Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2055: The Beginning Is Not Smooth. (2 More)

At night, in the palace study.

Mu Liang leaned on the dragon chair, closed his eyes and connected with the wooden clone in the Old World, sharing his vision and senses.

At this time, the wooden clone was walking in a barren mountain, looking for the whereabouts of the ghost king and the ghost's lair.

Some cities in the Old Continent have been slaughtered by ghosts to avoid more casualties. He needs to find other ghost kings as soon as possible to find out the reason for ghosts' changes.


Mu Liangmu's avatar moved forward at high speed, and sometimes went underground to check the situation, but found no trace of Xu Gui.

"Where will it be?" The wooden avatar stopped, and the voice that came out of the mouth was much more emotional, it was the voice of the main body.

Mu Liang and the wooden clone share the senses, which doubles the scope of the search.

However, before dawn, there was still no trace of the Void Ghost King, only a wave of low-level Void Ghosts was encountered and killed by him.

In the palace, Mu Liang opened his eyes, interrupted the sharing of senses with the wooden avatar, and let him freely search for the ghost king.

"It's not peaceful again." Mu Liang stood up, with many speculations in his heart. Could it be that Roy is really about to wake up?

I thought that the blood moon would pass, the virtual ghost tide would end, and human beings would have a period of respite, but I didn't expect so many things to happen later.

He whispered softly: "Roy, the Xuanwu Kingdom is not something you can move......?"


The study door was gently pushed open, a pair of rabbit ears poked into the room through the crack of the door first, followed by the girl's head.

When Mino saw Mu Liang, he pushed open the door of the study, puffed up his mouth and said, "Hey, Mu Liang, you stayed up all night again.

"Looked for a while." Mu Liang said softly.

"Oh, what do you want for breakfast?" Mino asked with his head tilted.

"I want to eat dumplings today." Mu Liang said gently.

Minuo shook his rabbit ears, and said crisply: "Dumplings, this one is simple, I'll make it."

"Go." Mu Liang's deep eyes smiled.

He was used to the bunny-eared girl getting up early, this was her long-standing habit, sometimes waking up earlier than himself.

Before the rabbit-eared girl met Mu Liang, she had to get up before dawn every day to go outside the tribe to catch small lizards and other small animals in order to trade for fresh water and food.

After Mino met Mu Liang, his life became better and better, but this habit of getting up early has not been changed, and he only stays in bed occasionally.

The rabbit-eared girl left the study, Mu Liang entered the lounge next to her, washed up briefly, and left the study.

He came outside the palace and looked down at the highlands. The greenery everywhere made people feel happy.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the beautiful scenery in front of him, the kingdom that has been worked so hard, cannot be destroyed by the Xu Clan.

Mu Liang left the highland and walked on the long street in the residential area of ​​the main city like an ordinary person. Looking around at the pedestrians, he could see their smiling faces, which was completely different from the state in the Old Continent.

He stayed in the residential area for two hours, and became more determined to stop the Xu family from setting foot on the territory of the Xuanwu Kingdom.


When Mu Liang returned to the palace, the breakfast was just out of the pan, and the steaming dumplings were served with special dipping sauce, which made everyone praise him.

After he finished his breakfast, he plunged into the studio, preparing to research a new group-destroyer weapon to deal with the Voids who might all wake up in the future.

"Mu Liang is busy again." Alina couldn't help sighing as she looked at the closed studio door.

"Mu Liang has always been busy." Nijisha said crisply.

Alina's pink eyes lit up, and she said seriously: "I also want to train hard."

Nijisha raised her eyebrows and said: "Then hurry up, today's rookie training is entrusted to you.

"Hey, what are you going to do then?" Alina squinted at the blue-haired girl.

Today's training task was completed by her and the green-haired girl.

"I'm going on a mission to visit an underwater town." Nijisha explained.

"Oh, then you go." Alina didn't ask much, they often go out to carry out missions, which usually end soon.

She left the palace and walked to the sixth floor of the highland, where the ghost special forces lived and trained.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The pink-haired girl walked into the training ground, and the passing highland guards and members of the ghost special assassination team all said hello.

"Captain Alina, good morning." Si Shali waved her hand.

Alina raised her chin, Jiaohan asked: "Morning, have you had breakfast?"

"Eat, I'm going back to rest." Si Shali yawned as she spoke.

She was on duty last night, and now she is on shift with the pink-haired girl, so she can go back and rest for half a day.

"Go." Alina waved her hand, and walked towards the assembled new members.

This time the ghost special forces recruited a total of forty-six people, twelve of whom were classified as ghost special assassination teams, and the other thirty-four people would become highland guards after completing training in the future.

Among the forty-six people, thirteen are women, and the rest are men. The strongest is at the fifth level, and the weakest is at the third level.

The people in front of me were all carefully selected. After half a month of assessment, they were finally qualified to enter the training period.

Elena asked with her hands behind her back, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Captain Alina, we've all had breakfast." The forty-six people responded in unison.

Alina grinned, and said: "Very well, I hope you are eating enough, the training task this morning will be quite hard."

...." The newcomers suddenly fell silent.

After more than ten days of training, they have gradually gotten used to Alina's way of doing things.

Alina raised her hand and glanced at her watch, and gave an order: "Everyone, put on your weight-bearing clothes, and then gather at the gravity training ground. You only have five minutes."

"Yes." They were shocked and acted quickly.

Weight-bearing clothes are clothes made of special metals, weighing more than two hundred catties, and are an excellent match for weight-bearing training.

Five minutes later, all the forty-six people put on their weight suits and assembled again at the gravity training ground.

Alina smiled mysteriously: "The first training today is the zama step."

"Zamabu?" (Wang Li's) newcomers were taken aback for a moment.

Elina spread her feet apart and made a Zama step: "Follow my movements, this is to exercise the core strength of a person, and it is a method invented by Your Majesty."

When the newcomer heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he followed the pink-haired girl into a horse stance.

Alina continued: "The stability of our people largely depends on the strength of our core strength. If our core strength is improved, we will have a big #Bj when we do difficult movements in the future...? "

The newcomers listened carefully and began to automatically correct movement mistakes.

Alina nodded in satisfaction, turned around and activated the gravity field.

The newcomer, who was originally very relaxed, contorted his face at this moment, resisting the gravity acting on his body.

"Hold on, it will take at least half an hour." Alina grinned.

"Yes." The newcomers were miserable.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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