and villages and towns."

"Okay~~~" Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up.

"I'm off to work. Mu Liang waved his hand.

Xiao Zi obediently asked: "Your Majesty, would you like some tea?"

"Have a pot of scented tea." Mu Liang said softly.

"Yes, make it right away. Xiao Zi put down the mop and walked to the tea room with small steps.

Buff also asked: "Your Majesty, would you like some pastries?"

"Don't eat." Mu Liang waved his hand.

He paused, turned his head and said, "You can send a copy to Fei'er and see what she's doing."

Yuffier has been obsessed with research these days, and with Xu Ba and Xu Shishi around, the girl's research is progressing rapidly.

Give her another period of time, maybe she can research the secret medicine to completely cure the 'infection of virtual ghosts'.

This is the closest the blond girl has come to success. She will only want to rest after researching it. Improvements can only be made by people sending her gifts frequently.

Uffier has been studying for so many years, and success is just around the corner, which makes her very excited.

"Yes." Buff responded obediently.

The little maid went to the kitchen, prepared some food, and sent it to the blonde girl with double ponytails in the institute.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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