Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2047: Everything Is Changing. (3 More)

In the Old Continent, the Three Ghost Kings flew extremely fast in the sky, looking for the sleeping lairs of other Ghost Kings.

He looked down at the barren land, and whispered in a low voice: "The lair of the Fourth King Xu should be nearby..."

The Three Xu Kings want to find all the Xu Ghost Kings and wake them up so that they can discuss how to deal with Lord Roy's awakening.

He lowered the flying altitude and sensed where the Four Xu Kings were.

"Hoo hoo~~ww

The third king of Xu landed in the mountain, found the entrance of the lair of the fourth king of Xu, and entered the depths of the ground.

The deeper you go underground, the stronger the ghost's aura becomes.

Not long after, the Third Xu King successfully entered the lair of the Fourth Ruxu King, and saw the mountains of meat, as well as the sleeping Fourth Xu King.

"Why is Lord Xu Sanwang here?" The high-ranking ghost Xu on the mountain of meat came to his senses and looked at Xu~Three Kings respectfully.

The Third King Xu looked around the lair, and asked in surprise: "Why are there so-many high-ranking clansmen missing?"

The high-ranking ghost explained: "Master Xu Sanwang, they were all sent out by Lord Xu Siwang to investigate the whereabouts of the other three adults.

Xu Sanwang frowned: "What's the situation?"

The high-ranking Xu ghost said respectfully: "The auras of Lord Xu Ba Wang, Lord Xu Jiu Wang, and Lord Xu Liu Wang have all disappeared, so the fourth master Xu Wang sent them out to investigate."

Xu Sanwang's pupils contracted: "The breath disappeared?"

"Yes." The high-level ghost nodded respectfully.

Xu Sanwang turned his head to look at the sleeping Xu Siwang, his body flew up and landed in front of him, raising his hand to wake him up.

"Fourth Xu Wang." He shouted in a deep voice.


In the next moment, the Fourth King Xu, who had his eyes closed, opened his hands and raised his hand to block the falling hand of the Third King Xu.

"My lord!" The high-ranking ghosts saluted respectfully.

"Third King Xu, why are you here suddenly?" Fourth King Xu sat up slowly, looking at King Ma with unfriendly eyes.

The Third Xu King snorted coldly: "Hmph, if I don't come again, we don't know how we will die in the future."

Fourth King Xu frowned, thought of something, and asked with wide eyes: "Is there something wrong with Lord Roy?"

The Third King Xu said in a deep voice: "Well, Master Roy is about to wake up, and there is still a year left.

"What!" Xu Siwang shouted.

He asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, Lord Roy told me personally." The Third King Xu nodded.

"How could it be so sudden?" Xu Siwang said hoarsely.

The Third King Xu glanced at the Fourth King Xu, and said calmly: "Master Roy has been asleep for more than eight thousand years, and it's time to wake up."

The Fourth King Xu said in a deep voice: "But we haven't evolved yet, and when Master Roy wakes up, we may have no chance."

"I know, you don't need to remind me." Wang Zhou snorted coldly.

His eyes glowed and he said: "Before Master Roy wakes up, we must kill all the humans on this continent, and then go to another continent to devour blood and food, and complete the evolution before Sir Roy wakes up.

"Then call the other ghost kings." The fourth ghost king's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The third king of Xu questioned: "By the way, what happened to the eighth king of Xu and the sixth king of Xu?"

Hearing this, the Fourth King Xu stood up and said solemnly: "Their aura has disappeared, I can't feel it, and the clansmen who sent out to look for them are all dead.

"How could this be?" Xu Sanwang was shocked,

Xu Bawang, Xu Liuwang and Xu Jiuwang are all powerhouses of the twelfth rank, how could they just disappear when they say they disappear.

"I suspect it was done by that human being." Fourth King Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, his killing intent leaking out uncontrollably.

"Mu Liang?" Xu Sanwang said hoarsely.

The Fourth King Xu nodded and said: "That's right, when the blood moon falls, he will be the strongest."

Xu Sanwang said coldly: "A blood eater, in this environment, how dirty can he be?"

The Fourth King Xu said indifferently: "You underestimated him, this time the blood moon came, more than half a million clansmen died under his influence."

"So many!" Xu Sanwang exclaimed in shock.

The Fourth King Xu said coldly: "Hmph, how many people in your clan were killed or injured, I don't know?"

"The first thing I did when I woke up was to find Master Roy, and I didn't pay attention to these things." Xu Sanwang said in a deep voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, find other virtual ghost kings." Zhou Zhou Wang said with a serious face.

"Let's go, act separately." Xu Sanwang said lightly.

The Fourth Xu Wang said indifferently: "Only you have the ability to find them."

The Three Ghost Kings have a special ability to find the places where other ghost kings are sleeping, that is, their lairs.

"Forget, you are a waste." Xu Sanwang curled his lips.

Fourth King Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a bad tone: "It's such a time [Don't provoke me."

Xu Sanwang sneered, but in the end he didn't choke, he must know how to endure in the critical period.

...asking for flowers...

Roy is their creator, but also limits their growth.

The two ghost kings left the lair and flew towards the direction where the five ghost kings were.

They did not hide their whereabouts, flying extremely fast under the dark clouds, and the disgusting aura covered them.

On the ground, in some urban tribes, people grew terrified.

"This breath is the breath of a virtual ghost." An old man walked out of the tent with a crutch, and looked at the two figures in the sky that were flying away at a high speed.

With horror in his eyes, he said: "The virtual ghost has appeared again, it's over, this world is going to be destroyed."

"Grandpa, the blood moon has just passed for more than a year, how could the virtual ghost appear again?" the boy asked in horror.

The old man looked at his grandson with red eyes: "This time the blood moon is coming early, everything is changing.


"Then what should we do?" The young man held back his fear and reached out to support the old man.

"Leave here and go to Xuanwu Kingdom, it should be safe there." The old man said with yearning eyes.

The boy hurriedly said: "Grandpa, I'll take you there.

"I'm old and useless." The old man waved his hand.

He gently pushed the boy's shoulder, and said hoarsely: "You are still young, pack up your things and go to Xuanwu Kingdom, don't stay in the tribe."

"No, I want to bring grandpa along." The boy said stubbornly.

"Don't waste time." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Everyone go, don't stay in the tribe, this continent is too dangerous." Everyone else in the tribe shouted.

"Yeah, I've wanted to go to Xuanwu Kingdom for a long time, and I heard from those wandering merchants that Xuanwu Kingdom is very safe, safer than any other place.

"There are endless green vegetables and green plants all over the ground, and there is no shortage of fresh water."

"Let's all go, we can take care of each other on the way."

The people in the tribe discussed it, and finally decided to leave here and go to Xuanwu City to resettle.

The young man looked at the old man and said with a serious face: "Grandpa, everyone is leaving, you have to keep up."

"Oh, it will drag you down." The old man sighed.

"No, I'm very strong." The boy stretched out his hand and waved his fist.

"Go and pack your things." The old man finally compromised.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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