Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2063: The Bulk Logistics Is Delivered To The Home. (3 More)

Inside Xuanwu Restaurant, in the room where Lulu and Anli are resting.


Lulu opened her beautiful eyes from the bed, stretched lazily, and looked sideways at her sister who also just opened her eyes.

She said in a whiny voice, "Sister, good morning~~~"

"Morning." An Li grinned, reaching out to rub her sister's short purple hair.


The girl's stomach growled a few times, and she quickly let go with a lazy expression.

An Li said with a smile: "If you're hungry, get up and wash up. Let's go out and find something to eat."

"Okay." Lulu responded, forced herself to get up, and walked to the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of water flowing.


An Li also got up and changed, and went into the bathroom to wash up with her sister.

When they left the room, it was already half an hour later, with purple "five zero three" red on their lips, and wearing a newly bought purple skirt, they went downstairs in a happy mood.

As soon as the two went downstairs, they met several staff members who had been waiting for a long time.

"Miss An Li, the goods you ordered are ready." The staff pointed to the large boxes behind them, and there were hundreds of them.

"So many!" Lulu's beautiful eyes widened.

Yesterday afternoon, she and An Li went shopping in Shanhai Commercial City, ordered a lot of goods, and agreed to deliver them to Xuanwu Restaurant the next day.

"Miss An Li, these goods are also yours." Another staff member shouted.

An Li looked quickly, and there were also hundreds of boxes piled up behind another staff member.

"All of these?" The corners of An Li's eyes twitched.

The staff nodded and said: "Yes, there is another batch of goods that will be delivered from the warehouse in the afternoon."

Lulu opened her mouth and said: "This is too much, I really have to buy a boat to transport it back..."

"Miss An Li, I have delivered the goods." Another staff member pushed several carts into the hall.

There are dozens of boxes stacked on several carts, each bigger than the last.

"Also!" An Li twitched the corner of her mouth.

Lulu raised her hand to her forehead, and looked at her sister with a look of miscalculation on her face.

The staff nodded and said: "Miss An Li, there is still half of the goods in the back, and they will be delivered later.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment." An Li quickly raised her hand to signal.

"What's wrong?" the staff member asked suspiciously.

An Litou said: "There are so many things, we only have two people, how can we transport them back?"

"Yeah, we didn't expect so many..." Lulu whispered more and more.

You don't feel much when you buy it, but you only feel it when the goods are piled up in front of you after you buy them.

A staff member reminded: "If you can use the 'bulk logistics', you can deliver the goods to your home, and the freight is not expensive."

"Bulk logistics?" An Li was taken aback for a moment.

The staff member nodded and said: "Yes, as long as there are enough goods, you can use the 'bulk logistics'.

"Can it really be delivered to my home?" Lulu couldn't help asking.

"Okay." The staff nodded with a smile.

An Li reminded: "My home is in the royal city of the Kingdom of Yasaidang.

"Okay." The staff member nodded again.

"Hey, it's still like this." An Li's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

She said without hesitation: "Then these things should be delivered to my home by bulk logistics.

"Okay, the shipping fee depends on the quantity of the goods." The staff argued.

"Is one sixth-order monster spar enough?" Lulu asked with her head tilted.

The staff's eyes lit up: "Enough."

An Li reminded: "The things we buy after that, all should be delivered by bulk logistics."

The staff member nodded and said: "These goods will be temporarily stored in the warehouse, and after Miss An Li finishes shopping, let's send them all together.

"Sure." An Li nodded in satisfaction.

Lulu excitedly said: "Sister, if this is the case, we can buy some more. We can buy the ones we liked yesterday, and we may not be able to send them back."

"Yes, I bought them all, and my father should like them." An Li's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Let's go, let's go now." Lulu took her sister's hand.

"No rush, let's have breakfast first." An Li shouted.

The staff hurriedly shouted: "Miss An Li [leave the delivery address first."

"Oh, I almost forgot." An Li paused and reported her address to the staff.

"Okay." The staff carefully wrote down the address the girl said.

The two sisters left Xuanwu Restaurant and went straight to the food restaurant not far away. The two miss the stir-fried vegetables there. With the delicious rice, it can make people think about it all day...

Nearly an hour later, the two left the food building belching, their stomachs swelled slightly, and they were very full after eating.

"I'm so full, how can this rice be so delicious." Lulu sighed.

An Li waved her hand and said, "Yeah, pour the broth on top and eat it in one gulp... Don't mention it, I'm too full."

Lulu Jiaohan said: "Let's go shopping first, there are still a lot of Warcraft crystals, we will go back after we spend them.

When they went out this time, they brought a lot of Warcraft crystals, enough to buy them in Shanhai Commercial City, otherwise they would not have thought of buying a ship to transport the goods back to the kingdom.

An Li said crisply: "We have to leave a little as travel expenses."

"That's right." Lulu nodded.

The two went straight to the long street and started a new round of shopping. Anyone who likes and can afford it will buy a little and ask the staff to help deliver the goods to the warehouse.

In the end, the two came to the Treasure Building, and were immediately attracted by the antique appearance.

"This store looks very special, go in and have a look." Lulu said.

"Okay." An Li took her sister's hand into the Treasure Building, and was immediately attracted by the various spiritual weapons on the counter.

"Wow, there are so many magic tools." Lulu said in surprise.

An Li was surprised and said: "Hey, there are TVs here, you can buy a few back."

The first TV set they owned was bought from a businessman at a high price, not from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Lulu counted with her fingers: "Father wants one 4.8, mother wants one, grandpa wants one, big brother wants one..."

The more the staff listened, the brighter their eyes became.

"Then I want twelve TV sets first, shall I?" An Qian looked at the staff.

The staff member nodded and said, "Yes, but it will take about ten days."

An Li said indifferently: "No problem, when the time comes, help me with the bulk logistics, just report my name, I have other goods to deliver together.

"Okay." The staff agreed.

At the stairway, Hu Xian looked at the two sisters who bought a lot, and the corners of their lips curled up. The bulk logistics created by Mu Liang was still very useful.

It was she who instructed the staff to recommend bulk logistics to the two sisters and become the first batch of customers to experience it.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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