Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2066: Want To Lie To Me A Second Time? (1 More)

Highland, inside the research institute.

Yu Feier and Yi She are immersed in research, and the operating table in front of them is full of bottles and jars, which contain various liquid medicines.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

On the heating rack, the glass vessel was heated by the flame, and the medicinal liquid inside began to boil and bubble.

Yi She tilted her head and asked, "Yufei'er, is it still effective after being boiled?"

Yuffier shook her head, her golden double ponytails swayed, and she said in a charming voice: "I don't know, it's also the first time I've done this, try it, it won't hurt.

....... We have failed three hundred and twenty-five times. "Yi She twitched the corner of her mouth.

"It's not bad this time." Yuffier said heartily.

"Okay." Yi She pouted.

She picked up a finger-thick glazed rod and gently stirred the boiling medicinal liquid in the vessel.

"Be careful." Yuffier reminded.

"Understood." Yi She responded, avoiding the glass stick in her hand from touching the glass wall of the glass vessel.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Yuffier moved her nose, licked the corners of her lips and whispered, "It smells pretty good."

Yi Shemei said with a smile: "Then you can taste it later."

"I hope it will succeed." Yuffier yawned, her eyes turned blue.

She has not had a normal rest for several days, just to develop the secret medicine for 067 to completely cure the 'virulent ghost's infection' as soon as possible.

Yi She said with a serious face: "It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail this time, you should take a rest and continue tomorrow.

"I'm not tired." Yuffier flattened her lips.

Yi She reminded: "You don't look energetic, if His Majesty finds out, you will have to rest for a few days."

"Mu Liang is very busy these days, so he won't know." You Ba made a false report.

Yi Snake raised her tail and patted the tabletop: "Then you forgot about Xiao Zi and the others. They will bring you food every day, and they will know about your condition."

"...It's okay." Yuffier said firmly.

Yi She shrugged helplessly, and only Mu Liang could cure the blonde girl.

Yuffier looked at the heating rack, changed the topic and said, "Okay, take down the cup."

"Okay." Yi She replied, put on heat-insulating gloves, and took the glass vessel off the heating rack.


Yuffier puffed up her mouth, blowing the medicinal liquid to stop the boiling.

"Let's put it on for a while, it's too hot." Yi She picked up the small fan on the side and fanned the glass vessel.

After a few minutes, the temperature of the liquid medicine drops a lot (cdce).

Yuffier tried to pick up the glass vessel, it felt warm to the touch, and she took another sip of the liquid medicine in the cup, the temperature was just right.


She raised her face and drank the liquid medicine in the cup in one go.


Yuffier hiccupped, rubbed the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and muttered, "You don't even need to eat lunch.

Yi She said crisply: "Impossible, with your appetite, you have to eat three bowls of rice balls to be full.

Yuffier stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, sat down and waited quietly for changes in her body.

"How do you feel?" Yi She asked nervously.

"It's pretty sweet." Yuffier gasped.

Yi She choked speechlessly.

She rolled her eyes and said angrily, "I said, is there any effect?"

"It doesn't seem to be, but it's not poisonous either." Yuffier sighed.

Yi She lowered her shoulders in disappointment: "Okay, the three hundred and twenty-sixth failure."

"It's okay, let's continue." Yuffier cheered up again.

"Go and rest." Yi She pressed the hand of the blond girl with twin ponytails.

"Not tired, let's continue." Yuffier said delicately.

Yi She said with a serious face: "If you don't rest, His Majesty will come to you."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense." Yuffier glared at Snake Girl.

Yi She's throat twitched, she looked behind the blond girl with twin ponytails, and suddenly said seriously, "I've seen Your Majesty.

Yu Feier's body trembled, and she quickly turned her head to look behind her. She saw the door of the confinement research institute, and she didn't see Mu Liang.

"Okay, you scared me." She turned her head and gave Snake a white look, and reached out to flick her forehead.

Yi She quickly hid back, giggled and said: "I want you to relax, you have been busy for several days, if you don't rest, your body will collapse."

"No way." Yuffier put her hands on her hips.

Yi She hurriedly said: "Okay, stop making trouble, there are so many bottles and jars here, don't knock them over."

"Continue to do research." Yuffier said softly, picked up a new glass vessel, and began to mix the new secret medicine according to a specific ratio.

Yi She had no choice but to come forward to help.

She has been Yu Feier's assistant for half a year, and she has a certain understanding of various medicines in the institute. She used to be a pharmacist, and she can help a lot.

The two of them were busy, recombining a new medicinal solution according to different formulas.

"No heating this time." Yuffier thought to herself.

Yi She nodded, and turned to get the utensils on the shelf behind her, but found that there was one more person in the research institute.

She opened her mouth and quickly saluted respectfully: "I have seen Your Majesty.

Yuffier complained without turning her head: "Okay, it's enough to lie to me once, and you want to lie to me a second time, what do you think?"

Yi She twitched the corners of her mouth, resisting not to make a sound to remind her.

Mu Liang came behind the blond girl with twin tails, and her shadow landed on the console.

Yu Feier said casually: "Get out of the way, don't block the light."

"Okay." Mu Liang replied with a smile, and moved a step to the side.

"Good, sensible." Yuffier joked.

The smile in Mu Liang's eyes grew stronger, wanting to see how unresponsive the blonde girl with double ponytails was.

Yuffier paused for stirring the liquid medicine, and seemed to react, and turned her head to look to her side.

When she saw Mu Liang's face, her whole face turned red quickly, she quickly looked away, and stammered, "Mu Liang, when did you come?"

"Just now." Mu Hao laughed.

"Ah." Yuffier secretly looked at Yi She, who was holding back her laughter, with resentful eyes.

Yi She opened her mouth silently, as if to say 'I can't blame others', and finally stuck out her tongue.

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang raised his hand and rubbed the blond girl's head.

"No, it's okay, why are you here suddenly?" Yuffier stammered.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Come and see you, I heard from Xiao Zi that you didn't have a good rest.

"I'm going to rest now!" Yuffier immediately put down the cup in her hand upon hearing this.

Mu Hao smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I won't eat you again.

"I'm not tired." Yuffier muttered.

"Take a rest for two days, be obedient." Mu Liang said softly.

Yuffier nodded resignedly: "OK"

"You also rest for two days. Mu Liang misses Yi She.

"Yes." Yi She nodded respectfully.

She was grateful to Mu Liang in her heart, if it wasn't for him, she would have already been bought as a slave by others.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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