Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2060: Never Do Useless Things. (2 More)

"Lulu, don't move." An Li reminded, and squeezed towards the place where the purple lipstick was.

Lulu called out: "Sister?"

Only the purple lipstick was in Anli's sight, and when she got it, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Great, got it. She looked back at her sister, raised the lipstick in her hand and shook it.

"Hey!" Lulu's beautiful eyes lit up, and she hurriedly pushed aside the women looking at the goods and came to her sister's side.

The expression on An Li's face couldn't contain the excitement, and she thought to herself: "This should be the magic potion for dyeing lips.

"Try it quickly." Lulu urged.

Hearing this, An Li imitated the women around her, looked at the mirror next to her, and carefully applied purple lipstick.

She pursed her lips, looked at her sister and asked, "How is it?"

"Wow, it's so pretty." Lulu exclaimed.

An Li stretched out her hand to pinch her sister's chin, and gently painted it on: "You paint it quickly, too."

Lulu raised her chin, feeling the lipstick rubbing against her lips, leaving a thin layer of purple.

"It smells good, it's the fragrance of flowers." She moved her throat and made a weak voice.

An Li agreed: "Well, the texture is better than the potion we usually use."

"The color looks better too." Lulu said happily.

"I don't know if it's expensive or not." An Li clenched the lipstick in her hand, looking for the staff with the network cable.

She quickly found a staff member, walked up to her with her purple lipstick in her hand, and asked, "Hi, how do you sell this potion?"

"It's not a potion, it's a lipstick, and it's priced at 200 yuan each." The staff member said with a smile.

"Two hundred yuan..." An Li was stunned for a moment.

The staff member explained: "Two hundred basalt coins, or a third-order Warcraft spar."

"Hey, so cheap?" An Li's beautiful eyes widened.

The staff blinked their eyes, they were tired of hearing this sentence, and lamented how rich the nobles were.

"Pay over there." The staff pointed to the counter, the lipstick had already been used.

An Li stuttered and asked: "The potion of this color......No, how much lipstick of this color is left?"

The staff member tilted his head and recalled: "Purple lipstick, I remember there are still three boxes, each with a hundred pieces.

The purple lipstick is very special, except for aristocratic women who like to collect, few people buy it, so the staff remembers the inventory very well.

"That's 300 sticks, I want them all." An Li waved her hand richly.

"Eh, you want all of them?" The staff members widened their beautiful eyes.

An Li asked suspiciously: "Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, I'll get it for you right away." The staff suppressed the joy in their hearts, turned around and went to the warehouse upstairs.

Lulu looked at the other colors of lipsticks on the shelf, and couldn't help but said, "Sister, this color looks good too.

"You like it?" An Li glanced at her sister.

"Can I buy it?" Lulu asked eagerly.

"Buy it, it's cheap anyway." An Li said indifferently.

Lulu snapped her fingers and said, "Then I'll buy ten of each color, and I can give it away when I go back."

"Whatever you want." An Li responded casually.

Soon, the staff went downstairs with three boxes of lipsticks.

The staff said happily: "The purple lipsticks are all here, and there will be a discount if you buy the whole box. Let me help you calculate the total discount."

"If you buy too much, there will be a discount, so good." Lulu said in surprise.

The staff blinked their eyes, and they were even more sure that the two people in front of them were of noble status, and they would not be exposed to these small businesses on weekdays.

Lulu waved her hand and said, "I want a dry branch of all the lipsticks here."

"Okay." The staff nodded with a smile. This is not the first time this situation has been encountered.

Soon the two sisters were led to the counter by the staff, and other staff packed the lipsticks and counted the total price.

"Here, check it out." An Li took out the Warcraft spar and put it on the counter.

The staff counted the quantity and delivered it after confirming that it was correct.

Ten minutes later, the two sisters left the beauty store with a few boxes in their arms, with the joy of harvest on their faces.

"Sister, let's find a place to live first." Lulu revealed her face from behind the box.

An Li nodded, and looked at Xuanwu Restaurant in the distance: "Well, I just asked, the best restaurant here is Xuanwu Restaurant, which is the tallest building.

Lulu excitedly said: "Then let's go there quickly, put the things in the room first, and then go out for a stroll.

"Okay." An Li responded, and walked along the long street.

The Xuanwu Restaurant was very conspicuous, and the two quickly found their target, and walked into the reception hall on the first floor under the surprised eyes of the staff.

"Someone really buys purple lipstick." The fox fairy came out of the transport ladder and saw the two sisters wearing purple lipstick at a glance.

This kind of rare lipstick was made by Mino on a whim. He mixed a large bucket of raw materials and could make hundreds of lipsticks at one time.

In addition to purple lipstick, there are also blue, green, yellow, earthy, brown, etc., and the sales are very poor.

The most popular lipstick numbers are various shades of red, each of which can be sold out.

Hu Xian looked at it for a while, then turned around and was about to leave. Mu Liang set up a "々bulk logistics", and she was going to talk to a big customer about the issue of customs clearance.

People in this world do not have a convenient way to transmit information to each other, and it will be very difficult to carry out express delivery business. Mu Liang wants to start with bulk logistics and make a preliminary attempt.

Fox Immortal has always been supportive of Mu Liang's novel ideas, because she knows that Mu Liang will succeed and never does useless things.

She also sees the benefits of "express delivery" in the future, being able to quickly grasp all kinds of useful information, and this is just one of them.

After the foxtail woman left, Lulu and Anli completed the check-in procedures, and followed the staff into the transport elevator.

Lulu looked at the transport ladder, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

The staff explained: "Our Xuanwu restaurant is very big, there are food, drink and entertainment, and they are on different floors..."

"That's great~~~ (deserved)" Lulu's purple lips parted slightly, and her love for Xuanwu Restaurant was directly raised to a higher level.

After the two entered the room, they put down their things and wandered around.

"Not bad, that's great." Lulu touched here and there, and finally lay down directly on the big bed.

She said delicately: "Sister, let's go out later, this bed is so comfortable."

"Okay, I'll buy some gifts for my parents later." An Li nodded.

Lulu had a headache and said, "That would have to be bought a lot. Grandpa and Old Ancestor both have to prepare, and they have to buy good ones to compare."

"We don't have a boat, how can we transport it back?" An Li asked suddenly.

"This...... I don't know either." Lulu stuck out her tongue.

"If it doesn't work, I'll just buy another boat." An Liyu said in surprise.

"Alright." Lulu replied indifferently.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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