Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2064: Warcraft Breeding. (1 More)

Outside the main city, on the main road leading to the farm, the king's convoy was speeding.

In the car, Xiaomi is driving, Alina is the co-pilot, and Mu Liang and Li Yue are sitting in the back seat.

Mu Liang is going to visit the farm today, and the pink-haired girl is also resting today, so they went out together.

Alina turned her head and asked, "Mu Liang, when will we install a portal for the farm?"

Mu Liang warmly said: "The production of the portal is relatively difficult, and the newly produced portals are given priority to the major military camps, fortresses, and acropolis."

The positions and functions of the acropolis, barracks, and fortress are very important.

Elina nodded slowly: "That's right, you won't need to ride worker bees when you go to the military camps and the cities of David.

Mu Liang said clearly: "In the next six months, most locations in the Xuanwu Kingdom will be equipped with portals."

Liyue asked softly: "Will a portal be installed in the commercial area outside?"

Mu Liang said warmly: "I haven't tested the limit transmission distance of the portal yet. If the cross-sea transmission can be completed, I will install it in the future."

Several business districts not in the Xuanwu Kingdom have created considerable income every month, and they are places that can continue to develop.

After all, not all businessmen will come to the Xuanwu Kingdom. They prefer to choose nearby business districts, such as Saluner City business district, Yili City business district, and so on.

When new goods are produced in the Xuanwu Kingdom, when the quantity of goods is sufficient, the remaining goods will be shipped to major business districts.

"There's no rush for this." Li Yue said warmly.

Mu Liang smiled and nodded: "Well, the development of the Xuanwu Kingdom is important."

Soon after, the army arrived outside the farm.

The expanded farm covers an area larger than an acropolis, and it mainly breeds ordinary animals and carnivorous monsters.

A small number of rare breeds of Warcraft.

The farm has undergone several expansions successively, and it is already different from the original farm. There are more than 500 management personnel alone.

"Hahaha, step, step, step~~~"

Mu Liang and the others walked into the farm under the protection of the highland guards. After entering the glass barrier, a strong smell rushed over them.

"It smells a bit strong." Alina frowned.

Mu Liang paused, frowned and said, "Well, the glass barrier is covering it, and the purification of the life domain is somewhat blocked."

Liyue nodded and said: "The air is not circulating, it's not good to go on like this, it's too smelly."

The farm under the glass barrier is full of feces and various food smells, which are pungent and unpleasant.

"Well, we need to solve it." Mu Liang raised his eyes and looked forward, the person in charge of the farm was rushing over.

The person in charge saluted in fear: "Your Majesty, I am late."

Mu Liang asked calmly: "Let me ask you, the smell here is so strong, can't you smell it?"

"Heavy...heavy?" The person in charge froze for a moment.

Li Yue said softly: "Mu Liang, he has been living and working here, so he should be used to these smells.

The person in charge was stunned, and surrounded him and said: "Your Majesty is talking about the smell of the smell and the monster?"

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Well, the scale of breeding has increased, so we should also pay attention to hygiene."

In the breeding industry, the most feared thing is that it is unsanitary, and it is easy to breed germs. In severe cases, the entire farm will be infected.

The person in charge said: "Your Majesty, the feces produced in the farm will be cleared and transported out on the same day, but the smell is always unavoidable..."

"Neglect." Mu Liang sighed.

With a thought, he communicated with the life elemental elves and gave orders to the tree of life.

"Boom boom~~~"

Suddenly, the ground of the farm shook.

"What's the matter?" The person in charge panicked.

"It's okay." Mu Liang said calmly, his eyes fell on the open space in front of him.

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, a thick and long branch broke through the ground and quickly rose two hundred meters at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The branches grew thicker, and quickly grew to a diameter of ten meters. At the same time, many dense leaves sprouted. In just a few minutes, it grew into a big tree with a height of more than 200 meters.

The big tree trembled, and a circle of green light spread out, quickly covering the entire farm.

The person in charge looked at the suddenly growing tree with a face full of shock, and clearly felt that the air was getting fresher.

"Is this a branch of the tree of life?" Li Yue asked in surprise.

Mu Liang shook his head and said, "It doesn't count, it's just that the root system of the tree of life has sprouted."

After the tree of life evolved to level 12, the root system had covered the entire turtle's back, and a long part went deep underwater.

Liyue was surprised and said: "It's okay..."

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Where there are roots, sprouts can grow like this."

"The air smells better." Alina took a few deep breaths, and the stench was gone.

The person in charge showed joy in his eyes, and the eyes he looked at Mu Liang became admiration and admiration.

"Let's go, let's go see the breeding situation of monsters." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes, please come with me, Your Majesty." The person in charge saluted respectfully, and stretched out his hand to signal to walk beside.

Mu Liang walked forward with his hands behind his back, and walked through half of the breeding farm to the breeding area of ​​monsters.

In the monster breeding area, there are more than 3,000 monsters in total, the weakest is the first level, and the strongest is the sixth level.

These monsters can be eaten after being raised, and they can also earn part of the monster crystals.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

Mu Liang and others came outside the monster farm and saw different monsters separated by fences. They had different shapes and exuded a fierce aura.

These monsters were all suppressed by the breath of the rock turtle, so they stayed in place so obediently.

The person in charge respectfully said: "Your Majesty, all the raised monsters are here."

Mu Liang walked in, and when the farmed monsters saw him, they all growled a few times in fear, not daring to show any hostility.

"It's not bad. Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

The person in charge said respectfully: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there will be people inspecting the farm every day, and any problems will be solved as soon as possible."

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Well, how is the breeding situation of fold-eared rabbits, colorful chickens, golden-haired ducks, and octagonal fangs?"

The person in charge said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the number of rabbits with folded ears has reached 100,000, and the number of three-color chickens has reached 20,000..."

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "I'll give you four months to double the size of the breeding, is it possible?"

The canned meat produced by the Xuanwu Kingdom is very popular among the people, and the merchants have placed orders for three months.

In addition to canned meat, there are also a variety of barbecue, bacon, jerky and other products that are also popular among people.

The person in charge was shocked, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded vigorously: "No problem."

"Well, there will be a reward after completion." Mu Liang glanced at the person in charge.

"Yes, His Majesty will not be disappointed." The person in charge saluted excitedly.

"En." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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