Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2053: Half Of The Inexplicable Disappearance. (3 More)

In the study, Mu Liang flipped through the purple-patterned light steel production report sent by Yili City.

He tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and whispered in a low voice: "This month's production has dropped by half, what's going on?"

The purple-patterned light steel used in the Xuanwu Kingdom was all shipped back from the iron and steel factory in Yili City, and the monthly output was not much different, except for this month, the output dropped by half.

The appearance of Su Linyisi appeared in Mu Liang's mind. She was the queen he supported and signed the queen bee contract. Such a person would not play tricks with him.

He pondered for a while, then shouted: "Who is outside the door?"


The study door was pushed open, and the maid who was guarding the door entered the room with her head.

Xiao Zi said crisply: "Your Majesty, it's me."

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Send the resonator that contacts Su Linyisi.

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded obediently, and "663" turned around and walked quickly to the contact room.

She walked into the liaison room, looked at the resonance bugs on the shelf, looked around and quickly found the resonance bug with the brand "Sulin Yisi", carefully hugged it in her arms [turned back to the study.

"Your Majesty." She handed the resonance bug forward.

Mu Liang glanced at the resonance bug, and said calmly: "Wake up and establish a connection."


The next moment, the sleeping resonator woke up, its wings as thin as cicada wings vibrated at high speed, and established contact with the resonator far away in Yili City.

"What's wrong?" Li Yue appeared at the door of the study.

Mu Liang explained casually: "This month's output of purple-patterned light steel has decreased by half compared to last month."

Li Yue's expression became serious, she stepped to Mu Liang's side and stood still, staring at the resonator's reaction.

Time passed, four or five minutes passed, and the connection between the two resonance bugs still hadn't been established.

"Hey, what's going on?" Li Yue frowned.

Mu Liang's eyes were cold, he watched the resonator quietly, and continued to wait for the connection to be established.

After another ten minutes passed, the speed of the resonator's wings stopped, and a cold female voice came out.

"Your Majesty?" Su Linyisi's voice sounded, sounding a bit sleepy.

Mu Liang asked indifferently: "What are you doing?"

"Your Majesty Mu Liang, I just fell asleep." Su Linyisi explained.

Hearing this, Mu Liang looked up at the swinging clock on the wall, raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's only eight o'clock in the evening, why did you go to bed so early?"

Su Linyisi explained: "I was a little tired today, I visited the Ziwen light steel mining area, and then went to the steel factory.

Mu Liang asked calmly: "Let me ask you, why is the output of purple pattern light steel this month reduced by half compared to last month?"

"Half less, it's impossible," Su Lin Yisi froze for a moment.

"Written in black and white, it is very clear." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Su Linyisi's tone became serious, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, wait a moment, let me ask."

"En." Mu Liang responded indifferently.

Soon, Su Linyisi's angry voice came from the resonator: "Come on, call the person in charge of the steel plant, I want to see him within ten minutes.

"Your Majesty, the iron and steel plant is outside the city, how could Tian Min invite someone here?" The distressed voice of the subordinate also came out through the resonance bug.

The iron and steel factory is built in the Ziwen light steel mining area, and there is a distance from Yili City. If the person in charge of the iron and steel factory is allowed to enter the city by animal cart, it will take an hour at the fastest.

Su Linyisi said coldly: "There are worker bees, His Majesty Xuanwu is waiting."

"His Majesty Xuanwu!" The subordinate exclaimed.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice, "I'll give you half an hour to find someone."

"Yes." Su Linyisi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at her subordinates coldly.

"Understood, the person in charge of the iron and steel plant will be delivered within half an hour." The subordinate shook his body, and ran out in three steps at a time.

Su Linyisi looked at the resonance insect, and said in a serious tone: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, even if there is a discrepancy in the output of this purple-patterned light steel, it cannot be reduced by half. There must be a problem or a mistake.

"You'll know if you find out, don't let me down." Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded.

"No, please rest assured His Majesty Mu Liang." Su Linyisi's body trembled.

She knew in her heart that she was able to take the position of queen because of the support of Mu Liang and the Xuanwu Kingdom, otherwise it would not be her turn to be the heroine.

Li Yue asked in a cold voice: "Your Excellency Su Linyisi, life is more comfortable than before."

Su Linyisi's throat moved, and she said neither humble nor overbearing: "Miss Liyue, thanks to the help of His Majesty Mu Liang, I can live such a life."

Li Yue asked in a cold voice: "Our Majesty is busy until twelve o'clock at night every day, and even can't sleep all night, will you fall asleep before eight o'clock?"

When she passed by the study, she often found that Mu Liang didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and even stayed up all night until the next day. Sometimes when the girl came back from night duty the next day, she could still see Mu Liang flipping through the documents.

.” Su Linyi opened her mouth and was speechless for a while.

Liyue continued: "You manage the Kingdom of Lanlupo, and you are more relaxed than I imagined."

Su Linyisi, as the lord of a country and the queen of the Lanlupo Kingdom, can fall asleep before eight o'clock at night, which is very leisurely.

"Your Excellency Su Linyisi, if the problem with this batch of purple-pattern light steel is related to your management method, then you must bear certain responsibilities."

Liyue's words were like a knife, piercing Su Linyisi's heart.

When Mu Liang left Yili City, he handed over the Purple Pattern Light Steel to Su Linyisi for management. If something goes wrong under her nose, she cannot escape responsibility.

"I understand." Sulin Yisi said in a shy voice.

Her heart was heavy, and she was sorting out the delivery process of the purple-patterned light steel in her mind. Who would come into contact with the purple-patterned light steel?

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at the silver-haired girl with admiration in his eyes.

Li Yue blinked her white eyes at Mu Liang, as if saying don't praise me.

Su Linyisi took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, I will investigate this matter."

"Well, I'll give you this chance." Mu Liang said lightly.

"Your Majesty will not be disappointed." Su Linyisi nodded vigorously.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the 4.7 in her heart had already whipped those who made mistakes eight hundred times.

Time passed, half an hour was about to pass, the woman was a little restless, why hasn't the subordinate who went to the person in charge of the steel factory come back yet?

There are worker bees left by Mu Liang in the palace, and it takes half an hour to pick up people at the steel factory by worker bees.

"Miss Su Linyisi, the time is coming." Li Yue's cold voice sounded on time.

"Wait a little longer, I should be back soon..." Su Linyisi's throat moved, and she stood up and looked towards the gate of the main hall.

Just when her heart sank, hurried footsteps sounded.

"Your Majesty, please come back." The subordinate ran into the main hall sweating profusely, followed by a muscular burly man.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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