Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2048: The Orc Kingdom Is Getting Better And Better. (1 More)

The orc kingdom, within the king's city.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xuanniao is patrolling the streets with Commander Tauren and Commander Viper.

The poisonous snake commander looked around, stuck out his tongue, and said coldly: "The sanitation has really improved a lot.

Xuanniao nodded and said: "Well, it's very good, the garbage on the ground has been reduced a lot, and it looks very comfortable."

Since the Beastman Kingdom implemented the constitutional rule of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the city streets have become much cleaner to the naked eye.

There are also a lot of trash cans on the street. Sanitation workers clean the streets every day. At the same time, there will be orc guards patrolling the city. Anyone who litters will be punished accordingly.

"Thanks to the daily inspections of the guards, we can maintain this." The bull head commander said in a naive tone.

"Yes, it's all thanks to your guards." Commander Viper cast a glance at Commander "Yi Qi Qi".

"Hmph, that's the truth." The bull-headed commander raised his head, his face full of pride.

The poisonous snake leader stuck out his tongue and said, "Hiss, this is all thanks to His Majesty Xuanwu."

"Okay, stop arguing." Xuanniao raised his hand and glanced at the two of them.

She said lightly: "It can make the beastman kingdom better and better, that's good."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone responded in unison.

Xuanniao looked around the surrounding buildings, many neat houses were newly built, many original stone houses and wooden houses were demolished, and the beast king city is getting better and better.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

There are orcs driving animal carts along the long street to clean up the garbage in the garbage cans, so as to avoid the accumulation of long-term odors.

Xuanniao nodded in satisfaction, and led the leaders to continue patrolling the streets.

"Your Majesty, the air smells better since we got the holy tree." The bull-headed leader looked up at the sky, and instead of the sun and clouds, what came into his eyes was the emerald green canopy.

The eleventh-order tree of life is purifying the air in the orc king city every moment, and at the same time improving the soil and water quality, so that the orcs living here are getting healthier day by day.

"Because of this, we must guard the sacred tree." The tail of the snake led by Thunder Snake flicked a few times.

Xuanniao's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Well, those without permission are not allowed to approach the forbidden area, otherwise they will all be killed.

The location where the tree of life is planted has been listed as a forbidden area, and there are special guards to prevent unrelated people from approaching.

In the eyes of the orcs, the tree of life is the future of the orc kingdom. With the tree of life, the orc kingdom can become better and better, and it is also the proof of the subsidiary kingdom of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Yes." The orcs responded in unison.

"Go to the factory to have a look." Xuanniao said coldly.

There are a total of six factories built in the Beast King City, besides that, there are four factories outside the Beast King City, and twelve factories farther away, but these do not include steel

"Yes." The orcs responded respectfully, and went to the nearest textile factory with Xuanniao.

Several people walked into the textile factory, and what they saw was the scene of workers handling raw materials. The orcs were handling animal fur and plant fibers, which were the raw materials for making wool and hemp.

"Your Majesty and the commanders are here. The orcs stopped what they were doing and hurriedly saluted Xuanniao and the others.

Xuan Niao asked calmly: "Working here, are you tired?"

"Your Majesty, I'm not tired. These tasks are very easy." The orcs smiled honestly.

"Yeah, as long as you work hard, you can fill your stomach, which is much better than before."

I love it here and can work till I die. "

The orcs talked one by one, expressing their love for this job.

Xuanniao's eyes were astonished. I didn't expect the orcs to like this job so much, and the smiles on their faces didn't look fake.

"You guys are busy." Xuanniao nodded and walked towards the factory.

Passing through the raw material processing area, I saw female orcs sitting in rows. They were twisting processed animal hair and plant fibers into threads, and then balls into thread balls, which were convenient for subsequent weaving into cloth.

The leader of the bull head said in a naive voice: "This kind of work really has to be done by a woman, and I can't do it."

Xuanniao glanced at Commander Niutou's hand upon hearing this. One of his fingers was bigger than the three fingers of ordinary people. If he was asked to rub the twine, he would probably be unable to start.

The leader of the poisonous snakes asked strangely: "There are also times when you can't do it?"

The bull-headed commander blushed and glared at the poisonous snake commander.

"Shut up." Xuanniao has one head and two big ones. Since becoming king, he has only realized how difficult it is to manage a kingdom.

The Bull Head Commander and the Viper Commander glared at each other and turned their heads neatly.

Xuanniao sighed, walked into the prevention and control area inside, and saw the orcs manipulating the loom, weaving hemp and wool into cloth...

In front of the loom, staff from the Xuanwu Kingdom are inspecting the finished fabric.

"The lines should be tightly pressed together. If you can't do this, use more force."

"The surface of the cloth you spun is not smooth, you need to adjust it, don't pull the shuttle too tight..."

The staff kept a straight face and corrected mistakes over and over again.

"Got it, I'll try again." The female orcs listened humbly.

The orcs strive to weave high-quality fabrics, so that they can get higher salaries and may be promoted to managers in the future.

This is the welfare package formulated by Mu Liang, in order to stimulate the orcs to work hard, not to be perfunctory.

Xuanniao just looked at it for a while, then turned and left without disturbing the work in the textile area.

After they left the textile factory, they went to nearby pottery factories, sanitary ware factories and so on.

During this inspection, Xuanniao did not find any major problems. The orcs in each factory are working hard, all to solve the problem of food and clothing.

"Go and see the farmland." Xuanniao decided to go to the farmland, which is related to the food and clothing of the orcs, and sent people to inspect it every day.

"Yes." The eyes of Commander Tauren and others lit up.

They left the royal city and went to the farmland in a beast cart.

When I came to the farmland, I saw a piece of green, and the sweet potatoes were growing very well, and the sweet potatoes in some areas had already achieved 4.8 harvests.

The planting surface of sweet potato and cabbage in the current farmland is the largest.

With the tree of life, sweet potatoes can be harvested every three days, and cabbage can be harvested every two days. This solves the problem of fullness of the orcs in the royal city.

When new farmland is reclaimed, orcs in other cities can also fill their stomachs with meals, provided they are willing to work.

There are many mineral veins in the kingdom of orcs, and many steel factories have been newly built. These orcs are needed to complete metallurgical work.

After repeated forging of the extracted metal, part of the finished steel was transported back to the Xuanwu Kingdom, part was used for the infrastructure of the Orc Kingdom, and the rest was sold to human merchants.

The orcs are strong, and with the forging technology support of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the quality of the smelted steel continues to improve, and the merchants like it very much.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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