Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2059: You Are So Old-Fashioned. (1 More)

In Shanhai Commercial City, at the exit of the railway station.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Two girls in golden animal skin dresses walked out of the train station, looked around with purple lips, and exclaimed: "This is the Xuanwu Kingdom..."

They are aristocrats of the Kingdom of Yasedang, and their father is the Duke of Keqi, and they hold a very important position in the kingdom.

Purple lips are a symbol of nobility in the Kingdom of Asia, and they are made by applying special potions. In the Kingdom of Asia, purple symbolizes nobility.

The Keqi family has been in business for generations, with a family history of more than 5,000 years. It is involved in industries such as salt, iron ore, and potions. The family is very wealthy.

An Li looked around, blinked her purple eyes and exclaimed, "Lulu, this place is much more prosperous than King Luo City."

Sailuo King City is the main city of the Kingdom of Asia, where the king and the nobles live.

An Li is the Duke's eldest daughter. She is nineteen years old this year. She is a fifth-level light magician. She has dark purple hair that is braided into two loose braids. twenty three

Lulu is the Duke's youngest daughter. She is sixteen years old this year. She is a second-level light magician. Her hair color is also dark purple and short.

It was the first time for the two sisters to come to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they ran out after being killed first, and no one except acquaintances knew that they were the daughters of the Duke.

Lulu's purple eyes lit up: "Yes, this place is so beautiful~~~"

They learned about the Xuanwu Kingdom from TV, and they were deeply attracted. The two sisters planned for more than half a month before they found a chance to get rid of their daughter's father and sneak out.

"It's so clean here, and there's no smell." An Li kept admiring.

She looked around and saw a big pink tree not far away: "There is also a pink tree there."

Lulu's beautiful eyes lit up: "It's so beautiful, it's the first time I've seen a pink tree, I hope I can go back and show my father a branch.

An Li just wanted to nod, when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye, she turned her head and looked intently, it was a warning sign.

After she saw the words on the warning sign, she quickly stopped her sister: "No, there is a sign over there, don't get close to this tree, otherwise it will be dangerous."

Lulu looked sideways and pouted: "Ah, it should be fine to break a branch......"

An Li said with a serious face: "Just take a look, this is not at home, you can't be willful."

"Okay, I see." You need to pouted again.

She reluctantly looked away, and was soon attracted by other things, she exclaimed again and again: "Wow, what a tall building."

An Li looked up, and saw the Xuanwu Restaurant from a distance. The towering building and the domineering glazed sculpture made weak people feel awe.

"Let's go and have a look." She took her sister's hand.

"Okay." Lulu nodded vigorously, and walked forward with bouncing steps.

They walked on the long street, looked around at the shops on both sides, couldn't help but stop several times, attracted by the fragrance wafting from the shop.

"It smells so good, sister, I want to eat it." Lulu said coquettishly.

An Li pursed her lips, nodded and said: "Then buy some.

In just half an hour, the two sisters had five or six more delicacies in their arms, such as roasted sweet potatoes, fried sweet potato fries, fried meatballs, popcorn and so on.


"Sister, it's so delicious." Lulu puffed out her small mouth, eating so much oil.

An Li nodded in agreement and said, "Well, it's much more delicious than the one made by the royal chef in the palace."

Lulu swallowed the sweet potato meat in her mouth, glanced sideways at An Li, and reminded: "Sister, your mouth has faded.

"Hey." An Li was startled, and quickly raised her hand to rub the corner of her mouth, only to find that the purple color on her lips was basically gone.

Lulu Jiaohan asked: "Sister, is there any magic potion with dyed lips?"

As an aristocrat in the Kingdom of Asia, one must keep purple lips at all times, which is a status symbol.

"No, I came out in such a hurry...... I didn't think about it." An Li raised her hand to support her forehead.

Lu Lu pursed her lips and said, "Then what should we do?"

An Li sighed: "I don't know if there is any magic potion for dyeing lips..."

Lulu muttered: "Probably not, it's not our Yasaidang Kingdom, other nobles don't have the habit of dyeing their lips.

"Look for it, maybe there is one?" An Li said with a fluke mentality.

Lulu rolled her eyes and said crisply: "Sister, it should be fine if you don't dye your lips......"

An Li said solemnly: "That won't work. My father said that purple is noble. As his child, you must keep your lips purple at all times."

"Sister, you are so old-fashioned." Lulu snorted softly.

"This is inheritance, you don't understand." An Li raised her hand and tapped her sister's forehead with her index finger.


Lulu stuck out her tongue, and said charmingly: "Then go find the magic potion that dyes your lips."

"Well, go ahead and have a look." An Li rolled her sister's eyes, and took her hand and walked along the street.

Lulu looked at the pedestrians around her, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Sister, everyone here is well dressed.

An Li looked at the pedestrians, and then at the animal skin skirt on her body, she was wearing a bit ugly.

Lulu was surprised: "And their mouths are so moist, red, pink, and beautiful."

"Hey, it's true." An Li touched her lips with her hand.

Lulu pursed her discolored lips, and said in a low voice, "It's pretty pretty."

"Oh my god, the new lipstick number released today is so pretty. I bought ten of them and gave them to my sisters when I go home." The lady passing by twisted her waist and was showing off the lipsticks she just grabbed with her friends.

My friend Yanlu said enviously: "I only bought three shades, and I don't like the remaining 747.

"How is this enough?" The lady shook her head and said.

The friend urged: "I will buy it again tomorrow, and I will go to the perfume first, it will be too late."

"Yes, the new perfume is released today, and it will be gone if you go late." The lady nodded quickly.

An Li and her sister looked at each other, and couldn't help but look at the shop where the lady came out not far away.

"Beauty store, what do you sell?" Lulu muttered.

"Go and have a look." An Li's purple eyes sparkled, and she pulled her younger sister towards the beauty shop doctor.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two sisters came outside the beauty store and found that it was full of women.

"There are so many people." Lulu stood on her tiptoes, trying to see what was going on inside.

"Squeeze in." An Li's heart skipped a beat, and she dragged her younger sister into the beauty shop.

The two of them came to the store with great difficulty. In front of them were rows of shelves with different colors of lipsticks, foundations, mascaras, etc.

"There is a trial pack here, you can try it if you like it." The staff shouted prompts.

An Li glanced curiously, and found a purple lipstick with sharp eyes, which was placed on the edge of the shelf.

"Huh~ Her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, as if she saw a life-saving baby.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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