
Over the salt water area, two black shadows flew across the sky at high speed.

In the air, the second king of Xu flew in front, followed by the fifth king of Xu, the seventh king of Xu and the eleventh king of Xu.

"Not here yet?" Xu Wuwang frowned and asked.

Xu Qiwang said in a deep voice: "Hurry up, it's been two days since we left the land.

Xu Er Wang turned his head and said in a deep voice: "If you hurry up, we will be there early."

..." The Seventh King Xu fell silent, slandering endlessly in his heart, if he had the strength of the Second King Xu, he would naturally want to hurry up.

"Hmph." The Fifth Xu King curled his lips, but did not answer.

Xu Er Wang said in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up, we must reach the Misty Sea today."

"Understood." The virtual ghost kings responded.


The four Void Ghost Kings flew forward at top speed, and when it was getting dark, the sky-high mist caught their eyes.

"It's here." Xu Erwang slowed down his forward speed.

"It's finally here." The Seventh King Xu fluttered his wings and hung in the air.

"Go to the sky and have a look." Xu Erwang raised his head to look at the dark sky, fluttered his wings and soared up.


Xu Wu Wang and Xu Qi Wang looked at each other, and hurriedly flapped their wings to follow.

Not long after, they passed through the thick clouds and came to a higher place. Looking in the direction of the fog barrier, the fog still existed, and the thick fog went straight to the higher place.

Xu Wuwang said indifferently: "I can't get over it."

Xu Erwang said indifferently: "If you can't get through, it doesn't mean I can't get through.

Xu Wuwang twitched the corners of his mouth: "Then I hope you can go there, we don't have to dig a hole yet."

"Hmph, trash." Xu Erwang dropped a sentence, and his body flew to a higher sky at an extremely fast speed.

Xu Wu Wang and others stayed in place, did not follow, watching Xu Er Wang's back getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the mist.


Xu Erwang flew higher and higher, and he could not see the end of the fog barrier.

"Damn it, it can't be infinitely high, right?" he said angrily.

He looked up and saw that the fog barrier had no end.

However, with his strength, he could no longer go up, it was like a mountain was hanging on his body, and he felt that his wings were getting heavier and heavier.

"Damn it, I really can't fly there." Xu Er Wang's eyes widened with anger, and his body flew more than ten meters higher, and he could no longer fly upwards.


He descended and flew towards the position he came from.

When they saw Xu Wuwang and the others again, they had sneers on their faces, as if they were watching him joke.

Xu Wuwang sneered and asked: "Can it fly over?"

"Are you laughing at me?" Xu Erwang said in a bad tone, squinting his eyes and looking at the other ghost kings.

"No." Xu Wu Wang and others looked away, not daring to offend Xu Er Wang, otherwise they would be the ones who would suffer.

"Go down." Xu Erwang dropped a sentence, and his head and feet fell in a straight line.

Xu Wuwang and others cursed inwardly, and followed one after another.


Soon after, the virtual ghost kings plunged into the water one after another, falling to the depths of the salt water area.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The sea was turbulent, and there was no light at the bottom of the water, just like night.

The descending speed of the virtual ghost kings slowed down, and they could breathe freely underwater, and their movements were not hindered.

They sank to the bottom, their feet touching the ground.

"Let's get started." Second King Xu's blood-colored eyes sparkled.

He raised his hand and smashed it down hard.


The earth and rocks were churning, the mud was surging, the surrounding sea water was also rippling, and the shock wave spread out.

The bottom of the sea was shaking, causing quite a few earthquakes, and the sea surface even formed a tsunami.

The other virtual ghost kings also moved their hands and began to dig tunnels, wanting to cross the sea of ​​mist to another continent.


The bottom of the sea trembled, and the sea water churned.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

In the depths of the misty sea, the sleeping sea monsters were awakened, and opened their beast eyes one after another.

They roared angrily, left the nest and swam towards the source of the earthquake.

The virtual ghost kings are obsessed with digging the ground, and they don't know about the arrival of the sea monster.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The sea monster roared, and the closest one appeared at the place where the Void Ghost King was digging.

They control the sea water, squeezing the deep seabed that has been dug out.

"Don't come to get in the way." Xu Erwang said angrily.

He left the abyss under the sea, and looked at the scarlet twin peaks of the approaching sea monsters shining brightly.

He shot two bloody beams of light, attacking the approaching sea monsters.


The eighth-order sea monster exploded into blood mist on the spot, which made the other sea monsters even more angry.

"court death."

King Xu Er was furious, turned around and ordered: "You keep digging, I will deal with these sea monsters.

The other virtual ghost kings responded: "Understood."

The speed of their excavation has been accelerated. According to the current speed, they can dig through the sea of ​​mist within half a year.


Xu Erwang's attacks became more and more violent, killing the approaching sea monsters.

The sea monsters approaching are all below the king rank, and with the strength of the second king Xu, it is easy to kill them.

The sea water was churning, and the already dark seabed became more turbid.

"...々Ho Ho Ho Ho~~~"

There was a roar in the distance, and the aura of the holy rank was approaching Xu Erwang.

"Holy steps, it's rare." Xu Erwang licked the corners of his mouth and let out a grinning grin.

The wings on his back spread out, and he opened his mouth to spit out the ghost's breath.

The holy rank sea monster avoided the attack of Xu Erwang. It already had intelligence and knew that the opponent in front of it was very dangerous.

"Jie Jie Jie, first-class blood food." Xu Er Wang grinned, and took the initiative to attack the holy rank sea monster.

"Ho Ho~~~"

The holy rank sea monster roared angrily, advanced instead of retreating, and started fighting with King Xu Er.

The sea water was churning, and with the roar of the sea monster, the sea water was full of blood.

"Jie Jie Jie~~"

Xu Erwang smiled strangely, and fought harder and harder, the holy rank sea monster was dripping with blood, and the strength of the counterattack became weaker and weaker.

The holy sea monster was cowardly, turned around and prepared to flee.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

"If you want to run, it's impossible." Xu Erwang (Qian Zhao) sneered and hurriedly chased after him.

The sea monster roared angrily, and couldn't get rid of Xu Erwang's pursuit.

It swayed its body, trying to break free from the confinement of the Second King Xu, but it was seriously injured and its strength was weaker than that of the Second King Xu, so it couldn't get rid of it.

"Jie Jie Jie, I can become stronger after eating you." The Second King Xu opened his mouth wide, and protruded dozens of tentacles from his mouth, firmly restraining the holy rank sea monster.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The sea monster roared angrily, the movement of its body struggling became smaller and smaller, its neck was firmly bound by the tentacles.

It became difficult to breathe, and the lower body had been swallowed into the mouth by Xu Erwang.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The holy sea monster stopped struggling, its body was infected, and its whole body turned black.

Five minutes later, its huge body was completely swallowed by Xu Erwang.

"Not bad." Xu Erwang grinned.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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