Inside the Acropolis on the 12th, Mu Liang and others walked into the Acropolis Administration.

"It's His Majesty and the clerk." The staff quickly stood up and saluted.

Yue Qinlan waved her hand and said, "It's none of your business, just keep busy."

"Yes." The staff all sat back and continued to deal with the matter at hand.

Yue Qinlan asked coldly, "Where's your manager?"

The staff replied: "Return to the clerk, our lord has gone out to patrol the streets.

"He patrolled the streets himself?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly.

The staff member nodded: "Yes, my lord said that only by seeing it for myself can I know whether the current No. 12 Acropolis is good or bad, and can make corresponding improvements to address the problems."

"It's good to have this awareness." Mu Liang nodded calmly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Okay, then you don't have to call him back."

Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan, and Li Yue entered the office, and began to review various data of No. 12 Acropolis.


He flipped through the reports and documents, and praised: "The manager you selected is quite capable."

"He is very talented." Yue Qinlan nodded with a smile.

"Very good." Mu Liang thought for a while, looked through all the documents, and confirmed that the current development of No. 12 Acropolis is benign.

He continued: "If you are qualified, you can continue to manage No. 12 Acropolis."

"Well, but there is still some time before the three-month assessment period, let's take a look." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

The managers of the twelve acropolises all have assessment objectives, and if they fail to complete them, they may be demoted.

"Well, you can figure it out." Mu Liang nodded.

They stayed in the office for two hours, did not wait for the manager to come back, and finally left the management office first.

They got into the car and went back to the highlands. They had already missed the lunch time, but the little maids had prepared fried rice.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Randy walked into the palace, looking for something.

Buff asked suspiciously: "Miss Randy, what's the matter?"

"I want to find Lord Fox Immortal." Randy said crisply.

Buff said obediently: "Lord Hu Immortal is in Shanhai Commercial City, not in the palace."

"Ah, then my trip was wasted." Randy pouted.

"Why are you looking for the fox fairy?" Mu Liang came out of the restaurant after lunch, just in time to hear the brunette girl's words.

"Your Majesty." Randy quickly saluted.

Mu Liang nodded lightly, waiting for Fufa Shaoan's answer.

Randy lowered her head in embarrassment: "Ling Xiang asked me to buy a set of limited edition perfume..."

"Ling Xiang, that princess?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Randy whispered: "Yes, the set of perfume she wanted to buy is no longer available, so she wanted to ask me to buy a set."

The perfumes produced by Xuanwu Kingdom, in addition to the classic models that have been on sale all the time, there are also many limited edition perfumes, and every time they are released, there will be a queue up.

Although Ling Xiang is a princess, she sent people to line up in the commercial city and commercial area, but she couldn't buy the first limited-edition perfume.

Mu Liang suddenly said: "So you want to ask the fox fairy to help her."

"Yeah." Randy nodded.

"Which set of perfume does she want?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

Randy hastily said: "The love of the mermaid.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Mermaid's Love, there were only 300 sets when it was released, and they were scattered in different perfume shops, so it's normal for her not to be able to buy them.

There are shops and counters selling perfumes in the city-centre business district, Shanhai commercial city, etc. in the major kingdoms.

"Is that not?" Randy sighed regretfully.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Yes, I remember there are still five sets in the warehouse, you ask Xiao Zi to bring you one set."

"Hey, is it really possible?" Randy's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

"It's just perfume." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"I'll get it." Xiao Zi nodded obediently, turned around and went to the side hall where the warehouse is located.

Randy asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, how much is Mermaid Love?"

"I'll see you off." Mu Liang said indifferently.

It has been a long time since Randy left the oasis to join the Xuanwu Kingdom. He is a member of the Ghost Special Forces, so sending a set of perfume that can be mass-produced is nothing.

She is also friends with Mia and Huxi.

"Huh?" Randy widened her Amber-colored eyes.

Mu Liang asked, "Has Ling Xiang come to Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"No." Randy came back to his senses, and shook his head quickly upon hearing this.

Mu Liang asked warmly: "Then how do you send your perfume to her?"

Randy explained: "I put the perfume on the transport spaceship, and when the transport spaceship gets there, she will pick it up by herself..."

"Express delivery?" Mu Liang's deep eyes flickered, and he had a new idea in his heart.

There is no express delivery in this world, and there is not even a decent 'escort agency'.

When people want to deliver things to their relatives far away, they have to run by themselves, or wait for a caravan to help deliver them.

It's just that it's very unsafe, and valuables are at risk of being lost or being embezzled by the caravan, and the probability is very high.

The merchants who helped deliver the goods just dropped by and didn't pay attention. They often went to places and didn't deliver the goods to the designated ministers.

"What?" Randy tilted his head.

"It's okay." Mu Liang responded casually, already having a feasible idea in his mind.

"Oh..." Randy blinked Amber's eyes.


Xiao Zi came back from the side hall and handed the perfume in the wooden box to Shao Shao.

Xiao Zi said obediently: "Love of the Mermaid, there are a total of eight bottles of perfume, all of which are inside."

"Okay." Randy nodded happily.

She looked at Mu Liang and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have nothing else to do and I will go back first."

"Go." Mu Liang said clearly.

He turned around and walked towards the study, deciding to write down the idea in his mind, and then try to operate it. The Alien Express might be successful.

"It should be ok. 4.8" He strode back to the study, pulled the paper and began to write.

In the main hall, Randy was holding the box and Xiao Zi looked at each other.

"Has Your Majesty always been like this?" Randy asked crisply.

"Occasionally." Xiao Zi blinked her eyes, every time Mu Liang left in a hurry, she always had a good idea.

The little maid is used to this, and will arrange someone to guard outside the study, so that no one will disturb the pastor.

"Weird." Randy muttered, turned and left holding the wooden box.

She was going to the transport spaceship take-off and landing site, handed over the perfume to the staff on the transport spaceship, and entrusted them to deliver it to Ling Xiang.

If you are late, the transport spaceship is about to take off, so you can only wait for the transport spaceship two days later.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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