Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2068: I Will Personally Take A Knife And Cut Off Your Heads. (3 More)

The vampire boy blushed and shouted, "I don't have this bad habit.

"Then pretend you don't have one." Xi Beiqi glanced at him sideways.

......" The vampire boy twitched the corners of his mouth, what does it mean to treat him as if he didn't?

The other vampires looked at him with contempt, and they all took two steps away from him.

Xi Beiqi said coldly: "No matter how bad-tempered you were in the past, if you restrain yourself in the Xuanwu Kingdom and don't cause trouble, then you will live comfortably here.

The vampires looked at each other and nodded perfunctorily.

Xi Beiqi said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as my clan violates the constitution, I will personally deal with it.

"How to deal with it?" the vampire boy asked.

Xi Beiqi said with a serious face: "If you are going to be executed, I will personally behead you with a knife. If you are going to be imprisoned, I will personally arrest you. Don't cause trouble for His Majesty Mu Liang's "310 Office."

......" The vampires were speechless, looking at the vampire girl with fear in their eyes.

"Okay, I'll arrange where you live." Xi Beiqi took out the notepad and flipped through two blank pages.

"Don't we live together?" A vampire asked in amazement.

"Of course we don't live together." Xi Beiqi nodded.

She raised her eyes and said: "Some people live in the Acropolis, some go to villages and towns, and the main city also has arrangements.

The vampires looked at each other, which they did not expect.

"You can find a job in Xuanwu Kingdom and integrate into the life here, or you are rich and can support yourself without working."

Xibeqi read: "Acropolis No. 1 can go to five people, and Acropolis No. 2 and No. 3 can go to six people..."

The vampires were stunned, unable to tell whether these places were good or bad.

She looked at the vampires and said with a smile: "You choose, I will arrange for someone to take you there.

"I'm going to Acropolis No. 1." The young vampire raised his hand.

"I'll go to Yutai Town, sounds good.

"Then I'll go to No. 3 Acropolis.

Soon, all the vampires finished choosing where to live in the future.

Xi Beiqi reminded: "Very well, let me remind you that after living in the Xuanwu Kingdom for five years, you will be able to freely choose where you will live in the future, provided that you have the ability to buy a house.

"Understood." The vampires responded.

Xibeqi turned around and shouted: "Come here, take them to where they live."

"Yes." The staff who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward, took the vampires away in batches, and sent them to different cities and villages.

These staff are from the Authority and will settle these vampires.

Xi Beiqi sighed: "It's still Mu Haohao, other people would not be so concerned, and let the staff come to take you to the place where you live.

Oris and Leopoldo looked at each other, and remained silent.

"Okay, the rest of you can follow me back to the main city." Xibeqi looked at the remaining vampires.

There are ten vampires who can live in the main city, including Oris and Leo Polu, who were brought back to the main city by Sibeki himself.

"How?" the remaining vampires asked curiously.

"Fly back." Xi Beiqi said indifferently.

"Oh..." The vampires responded.

"Let's go." Xi Beiqi spread her wings and flew into the sky, her golden eyes turned blood-colored.

The other vampires quickly followed and flew towards the main city with peace of mind.

"It would be great if there was a portal." Xibeqi muttered.

As time passed, when they approached the main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom and saw the huge tree of life, except for Leopolu and his son who often came, the other vampires couldn't help but exclaim

"Is this the sacred tree of the Xuanwu Kingdom? It's much bigger than before." The vampire Men Jing sighed again and again.

Xi Beiqi reminded: "Remember, it is forbidden to fly privately in the main city."

"Understood." The vampires responded.

Xibeqi turned her head and said, "Let's not have unreasonable thoughts about the holy tree. You can't keep the leaves, fruits, flowers, etc. of the holy tree privately."

In the constitution, the sacred tree is a sacred existence and the "heaven" of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The other vampires curled their lips, disapproving of this.

They descended and landed in the main city.

With Xibeqi leading the way, they have this privilege, otherwise they can only enter the main city through the main city gate.

They landed in the main city and attracted the attention of many people.

After the vampires landed, their eyes were always wide open, attracted by everything in the main city.

"Is this the main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" The vampires were amazed.

Under their watchful eyes, animal carts and bicycles were driving on the avenue, looking orderly...

On both sides of the avenue, there are many green plants, and the fragrance of flowers is tangy.

The vampires were deeply attracted by the prosperity in front of them, and there were endless exclamations.

"It's amazing here too." The vampires exclaimed.

They saw many aristocrats, wearing gold and jewels, looking extremely rich.

In contrast, vampires are poorly dressed.

Xi Beiqi said in a cold voice: "See, put down your figures."

"..." Leopolo raised his hand to his forehead.

The vampires twitched their lips, hurting their pride.

Xi Beiqi waved her hand and said, "Let's go, you live on Jiasan Street, it's a good place."

Jiasan Street is the closest to the Heights and the Great Market. If you live upstairs, you can see the main city square, the huge clock tower and the swinging clock.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xi Beiqi pointed to the big market and reminded: "There is a big market there, and there is a blood counter inside, you can buy it with your ID card.

"We don't have ID cards." The vampire boy whispered.

Xi Beiqi waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about this. After you settle down, you can go to the management office to apply for an ID card. Usually, you can get a temporary ID card in three days."

Vampires have a special status. After living in the main city, they have to go to the management office to register, and then take a photo to apply for an ID card. Approval is required before the ID card can be issued.

The ID cards issued are temporary, and only if you do not make any mistakes within one year can you apply for a formal ID card and become a legal citizen of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

4.8 The same is true for Leopoldo and Olis, and this is no exception.

"Oh." The vampires nodded in response.

Xibeiqi continued: "You can buy a lot of things in the big market, food, drink, clothing, use, etc., as long as you have Xuanwu coins.

The vampires nodded, showing great interest in the big market where people came and went.

Xibeqi pointed to the street in the distance: "There are also large bathhouses, cinemas, badminton halls, etc., all of which are places for entertainment and recreation."

"Sounds good." The vampire's eyes showed curiosity.

Xibeiqi smiled and said: "You will like it, as long as you don't cause trouble, otherwise it will be published in the newspaper and known by people all over the country, and it will embarrass the family."

The vampires immediately became serious when they heard the words.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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