At night, inside the Highland Palace.

Tempting aromas wafted from the restaurant, and the maids brought delicious dishes to the table.


Yue Feiyan looked at the dishes on the table, clutched her growling stomach and asked, "Is Mu Liang here yet?"

"No, His Majesty hasn't come back yet." Cen Fei'er replied softly.

Xi Beiqi lay on the table, tilted her head and asked softly, "What did Mu Liang do?"

In the dining room, apart from Hu Xian and Mu Liang, Li Yue and the others had already arrived.

Qin Fei'er explained: "Your Majesty has gone to the back garden."

"What are you doing in the back garden?" Xibeqi raised her head upon hearing this.

Qin Fei'er shook her head, and said coquettishly: "I don't know, I don't care about His Majesty's affairs."

"That's right." Xi Beiqi jumped back to the table and waited for the improvement to come back.

Yue Qinlan asked gracefully, "Are you all hungry?"

"Fortunately, I can bear it." Yue Feiyan pursed her mouth and took a deep breath, as if this could relieve her hunger.

"I've kept you waiting for so long, I'm back." A charming voice sounded, and Hu Immortal walked into the restaurant with her slender waist twisted.

She just came back from Shanhai Commercial City. With the space portal, it is much easier to travel between the highlands and Commercial City.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Thanks for your hard work, I must be very busy today.

The beauty salon opened today, Hu Immortal left the high ground very early, and has been busy until now before returning.

Hu Immortal sat down and said with a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the people who came today are regular customers, it is easier to receive them, and the staff have also been trained, so I don't need to worry about it."

"How's the business going?" Yue Qinlan asked.

Hu Immortal said with a smile on his lips: "It's not bad, the masks are all sold out, and they have ordered the next batch of goods, which will be delivered in three days, and I have to go to the mask workshop tomorrow to see."

After the ladies knew that the mask was good, they all chose to stock up, for fear that the price would increase in the future or they would not be able to buy it.

Yue Qinlan was surprised and said: "That can earn a lot of Warcraft crystals."

"It's not bad, it's much more profitable than those in the ice drink shop." Hu Xian smiled and nodded.

"That's pretty good." A warm voice sounded, and Mu Liang appeared in the restaurant out of nowhere, with a refreshing fragrance on his body.

"Mu Liang, what did you do?" Yue Feiyan subconsciously asked.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Take flower wine."

He took out a jar of wine, and the intoxicating aroma wafted out, making people unable to take a few deep breaths.

The beautiful eyes of the fox fairy lit up, and he said in surprise: "It smells so good, is this flower wine from the first batch of brewing?"

"Yes, the first batch of flower wine." Mu Liang nodded.

Some of the flower wine brewed by the elves was sold at the previous auction, and a few bottles were given to Xin Xi during the auction, and most of the rest have been kept until now.

"Drink now?" Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Mu Liang said softly: "You can drink, but you should all be drunk after drinking."

"Don't be afraid, there is star tea, which can relieve hangovers." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

Mu Liang shook his head, and said calmly: "I can't explain it, the flower wine is brewed from the flowers of the tree of life, and it belongs to the same origin, which is quite special, so it is difficult to be effective."

Xi Beiqi quickly shook her head: "Ah, then I don't drink anymore, I still have to watch TV at night."

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "I won't drink today, I will drink it later when I eat hot pot and barbecue.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Mu Liang flipped his hand and put the wine jar back into the portable space.

He sat down and said softly: "Don't just sit there, move your chopsticks."

"Okay, I'm hungry." Yue Feiyan responded, and waited for Mu Liang to move away with his chopsticks before picking up the chopsticks and eating.


"It's so delicious, Wang Yi from Chuan is getting more and more flamboyant." All the girls praised.

Today's dinner is in charge of Qin Fei'er, Xiao Zi will help, and the other maids will go to practice.

"Well, great progress has been made." Mu Liang said softly.

The maids have a clear division of labor. Three meals a day are prepared in turn. Someone cooks while others practice, urging each other to improve their strength.

They were battle maids, not servants without status.

"I will do better and better." Cen Feier said excitedly.

She gradually integrated into the life of the palace, and her relationship with the maids became better and better, and she found a sense of belonging.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Well, you are much more lively now than before, which is very good."

"Thanks for everyone's care. Cen Feier nodded excitedly.

Everyone laughed dumbfounded, making the girl feel embarrassed.

The dinner ended with laughter, the maids cleared the table, and Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan stood in front of the TV, watching the new TV series on time.

Elena and Yan Bing went to watch the night, and only Li Yue and Nijisha could rest.

...asking for flowers...

Several people sat together and sorted out all kinds of information from the New World and the Old World.

"The prince of the Sea Moon Kingdom eloped with the lady of the Neon Tavern." Nijisha blinked her blue eyes, and there was confusion in her eyes.

She couldn't help asking: "What do you mean? Who is the lady in this neon bar?"

Li Yue glanced sideways at the registered information, twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "It's just prostitution.

"Oh~~~" Nijisha widened her beautiful eyes.

She clicked her tongue and said, "The prince is also crazy."

"Who says it's not." Li Yue turned her head and continued to sift through the information handed over by the intelligence personnel.

There is a special intelligence gathering department in the highlands, which uses resonance bugs to connect with intelligence personnel on the old and new continents, and collects a lot of intelligence every day.


Nijisha continued to read: "The princess of the Sea Moon Kingdom has disappeared, and it has not been found for half a month."

"Why is this Sea Moon Kingdom so weird?" Li Yue frowned.

Nijisha shrugged her shoulders, and said crisply: "I don't know. According to Mu Liang, it may be that the Fengshui of Sea Moon Kingdom is not good."

"Useless information." She put down the paper in her hand and picked up another information to check.

"This information came from the Old Continent." Li Yue's expression became serious.

She watched from the beginning to the end, and said solemnly: "The number of ghosts appearing is increasing."

Nijisha paused her hand, her blue eyes became serious: "I have the same information here, a small city was slaughtered by the ghost."

"How could it be!" Li Yue's pupils contracted, and she took the information and looked at it carefully.

Nijisha sighed: "Stone Liu City has a population of more than 20,000, all of them are dead..."

The population of the Old Continent was not large, and more than 20,000 people died suddenly, which made people sad.

"Damn it." Li Yue's eyes turned cold.

"Xu Clan, you really deserve to die." Nijisha recalled bad memories, her beautiful eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Li Yue's eyes drooped: "Xiao Yu should have arrived in the Old Continent, I don't know how many people can come back.

"I hope everything is safe." Nijisha murmured softly.

The two looked at each other, sighed involuntarily, and continued to sort out other materials.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the length. .

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