Yue Qinlan slightly possessed herself, looked at the finished product on the workbench, and said in surprise: "This is Gatling.

She heard Mu Liang talk about Gatling, but it was the first time she saw the finished product, and she felt a little curious.

The person in charge reminded: "My clerk, this Gatling is very heavy."

"Do you think I have little strength?" Yue Qinlan smiled slightly, and raised Gatlin with one hand.

"...No." The person in charge laughed a few times, almost forgetting that Yue Qinlan is an eighth-level powerhouse-ah.

Yueqinlan is carrying Gatling, looking elegant and stylish.

"Looks like a female warrior." Mu Liang commented.

Yue Qinlan raised her chin, leaned back tactically and said, "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Mu Liang smiled warmly.

"Then this Gatling is mine." Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips.

Mu Liang said clearly: "I'll make you a new one."

"Then I don't want this one anymore." Yue Qinlan put down the Gatling in her hand upon hearing this, knowing that the new Gatling that Mu Liang said would definitely be a high-level spiritual weapon.

Mu Liang smiled, picked up Gatling on the table and checked it carefully.

He asked without squinting: "How many Gatlings are there now?"

"Your Majesty, there are twenty-five finished products." The person in charge said respectfully.

Mu Liang tilted his head and asked indifferently: "Have you tried shooting?"

"Yes." The person in charge nodded.

Mu Liang handed the Gatling in his hand to the person in charge, and said calmly: "This Gatling, show me the test fire."

"Yes." The person in charge looked serious, took Gatlin and walked out.

In the military factory, there is a special place for experimenting with weapons, and the privacy is also extremely high, and idlers are not allowed to approach.

Mu Liang and others came to the test firing site, and the soldiers at the entrance saluted respectfully.

Everyone walked into the field, which was half the size of a football field, and the whole was square, covered by a glazed barrier.

In front of the wall facing the entrance, there are several dolls of different materials, including wood, iron, stone, steel, and purple pattern light steel dolls, representing different hardness.

"Let's get started." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." The person in charge nodded respectfully, raised Gatling, and loaded the bullet.

He raised the muzzle, aimed at the first figure, and pressed the trigger to fire.

"Da da da~~~"

Flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and bullets flew out one after another, hitting the wooden doll precisely, and sawdust flew all over the place.

The wooden doll was directly blown into pieces, and the bullet hit the glass barrier, leaving shallow craters.

The person in charge aimed the gun at the iron puppet again, and the bullets sprayed out, easily knocking out the iron puppet.

"Clang, clang, clang~~~"

"Not bad." Yue Qinlan commented.

Hearing this, the person in charge pointed the situation at the stone doll, this time directly shooting it into a sieve, and the gravel flew everywhere, leaving only a base for the stone doll.

Yue Qinlan frowned lightly, and said in surprise: "So powerful?"

"Gatling's bullets are specially made, and have different attack power against different materials." Mu Liang explained.

"So that's how it is." Yue Qinlan suddenly realized.

The person in charge started shooting at the steel doll again, this time the bullet also pierced through the doll, but it was obvious that it took a lot of effort.

Finally, shoot at the doll made of purple-patterned light steel. This time, only bullet craters can be left, and the doll cannot be penetrated.

Yue Qinlan praised: "This power is enough to deal with those low-level virtual ghosts."

Mu Liang said softly: "That's right, if we encounter another wave of virtual ghosts, we can deal with it more easily.

It's time for a metal storm.

Yueqin's blue eyes sparkled: "If there are a thousand Gatlings, the ghosts won't be able to get close to the city wall.

Mu Liang smiled, if the scale of the virtual ghost tide does not increase, it will be much easier for the current Xuanwu Kingdom to deal with it.

The person in charge looked at Mu Liang, and asked, "Your Majesty?"

Mu Liangping said calmly: "Very good, other Gatlings can meet this standard and they are considered qualified."

The person in charge saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, please rest assured."

"Make a thousand Gatlings as soon as possible." Mu Liang instructed.

"Yes." The person in charge trembled inwardly.

A thousand Gatlings is not a lot.

Mu Liang asked again: "How many shields have you produced?"

The person in charge said respectfully: "Your Majesty, one hundred and fifty hexagonal shields have been produced."

The six-sided shield is made of monster materials. Attacks below the fifth level of strength fall on the shield, which can offset 50% of the power, and the remaining 50% of the power can be relied on the shield's own defense. It can be easily resisted.

The hexagonal shield, as its name suggests, is hexagonal, and its shape is like a honeycomb. The same shield can be stacked to become a larger shield, and the defense power will also be improved.

...asking for flowers...

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Not enough, at least one thousand and six shields are needed.

Fast production speed. "The person in charge nodded solemnly.

Mu Liang said seriously: "Remember, keep the quality and quantity."

"Yes." The person in charge nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "If you have a problem, you can talk about it now. I don't like it when you tell me that you can't finish it."

The person in charge hesitated for a moment, but still said what was in his heart: "Your Majesty, I would like to apply for a salary increase for the workers.

"Why?" Mu Liang's eyes were calm, but his heart was surprised. The person in charge in front of him would think of the workers.

"Your Majesty, the workers in the military factory work in two shifts. It's very hard. It's hard to leave here once a year. I think the salary should be improved." The person in charge said bravely.

"Yes." Mu Liang agreed without thinking too much.

"Huh?" The person in charge froze for a moment.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Every person will increase by two hundred yuan."

The person in charge showed joy and saluted excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will thank Your Majesty on their behalf."

"It's good to be considerate of them." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mu Liang nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment." The person in charge showed a happy face, and hurriedly saluted excitedly.

"Keep going." Mu Liang left behind a sentence, turned around and walked out.

The person in charge hurriedly followed and saw him off to the gate of the military factory.

"Farewell to Your Majesty." He saluted, watched Mu Liang and the others get into the car, turned around and left the military factory.


The convoy left the high wall and closed the door because of the dance.

The person in charge straightened up and murmured, "Your Majesty is really a kind person."

He turned around and went back to the military factory, and did not tell the workers about the salary increase. He would not be completely relieved until the official documents were issued.

In the car, Mu Liang took out the paper and pen, wrote down the document for the salary increase of the military factory, and stamped it himself.

He handed the document to Yue Qinlan, and said: "I will issue a notice tomorrow."

"Okay, don't worry." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully, and put the file into the portable space.

ps: [2 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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