Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2070: Resignation To Fate. (2 More)

In the city of Yili, in the main hall of the royal palace.

Su Linyisi sat on the throne and looked at the knight commander Uncle Zhang who was reporting the situation with a sullen face.

Uncle Zhang said with an ugly face: "Your Majesty, I sent people to He You's hometown, but they didn't find him."

Su Linyisi asked coldly: "That is to say, why can't I find it?"

...Yes, but people have been sent to his friend's house to search. "Uncle Zhang bit the bullet and said.

Su Linyisi asked coldly: "Uncle Zhang, do you know how many days have passed?

"..." Uncle Zhang fell silent, five days had passed since the three-day deadline given by Mu Liang.

Su Linyisi said seriously: "Do you know how much pressure I am under?"

Uncle Zhang said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, I will find He You as soon as possible.

Su Linyisi leaned forward slightly, and asked: "This is not the main thing, can you really find a reason?"

Uncle Zhang opened his mouth, and said in a shy voice, "This...I'm not sure, maybe why has already left the Banlupo Kingdom."

Su Linyisi said coldly: "Then how should I explain to His Majesty Mu Liang?"

Uncle Zhang's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, maybe we can find a scapegoat..."

"Confused." Sulin Yisi said angrily.

She stood up slowly, came to Uncle Zhang and said, "Do you really think Mu Liang is a fool?"

Uncle Zhang was silent, thinking of Mu Liang's methods, his complexion became ugly again.

Su Linyisi looked into Uncle Zhang's eyes and said word by word: "No matter what, this why must be found. y

"Yes." Uncle Zhang nodded respectfully.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The maid in charge of taking care of the resonance bug ran into the main hall and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the resonance bug has woken up."

Su Linyisi's body trembled, her face was a little unnatural, and finally she sighed resignedly: "Come here.

"Yes." The maid saluted respectfully, turned around and returned to the side hall, and sent the fluttering resonance insect to the woman.

Su Linyisi sat down, raised her hand to caress the resonator, and established a connection with another resonator.

The frequency of the wing flapping of the resonator became stable, and the sound of flapping wings could not be heard until Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded.

"Su Linyisi." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Su Linyisi said respectfully: "His Majesty Xuanwu."

Mu Liang asked indifferently: "Three days have already passed, what answer do I want?"

"Your Majesty..." Su Linyisi opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer Mu Liang's question.

Mu Liang's cold voice sounded: "Have you found out yet?"

Sulin Yisi said apologetically, "Yes, why don't you know where you went."

"This is the reason and answer you gave me?" Mu Liang's tone was so calm that no one could hear his emotions.

"I ask Your Majesty to give you a few more days." Su Linyisi said bravely.

"Three days have already passed. If you allow a few more days, I don't think you will be able to investigate clearly." Mu Liang paused.

He asked coldly: "Or, are you deceiving me?"

"Don't dare, absolutely not." Su Linyi said thoughtfully.

Uncle Zhang defended his Majesty when he heard the words: "His Majesty Xuanwu, I suggested that His Majesty find a scapegoat. His Majesty reprimanded me, and he absolutely did not intend to deceive you."

"Shut up." Su Linyisi yelled angrily.

Uncle Zhang's words would probably anger Mu Liang, and his life would be in danger.

Although she reprimanded Uncle Zhang verbally, she didn't want anything to happen to him.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "I will send someone there."

Su Linyisi's complexion changed, and she really wanted to defend herself, but found that the language of her inner organization was so feeble.

"As a queen, you can take care of yourself." Mu Liang said coldly.

"Your Majesty Mu Liang, please give us another chance." Uncle Zhang said in surprise.

The next moment, the resonator stopped flapping its wings, and landed in the maid's arms with its nose dangling.

The maid's face was pale, and she opened her mouth watching Su Linyisi.

"Take it down and keep it." Su Linyisi sat back on her seat, her eyes full of bewilderment.

Uncle Zhang got up and said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, I'll go and investigate now."

"How to check? Where to check?" Su Linyisi sighed, the blankness in her eyes remained unchanged.

"Your Majesty, you can't give up." Uncle Zhang said seriously.

Su Linyisi sighed: "Then you go and check, let me be quiet for a while."

Uncle Zhang wanted to say something, but seeing Su Linyisi's face, he closed his mouth wisely.

He saluted respectfully, turned around and strode away from the palace, ready to continue looking for He You.

"Damn it." Uncle Zhang's tone was cold, and he had already killed He You thousands of times in his heart.

After he left, Su Linyisi pushed the maid and others away, leaving only herself in the main hall.

"What should I do?" Su Linyisi's white hands clenched into fists.

She was unwilling to lose her position as queen, and her killing intent towards He You reached its peak.

Su Linyisi said to herself: "This is my father's kingdom, and it cannot be controlled by outsiders."

She thought of Mu Liang, does he really want to deprive her of her queen status?

々Could it be that I'm thinking too much?" Su Linyisi's throat moved.

She raised her hand to grab her hair, the hairpin fell to the ground, and the coiled hair fell loose, what should she do?

Su Linyisi's eyes gradually became brighter: "If you find out why before the people from the Xuanwu Kingdom come, can you make up for your mistakes?"

She slowly sat up straight, thinking about how to find why, or whether she could start the investigation from another direction.

Is the purple pattern light steel missing in the warehouse Curry, or is it missing during transportation?

"He You is the key person, even if he didn't steal the purple-patterned light steel, he must know something." Su Linyisi murmured softly.

She widened her eyes and shouted loudly, "Come here."

Someone immediately walked into the main hall and saluted her respectfully: "Your Majesty?"

Su Linyisi ordered in a cold voice: "Go find it, send out all the people who can be sent out, and we must find out why."

"Yes." The knight saluted respectfully.

Su Linyisi continued: "At the same time, a reward is issued. Whoever can find He You within three (Li Nuozhao) days will be rewarded with ten seventh-order Warcraft crystals."

The knight was shocked immediately, and hurriedly agreed: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Ten seventh-order Warcraft crystals, which can make most people have nothing to worry about for a lifetime.

Su Linyisi said coldly: "Remember to expand the scope of the search, don't limit it to Yili City.

"Yes." The knight agreed again.

"Go." Su Linyisi waved Yang.

The knight saluted, turned and left the palace quickly.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When he spreads the news and posts the reward task, it will definitely cause shock in Yili City.

There was a cold light in her eyes, and she said to herself word by word: "Why, I don't believe I can't find you here."

Su Linyisi fell silent again, finally sighed, and murmured: "If you can't find it, then you will be resigned to fate."

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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