"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xibeqi fell from the sky and landed on the square on the eighth floor of the highland. Her wings retracted from her back, and her blood-colored eyes returned to gold.

She ran into the palace excitedly and shouted: "I'm back~~~"

"Welcome back.

Xiao Zi poked her head out from the kitchen and greeted sweetly: "Miss Xi Beiqi, wash your hands and get ready for lunch."

"Okay." Xibeqi replied, and just after the tribe settled down, they rushed back to enjoy lunch.

After washing her hands, she went into the dining room, and everyone was there except Mu Liang.

Seeing an acquaintance, Xi Beiqi asked in surprise, "Hey, isn't Mayfair eating at the research institute today?"

"Mu Liang asked me to rest." Yu Feier explained.

"You should rest for a few days, working too hard is not good for your health." Xi Beiqi nodded.

"It's not very hard, it's just doing research normally." You Ba cheered up.

Alina answered, and said crisply: "You have dark circles under your eyes."

"Just get some sleep." Yuffier waved her hand indifferently.

"Where's Mu Liang?" Xi Beiqi asked casually.

Alina replied: "He's in the studio, he shouldn't come out so soon."

Yu Feier pursed her lips when she heard this, she thought she could meet Mu Liang when she came to lunch, but she didn't expect him to be busy in the studio.

"I don't know what he's busy with." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

"I don't know, Your Majesty didn't say anything." Xiao Zi shook her head.

Xi Beiqi looked at Yue Qinlan and asked, "Okay, so shall we wait for him for lunch?"

"Don't wait, move your chopsticks." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Then I won't be polite." Yuffier picked up the chopsticks and began to eat big pieces.


The girls chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

In the studio, Mu Liang is making a new portal. At present, only he has the ability to make a portal, so he can only do it by himself.

The Xuanwu Kingdom is very large and needs a lot of portals, and then different portals are connected in series to realize the function of intercommunication.

Mu Liang's plan today is to make two portals, and he has to study the connection method between different portals.

He was busy, and the girls also got busy after lunch.

The matter of the Xu clan prevented them from completely relaxing and resting, and encouraged them to become stronger.

Yue Feiyan yawned, resisting the urge to take a nap, leaving the palace to go to Qianthorn Pass, the training of recruits is still going on today.

She left the palace with her front feet, and was just about to spread the wings of the Vermilion Bird armor when she froze.

The aura of the red-haired girl began to climb, from the sixth-level primary to the sixth-level intermediate.

"Why break through at this time." Yue Feiyan hurriedly sat down cross-legged, adjusting her breathing to cope with the breakthrough.

The movement of the red-haired girl quickly attracted the attention of others.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Who is going to break through?" Nijisha walked out of the palace quickly, and immediately saw the red-haired girl sitting cross-legged on the square.

She was surprised and said, "It's Crimson Face."

The red-haired girl closed her eyes, waiting for the breakthrough to be completed.

Xi Beiqi and Yue Qinlan also walked out of the palace, seeing that it was Yue Feiyan's breakthrough, they all waited quietly.

Xi Beiqi muttered: "The movement is not small."

Yue Qinlan looked serious, watching her daughter's changes, ready to intervene at any time.

As time passed, Yue Crimson Face's rising momentum gradually became stable, which made the onlookers heave a sigh of relief.

"It seems to be successful." Nijisha nodded.

Yue Qinlan stepped forward, looked at her daughter quietly, and saw her open her eyes with a relaxed expression on her face.

Yue Feiyan said excitedly: "Mom, I have become stronger. 11

"It's good to succeed." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

Xi Beiqi said coquettishly: "Sixth-level intermediate, not bad."

Yue Feiyan's complexion changed, she turned her head and gave the vampire girl a white look, and said coquettishly, "Hmph, I will surpass you.

"I'll be waiting for you on the seventh floor." Xibeqi tilted her head and laughed.

Yue Feiyan clenched her fist and waved: "Damn it, don't be complacent."

"I'm not proud, I'm very humble." Xi Beiqi said crisply.

Nijisha rubbed the head of the vampire girl: "Okay, if you are still modest, others really dare not say that you are arrogant."

"I've always been very humble." Xi Beiqi curled her lips.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "If you succeed in breaking through, you should take a good rest and consolidate your realm. Xibeiqi will be responsible for today's training."

"Okay." Yue Crimson's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at the vampire young waste proudly.

"I will also break through soon." Xi Beiqi said delicately.

The drop of Mu Liang's blood in her body was almost completely absorbed, and she was one step closer to breaking through the seventh intermediate level.

"Slightly slightly~~~"

Yue Feiyan sticks out her tongue, and enters the palace proudly, today she can rest.

Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes arrogantly, and went to the air force base to train recruits instead of the red-haired girl.

Yueqinlan and Nijisha looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and went to work separately.

When Mu Liang finished his work in the studio, only the little maids and the red-haired girl were left in the palace.

"Is everyone busy?" Mu Liang looked at Buff.

"Your Majesty, yes." Buff obediently responded.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and walked towards the restaurant to see if there was anything delicious.

Buff hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is still one hour to have dinner, or what does Your Majesty want to eat, I will do it now?"

"There's still an hour, so just wait, there's no rush." ​​Mu Liang paused and turned to go to the study.

He returned to the study, picked up the documents on the desktop and began to review them, and quickly entered the 490, and the documents were approved and put aside.

What did Mu Liang think of: "The purple-patterned light steel..."

He raised his eyes and shouted: "Xiao Zi, come in.

"Yes." Xiao Zi replied, and pushed open the study door to come in.

She respectfully asked, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "Is there any news from Yili City in the past few days?"

"Your Majesty, no." Xiao Zi shook her head.

"The others didn't receive it either?" Mu Liang asked with a frown.

Three days have passed since he gave Su Linyisi, and she hasn't responded yet, what's the situation?

"No, Your Majesty."

Xiao Zi shook her head and explained: "The news between our maids is shared, there is also a special notepad in the contact room, and any news will be recorded on it.

When the maids are on duty in the liaison room, they will read the contents of the notepad at the first time to avoid missing useful information.

"Your Majesty, it's time to have dinner." There was a knock on the study door, and a laughing voice sounded.

"Understood." Mu Liang responded casually.

He stood up and ordered: "After the dinner is over, send the resonance bug that contacted Su Linyisi to the study.

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded hastily, knowing that Mu Liang was a little angry.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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