Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2071: It's Not That There Is Something Wrong With The Brain. (3 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the palace study.

Mu Liang asked Xiao Zi to take the resonance bug away, thinking with a sullen face, who should go to Yili City?

"What are you thinking about?" Yue Qinlan and Li Yue walked into the study and sat beside him on one left and one on the right.

Mu Liang explained: "There is no result yet about the loss of the purple-patterned light steel."

"It's been so long, and I haven't found out who did it?" Yue Qinlan frowned slightly.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Well, I suspect it's the warehouse manager named He You, but I can't find him now.

Liyue guessed reasonably: "It may also be that Su Linyisi lied, the situation is more complicated.

Mu Liang said softly, "I can't rule out this possibility, so I have to send someone over there to find out."

"Then who will go?" Yue Qinlan asked elegantly.

"What do you think?" Mu Liang asked back.

Liyue lowered her eyes in thought: "Let me think about it..."

Yue Qinlan also pondered, screening suitable candidates in her mind.

"Ailina and Yan Bing can't do it, there are many things that need them." She said softly.

"Xue Ji and the others can't do it either, they are all busy." Li Yue nodded.

Mu Liangping said softly: "Then let Laya and Katya go, there is Diane in Shanhaiguan, it's okay for them to leave for half a month573.

"Kajia and Laya are suitable for this." Li Yue and Yue Qinglan's beautiful eyes lit up at the same time.

Mu Liang said softly: "Well, then let them go, and bring a few highland guards there. 7"

"I'll make arrangements." Li Yue nodded.

Mu Liang instructed: "Let's leave tomorrow, and report immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes" Li Yue agreed, turned and left the study.

Yue Qinlan crossed her slender legs, and asked elegantly: "In this case, how do you arrange for her?"

"Let's wait until Laya and Kajia pass by and find out the situation and the reason." Mu Liang waved his hand.

Yue Qinlan agreed: "Yes, maybe there is something hidden."

"En." Mu Liang lowered his eyes.

Yue Qinlan asked curiously: "The Xu Clan, has there been any progress in the investigation?"

"Not yet." Mu Liang shook his head.

Wood clone encountered many low-level virtual ghosts, and cleaned them all up, but never found traces of high-level virtual ghosts and virtual ghost kings.

"Then where will they go?" Yue Qinlan worried.

Void Ghost King is no better than other Void Ghosts, they have high intelligence and strength, this is the scariest thing.

"I don't know, this is what makes people headache." Mu Liang leaned back slowly.

Seeing this, Yue Qinlan stood up, put her hands on Mu Liang's temples, and massaged them gently.

"Comfortable." Mu Liang narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"Don't be too tired." Yue Qinlan said softly.

"It's okay, it's not too hard." Mu Liang said vaguely.

Yueqin Lan said earnestly: "Don't hold on, the Xuanwu Kingdom still has us."

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he wasn't joking, the current job was for him, so it was really acceptable.

"Mu Liang, why don't you take a complete rest for a while?" Yue Qinlan asked softly.

Mu Liang lifted his eyes slightly, and said in a clear voice: "That won't work, many things need my help if they want to get on the right track.

The Xuanwu Kingdom is very large, and there are many things to do, and many things need Mu Liang's ability to continue, and it is impossible to rest completely.

The wooden clone is not in the kingdom, so he can't rest.

Yue Qinlan said helplessly: "As you said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. W

Mu Liang chuckled twice, "I enjoy the convenience, but I should also take responsibility."

"Yes yes yes." Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes.

She often listened to Mu Liang's words, that is, how is my hometown, elegant women are used to it.

Mu Liang couldn't help but laugh, these words engraved in his bones are hard to forget.

"Okay, you should go to bed early tonight." Yueqinlan Shi suddenly stood up.

"What are you doing?" Mu Liang asked casually.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Go wash up, it's getting late."

"(cdcc) I'll wait for you." Mu Liang said something by accident.

Yue Qinlan paused, her water-blue eyes looked at Mu Liang, and the roots of her ears were slightly red.

Mu Liang looked at the woman calmly and with a smile on his face.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan turned her head and walked away, her pace quickened a little.

Mu Liang pursed his lips, and a trace of anticipation flashed in his black eyes.

On the other side, Katya and Laya have already received the news from the silver-haired girl, knowing that they will leave for Yili City tomorrow.

Laya pondered: "Will you meet other deacons when you go to Yili City?"

"It's hard to say. After Black Phoenix was captured by His Majesty, the remaining deacons were supposed to be free. I don't know what they think." Kajia shook her head.

Laya's eyes flickered coldly: "It doesn't matter, just don't bother us, or we will all be caught.

Katya shrugged: "You know, black magicians are more or less out of their minds, it's hard to say.

"I don't have a problem with my mind." Laya rolled her eyes.

"I'm talking about black magicians, but we're not." Katya laughed.

Laya choked speechlessly, but she had to admit in her heart that the black magician's soul was mottled, which would more or less affect her xinxing.

She pouted: "You're right."

Katya took Laya's hand and said crisply: "Our souls have been purified, we are all normal people."

"Yes, yes, we are normal people, not with brain problems." Laya nodded cooperatively.

Kajia sighed: "Thanks to His Majesty, I can return to normal life, otherwise I will continue to mess around with Black Phoenix, and now I may be locked in prison with her."

Laya's eyes flickered and said: "Then this mission must be completed perfectly."

"This matter is not easy. When we arrive in Yili City, let's go to Su Linyisi first." Kajia suggested.

"Of course, after asking about the situation, it will be easier to find someone." Laya responded.

With her divination magic, it is not a big problem to find out why.

"Then pack your clothes." Katya stood up.

"Help me tidy up." Laya said while lying down and waving her hands.

Katya rolled her eyes: "No, clean up by yourself."

Laya said coquettishly: "Oh, you are the best, just help me clean up~~

..." Katya was speechless.

"Katya is cute~~~" Laya raised the corners of her lips, and called the woman's name in a sweet and cloying voice.

Katya's body trembled, and she quickly shouted: "Shut up, I'll help you."

"Hee hee, I just said you are the best." Laya's eyes revealed cunning.

"Shut up." Katya said angrily.

"Okay, just help me clean up." Laya stretched her waist comfortably, and Katya rolled her eyes again with her laziness.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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