Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2056: Under The Forbidden Curse. (3 More)

In the old continent, deep inland, three thousand meters below the ground, this is the lair of King Xu Er.

Xu Er Wang just woke up, looking at the five Xu ghost kings gathered in front of him, his expression was not good.

He made a metaphor in a bad tone: "Master Roy is about to wake up, it attracted you all."

Ten minutes ago, the Second King Xu was woken up by the tenth-level ghosts under him, and when he opened his eyes, he saw five ghost kings standing in front of him, which affected his mood very much.

"Come on~~~

The Third King Xu sneered a few times, and suddenly said: "Master Roy is indeed about to wake up."

When he went to look for the second king Xu with the fifth king Xu and the fourth king Xu, he happened to find the lairs of the tenth king Xu and the eleventh king Xu along the way, and woke them up together along the way.

Xu Erwang's expression changed, and he said seriously: "Is this the reason why you woke me up?"

The Third King Xu said in a cold tone: "I know you don't believe me, but what I said is true. Lord Roy is about to wake up, and it will only be a year later."

Xu Erwang was silent for a moment, then slowly stood up, looking down at Xu Sanwang: "You know what will happen if you lie to me.

Third King Xu took a step back and said with a sneer, "Jie Jie Jie, do you need me to take you to meet Lord Roy?"

"No need, what about the others?" Second Xu Wang looked at Fourth Xu Wang and others.

His strength is the strongest among all the virtual ghost kings present.

The fourth king of Xu said indifferently: "The auras of the sixth, eighth and ninth kings of Xu have disappeared833, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive."

"What's going on?" Xu Erwang asked hoarsely.

"The situation I know should be related to human beings..." The fourth ghost king recounted the guess in his heart. This is the information that all other ghost kings have heard except the second king Xu.

The Second King Xu licked the corners of his mouth and said with a smirk: "Interesting, thousands of years have passed, and there are still such strong humans."

Xu San Wang and others looked at each other, only thinking that Xu Er Wang was a lunatic, maybe when Roy created him, he was infused with some special secret medicine.

King Xu Er suppressed the smile on his face, and asked in a deep voice: "According to what you said, there are still King Xu Yi, King Xu Seven, and King Xu Twelve who have not yet been found."

"Yes." Xu Sanwang nodded.

King Xu Er waved his hand and said: "Then find them and start cleaning up the humans in this continent, I don't want to offend Lord Roy.

The Eleventh King Xu suddenly said: "If all human beings are killed now, how can we evolve?"

He is ambitious, and if he wants to become stronger, it is best to reach Roy's level, that is, the half-step emperor level.

Among the virtual ghost kings present, they all had the same goal. (cdcf)

The Five Xu Kings said in a deep voice: "There is nothing to do about it. If Master Roy wakes up and finds that we did not clean up human beings, but kept them in captivity, you should be able to guess what the consequences will be."

The Fourth King Xu's eyes showed fear: "The consequence is to be destroyed by Mr. Roy.

Xu Erwang suddenly said: "Isn't there another continent, the blood food there should taste better."

After cleaning up the humans in the Old Continent, they can go to the New Continent, and before Roy wakes up, go there to devour bloody food like crazy, maybe there is a possibility of evolution.

"I discovered another continent, but it's a pity that I couldn't get through, and was stopped by the sea of ​​mist." The third king Xu shook his head.

The Fourth King Xu nodded and said: "Originally I wanted to smuggle through the Xuanwu Kingdom, but I tried several times but failed."

The Third King Xu said indifferently: "The sea of ​​mist is weird, as if it has no end, and it cannot be crossed."

"If you can't fly, can't you also get through the ground?" Xu Erwang asked in a deep voice.

"This......hasn't tried it yet." Xu Sanwang was stunned for a moment.

"Trash." The Second Xu King coldly glanced at the Xu Ghost Kings present.

Xu San Wang and Xu Ghost King glared at Xu Er Wang, and they all dared not speak out.

King Xu Er ignored their glaring stares, and said to himself: "Let the low-ranking clansmen clean up the humans, and the high-ranking clansmen follow us to the sea of ​​mist."

"Is this okay?" The Fourth King Xu hesitated.

Xuer Wang explained indifferently: "This way, on the one hand, it will distract the attention of humans, and on the other hand, it can cover up our whereabouts. When we go to another continent, we will come back after we become stronger, and the remaining humans will wave their hands. can be resolved.”

The ultimate goal of the Void Ghost King is to evolve and clean up all the humans in the Old Continent, including the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"That makes sense." Xu Shiyi nodded in agreement.

"Then let's do this." Xu Sanwang pondered for a moment, and finally agreed.

The Second King Xu stared at the Third Xu King and reminded: "Before that, we must first find the remaining Ghost King Xu.

"Understood, I can sense their positions." Xu Sanwang curled his lips.

The second king of Xu said in a deep voice: "Let's divide the action into two parts. The third king of Xu and the fourth king of Xu are going to find other ghost kings of Xu. The fifth king of Xu, the eleventh of Xu, and the seventh king of Xu will follow me to the Misty Sea."

"Yes." Xu Sanwang nodded in agreement.

"Okay." The other virtual ghost kings also agreed.

King Xu Er said solemnly: "One year will pass soon, and we must finish all this before Lord Roy wakes up."

"Understood." The virtual ghost kings responded, turned around and were about to leave.

Xu Erwang suddenly said: "Put the forbidden curse on."

Xu Sanwang and Xu Guiwang trembled, turned to look at Xu Erwang, his face was full of astonishment.

Forbidden curse, the unique ability of Xu Erwang, inherited from Roy, to seal all the secrets that he does not allow to be revealed.

Xu Erwang said indifferently: "In case any of you are caught by humans and leaked this secret."

Those who have cast the forbidden spell cannot tell the forbidden secret, otherwise they will explode and die.

"Is this really the case?" Xu Wuwang hesitated.

"Must." Xu Erwang said in a tone that could not be refused.

The Fourth Xu Wang's face became gloomy, but in the end he still didn't speak out to object, after all, there was no reason to object.

Xu Er Wang nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand and drew a black pattern in the air.

He is very serious about every stroke, and he will fail if he is not careful.

When Xu Erwang finished drawing the forbidden spell, the black lines formed the shape of a flower.

He didn't let go of his hand, and chanted a spell in his mouth, repeating what he had just plotted.

The black pattern trembled, as if it was absorbing something, until the Second Xu King stopped speaking, the black pattern turned into mist and dispersed, and penetrated into the bodies of the Xu Ghost Kings.


The virtual ghost kings screamed and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. This is not the first time they have been cursed, so they fear and loathe the curse.

The whole process lasted for an hour before the pain gradually dissipated. The Void Ghost Kings looked exhausted as if they had experienced a big battle.

"Go, don't let me down." Xu Erwang exhaled and recovered quickly.

The other ghost kings turned and left with a dark face without saying a word.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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