Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2067: You Like Peeking At People Taking A Shower The Most. (2 More)

Outside the Thousand Thorns Pass, a huge transport spaceship landed on the square in front of the customs.

This is a transport spaceship from the old continent. Most of the people on board are refugees from different cities and tribes.

At the same time, the vampires from Yeyue City are also on this transport spaceship.

Under the signal of the staff, the people on board got off the ship one after another, and the team registered their information in front of the customs.

Orlis looked at the clansmen and said solemnly: "I tell you, after entering the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can't suck human blood casually, you can't fight, and you can't discriminate against orcs...

Leopolo folded his arms around his body and nodded in agreement.

He and his son will also live in the Xuanwu Kingdom in the future. This is Texid's order, and they will take care of and supervise the people living in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

This is to prevent the clansmen from violating the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, being imprisoned by patrol guards or directly executed.

Texid deeply understands that even if Xibeqi is present, other tribesmen will be punished if they violate the laws and regulations of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The young vampire girl sighed: "Deacon Orlis, you know the Xuanwu Kingdom very well."

"Hmm, it looks like it's very researched."

"You can't fight, you can't suck blood, you can't discriminate against orcs, you can't throw rubbish casually... so troublesome.

The vampires of the Yeyue family whispered among themselves, and many of them still had disdain on their faces.

"Shut up, it's all for your own good." Orlis said seriously.

Leopolo asked with a straight face: "Have you finished memorizing all the things you were asked to memorize?"

The vampire girl complained: "Elder Leopolu, the constitution is too thick, how could it be possible to memorize it..."

Leopolo said with a dark face: "Hmph, I have memorized it all, but you can't memorize it?"

..." The juniors lowered their heads resentfully.

Leopolu said in a deep voice: "Don't think I'm joking, if you really violate the constitution and are caught in prison or executed, no one can save you."

"Ah, the ancestors can't do it either..." the young vampire boy asked in a low voice.

"No, don't ask why." Leopolo darkened his face, should he say that the ancestor is not Mu Liang's opponent?

"Oh..." The juniors muttered something in a low voice.

Orlis reprimanded: "Remember, after entering the Xuanwu Kingdom, be honest with me, if you get into trouble and lose your life, then you deserve what you deserve.

"Yes." The juniors responded in unison.

Orlis said solemnly: "Also, I will recite the constitution, and my ancestors can remember it. Don't tell me that you can't recite it."

"Got it~~~"

The vampire juniors responded with a long voice, but not many people cared.

They think they are pure-blooded vampires, they are noble people, and they are masters wherever they go.

Oris looked at his father with helplessness in his eyes.

"If you're dead, you can't blame others." Leopolu snorted coldly.

Orlis also relaxed when he heard the words. Although he was arrogant on weekdays, when he faced the Xuanwu Kingdom, he still knew how much he weighed.

A junior asked: "Why do you have to live in the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"It's safer here, and it's better to develop here." Olis explained casually.

Another vampire girl dissatisfied: "But it's not as free as in Yeyue City. I didn't even bring my slaves. Who will serve me to live?"

"Slave?" Leopolo looked coldly.

Elder, what's wrong?" The vampire girl shrank her neck and said in a shy voice.

Leopolo looked down at the girl, and said word by word: "In the Xuanwu Kingdom, there is no such status as a slave, do you understand?"

The Xuanwu Kingdom's constitution clearly prohibits the existence of slaves, and also prohibits the trading of slaves, which violates the Xuanwu Kingdom's racial equality laws.

"I know, I know." The vampire girl replied fearfully.

"Very well, I will keep an eye on you." Leopolo said coldly.

Another junior asked softly: "Then you have to do everything yourself?"

Orlis answered, "Well, or you can hire a nanny."

The vampire teenager asked in surprise: "What is a nanny?"

Orlis explained: "Nanny, can be understood as a servant of equal status, is an employment relationship and needs to be paid.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, there is a job as a nanny, and the salary of a good nanny is no lower than that of going to work in a factory.

"I still have to pay the reward." A vampire girl rolled her eyes.

Orlis instructed: "Remember, the nanny and you are just an employment relationship. You can let them do laundry, cooking, cleaning, running errands and shopping, etc., but you can't do things against their wishes."


The vampire girl complained softly: "Ah, that's not as good as a slave......"

"One more nonsense, I will make you a blood slave." Leopolu said indifferently.

"Don't dare." The vampire girl lowered her head hastily with fear in her eyes.

A blood slave, a living 'blood bank', has a lower status than a slave, and will be sucked too much blood and die at any time.

In Yeyue City, they all kept blood slaves, but they didn't bring them when they went out this time.

"Next." The staff behind the counter shouted.

"Go." Orlis said coldly.

"Yes." The young vampires stepped forward and completed the customs clearance documents as reminded by the staff.

Half an hour later, the more than one hundred vampires who came to the Xuanwu Kingdom this time have completed the customs clearance documents and completed the registration of special ethnic groups.


They walked through the long passage, bought the flight tickets to Shanhai Commercial City, boarded the transport spaceship and headed for Qianthorn Commercial City.

When they arrived at the Thousand Thorns Commercial City, Xi Beiqi was already waiting.

Xibeiqi put her hands on her hips, looked at Leopolu and said, "Third elders, you are really slow in coming.

Leopolo said with a black face: "It's already very fast."

"I've been waiting for two hours." Xibeqi snorted softly.

She looked at the other vampires, raised her eyebrows and said, "There are a lot of people here."

"I've seen Princess Xibeqi." The vampires saluted Xibeqi whether they wanted to or not.

Xibeqi is the Princess Yeyue designated by Texid's ancestor, which has been established a few years ago, and her status and status are higher than other vampire clansmen.

Xi Beiqi raised her chin and said proudly: "Remember, this is the Xuanwu Kingdom, not the city of Yeyue. Put away your bad habits."

"Princess Xibeqi, how can we have bad habits?" The young vampire boy curled his lips.

Xi Beiqi narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "I've heard that you like to peek at people taking a bath the most. Isn't that a bad habit?"

"No, nothing." The vampire boy blushed.

Completely public execution.

Everyone looked at him with strange and contemptuous eyes.

Xi Beiqi said coldly: "In the Xuanwu Kingdom, you will be imprisoned for spying on people taking a bath. You'd better get rid of this bad habit.

If you provoke someone with strong strength, you may be killed in minutes.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize 10,000. .

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