Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2054: I'm Not Lazy. (1 More)

Su Linyisi looked at the man behind her subordinate. He was wearing a fur coat, his face was dusty, and there were gravels attached to his hair.

"Your Majesty." The person in charge of the steel factory saluted respectfully.

He asked inexplicably: "Your Majesty, it's so late, why did you call me here?"

Su Linyisi glanced at the fluttering resonator beside her, and saw that there was no sound coming out, so she asked, "What's the matter with the output of purple-patterned light steel this month?"

The big man said confusedly: "Your Majesty, the monthly output of purple pattern light steel is fixed. Is there any problem?"

Su Linyisi said coldly: "Hmph, don't pretend you don't know, the amount of purple-patterned light steel delivered to the Xuanwu Kingdom has decreased by half compared to last month."

The big man stared wide-eyed and said in shock: "How could it be?"

Su Linyisi said indifferently: "Hmph, for the question that His Majesty Xuanwu personally responded to, please give me a reasonable explanation."

"Your Majesty, I personally counted the purple-patterned light steel, and if there is no problem, it will be packed and sent to the warehouse." The big man hurriedly explained.

There are a total of three warehouses in the steel factory, one of which is 23 warehouses, which is specially used to store the purple-patterned light steel shipped to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

When the transport spaceship arrives, the worker ants will transport the spaceship on the cloud with the purple pattern light steel that has been counted and packed in advance.

Su Linyi raised her chin and asked coldly: "What do you mean, the missing purple-patterned light steel is a nonsense talk of His Majesty Xuanwu?"

"No, it's not." The big man was sweating profusely, his thoughts running fast.

Sulin Yisi narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Da Khan's eyes, seeing that the expression on his face didn't look like acting, could it be that he didn't do this?

Mu Liang's peaceful voice sounded: "After you count, who else will have access to this batch of purple pattern light steel?"

"Who?" The big man was stunned for a moment, is there anyone else in the main hall?

A subordinate couldn't hold back, and reminded in a low voice: "How dare you talk to His Majesty Xuanwu like that?"

"His Majesty Xuanwu!"

The big man trembled, and quickly saluted respectfully: "I have seen His Majesty Xuanwu, Your Majesty Wanan.

"Answer my question." Mu Liang's flat voice sounded.

The big man said respectfully: "His Majesty Xuanwu, I am responsible for counting the quantity of purple-patterned light steel, but who is responsible for the management of the warehouse, and he is also responsible for transporting the goods on the transport spaceship.

"Why?" Mu Liang's voice sounded.

The big man quickly explained: "His Majesty Xuanwu, why is he the warehouse manager of the steel factory."

Li Yue analyzed in a cold voice: "The warehouse manager is responsible for loading and unloading purple-patterned light steel, so he is even more suspicious.

"Find He You." Su Linyisi ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes." The subordinate responded, turned around and was about to run outside.

The big man hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, He You has asked for leave for several days, saying that he is going back to his hometown to visit relatives."

Su Linyisi raised her hand and patted the armrest of the table and chair, and said angrily: "I don't even believe that he is fine when he asks for leave at this time.

The subordinate asked with a serious face: "Your Majesty, do you want to send someone to arrest him?"

"Come on, this matter must be investigated." Su Lin Yi Siyu waved her hand.

Li Yue said coldly: "Miss Su Linyisi, anyone who has direct contact with this batch of purple-patterned light steel should be interrogated.

"Miss Liyue, don't worry, I will arrange it." Su Linyisi responded neither humble nor overbearing.

Mu Liang's voice sounded again: "If the investigation is not clear, I will send someone over there."

Su Linyisi's pupils constricted. If this trivial matter cannot be investigated clearly, will Mu Liang replace the king's position?

In her opinion, Mu Liang is the master behind the Lanlupo Kingdom, and she is just helping to take care of it.

Su Linyisi quickly assured: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will investigate clearly as soon as possible."

"I'll give you three days." Mu Liang's voice fell, and the connection with the resonator was cut off.

Su Linyi let out a breath slowly, her face was terribly cold.

She raised her hand to signal: "Go and call Uncle Zhang."

"Yes." The subordinate saluted respectfully, turned around and left the palace quickly.

More than ten minutes later, Uncle Zhang, who has become the knight commander, strode into the palace and saluted Su Linyisi with his hands.

"I have met Her Majesty the Queen." He gave a standard knightly salute.

Su Linyisi waved her hand and said calmly: "Excuse me, Uncle Zhang, please sit down first."

"Your Majesty, what's bothering you?" Uncle Zhang asked respectfully.

Su Linyisi said in a short way: "This month, the amount of purple-patterned light steel shipped to the Xuanwu Kingdom has decreased by half, and His Majesty Mu Liang has come to ask in person.

"How could it be half missing?" Uncle Zhang widened his eyes and looked at the woman in surprise.

Su Linyisi resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and said indifferently: "I didn't cheat."

"Who could that be?" Uncle Zhang looked serious.

Su Linyisi said indifferently: "At present, there is a suspicious person, his name is He You, and he is the warehouse manager of the steel factory.

"Your Majesty wants me to catch him?" Uncle Zhang asked seriously.

"That's right, I leave this matter to you to investigate," Suyes nodded.

"Yes. Uncle Zhang performed a knight salute again.

Su Linyi raised her eyes to look at the knight commander, and said in a serious tone: "Why? I asked for leave a few days ago and said I was going back to visit relatives. I suspect that he has already run away. Go and catch him. 17

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty." Uncle Zhang saluted respectfully.

He already had a specific direction of investigation in his mind, and he was going to send people to investigate those people who knew He You first, and then send people to He You's hometown.

Su Linyisi raised her hand and said: "Uncle Zhang, you don't need to salute all the time."

Uncle Chang said with a serious face: <, I am a subordinate, so I should. "

Su Linyi smiled wryly, since she became the queen, her superior-subordinate relationship with Uncle 500 has become more and more clear.

She sighed, "Okay."

"Your Majesty, I will leave first if I have nothing else to do." Uncle Zhang said respectfully.

"Go, His Majesty Xuanwu only gave you one day." Su Linyi reminded.

"Three days..." Uncle Zhang's face became more serious.

He saluted again, turned around and left the palace, his pace was noticeably faster when he left.

Su Linyisi leaned back, raised her hand to rub her temples, and muttered softly: "Three days, how stingy."

She sat for a while, and finally got up and walked towards the side hall, where she handled affairs of the kingdom.

The woman picked up the document on the desktop and forced herself to read it, playing the words that the silver-haired girl said to her in a loop in her mind.

"I'm not lazy." Su Linyisi looked serious, and quickly put herself into work.

Time passed slowly, and there were fewer and fewer documents on the table.

In the middle of the night, Su Linyisi stood up and stretched, and couldn't help sighing: "It's really difficult to manage a kingdom..."

She admired Mu Liang even more in her heart. The Xuanwu Kingdom is several times stronger and more prosperous than the Lanlupo Kingdom. How much does he have to work every day?

Su Linyisi sighed: "You still can't slack off."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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