
Yuffier yawned, came out of the side hall barefoot, and walked sleepily to the kitchen.

"Ms. Yu Fei'er, good morning." Cen Fei'er greeted sweetly.

"Morning." Yuffier replied weakly.

Cen Fei'er asked thoughtfully: "Miss Yu Feier, are you looking for food or - for drinks?"

You Fei'er raised her hand and scratched her hair, and said charmingly, "I'm thirsty."

Cen Feier smiled and asked: "Is there any freshly squeezed apple juice, do you want to drink it?"

"Okay, add more ice, I like it cold." Yuffier reminded.

Cen Feier blinked her beautiful eyes: "Your Majesty said that it is better to drink hot or lukewarm in the morning.

Yuffier thought for a while, then tilted her head and said, "Then drink warm ones."

"Okay, Miss You Fei'er wait a moment." Cen Fei'er responded, turned and went into the kitchen.

Not long after, the little maid placed a glass of warmed fruit juice in front of the girl.

Yuffier picked up the cup and took a sip of the warm juice, her little face wrinkled into a ball, and she looked at the little maid with resentful eyes.

"The heated apple juice is a bit unpleasant." Cen Fei'er whispered.

Yuffier took a deep breath, comforting herself in her heart, she always drank poison, and drinking apple juice as poison would not be so unacceptable.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

The blond girl with twin ponytails raised her face, gulped down the heated apple juice, and couldn't help but burped in the end.

Yu Feier put down the cup, frowned and asked, "By the way, where's Mu Liang?"

Cen Fei'er replied: "Your Majesty went out very early and said he was going to visit the orchard, and he should not be back until evening.

"I'll be back at night..." Yuffier's beautiful golden eyes gradually lit up.

She thought of something, clenched her left hand and hit the palm of her right hand, turned around and ran happily towards the side hall.

Cen Fei'er shouted: "Hey, Miss You Fei'er, breakfast will be ready soon."

"You don't have to wait for me for breakfast." Yuffier replied without looking back.

She wanted to take advantage of Mu Liang's absence and continue to go to the research institute to complete the rest of the research.

"You can eat it soon, why did you run away?" Cen Fei'er whispered.

Yao Er appeared behind the girl and said mysteriously: "You, I still don't know Miss You well enough.

"How to say?" Cen Fei'er looked at the girl with eyes asking for advice.

Yao Er smiled and said: "There are only two reasons for Miss You Feier to leave in such a hurry, you can guess.

"There are two reasons..." Cen Fei'er tilted her head and thought hard for a while.

She pursed her mouth and looked helplessly at Yao Er: "I don't know."

Yao Er stretched out two fingers, gestured and said: "The first thing that can make Miss You Fei'er care about is Your Majesty, and the second is to do secret medicine research.

"So that's how it is." Cen Fei'er suddenly realized.

She asked in a gossip tone: "Miss Yuffier also likes Your Majesty?"

Yao Er looked around and asked in a low voice, "Who doesn't like Your Majesty?"

"That's true, everyone likes Your Majesty." Cen Fei'er giggled.

Yao Er said crisply: "Okay, you go to prepare the lunch box, and later decorate the breakfast and send it to Miss Youfei.

"Okay." Cen Fei'er nodded obediently, then turned and went into the kitchen to clean the lunch box.

When she was ready to send her breakfast to the research institute, Yuffier was pulling Yishe to discuss the new formula of secret medicine.

Yuffier said with a serious face: "I have an idea, is it possible to make a special secret medicine to inactivate the 'virulent ghost infection' in the human body, and indirectly achieve the purpose of curing the infection?"

Yi She calmly analyzed: "It sounds feasible, but it will be difficult to implement."

"Try it, you have to try to know the result." Yuffier said crisply.

"Then try it, the medicinal solution that can completely kill the ghost's blood, I remember that there are No. 12 medicinal liquid, No. 85 medicinal liquid..."

Yi She thought: "Will the effect be better if these medicinal liquids are mixed together?"

These medicinal liquids named after numbers were all researched by Yi She and Yu Feier in their daily life. Experiments were done with Xu Gui's blood, which could completely necrosis Xu Gui's skin, muscles, blood and other tissues.

Yuffier said seriously: "You can't mix them all together. There are rhonai herb extracts, pineapple flower extracts, willow leaf juice...these can't be mixed."

"That's right, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me." Yi She recalled, and quickly picked up a notepad to record it.

"Number 26 medicinal liquid and No. 154 medicinal liquid cannot be mixed, as they will be made into poison."

Yu Fei'er continued: "The No. 8 medicinal liquid and the No. 95 medicinal liquid can be mixed, and it can achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two...."

...asking for flowers...

The little maid next to her was confused, what and what did she say?

Cen Fei'er tentatively called out: "Well, Miss You Fei'er, Miss Yi She, let's have some breakfast.

"Let's put it away, and eat later." Yuffier waved her hands without looking back.

"Okay." Cen Fei'er had no choice but to put the lunch box on the operating table next to her.

She waited for a while, and found that Uffier and Yi She had no intention of stopping their discussions, so she had to turn around and leave first.

Two hours later, Cen Feier came to the research institute again, wanting to take the lunch box back for cleaning, but found that what the lunch box was like before she left, it is still the same now.

Cen Fei'er said helplessly: "Miss You Fei'er, you guys didn't have breakfast."


Yu Feier turned around and said playfully: "Ah, I forgot, next time."

"That's not allowed, food can't be wasted." Cen Fei'er said with a straight face.

Yu Feier apologized: "Understood, I will pay attention next time."

Cen Fei'er rolled her eyes and said seriously: "I'll go prepare lunch, if I don't want to eat, I'll tell His Majesty.

"That won't work." Yuffier widened her beautiful eyes.

Yi She suppressed a smile, and looked at the two with her beautiful eyes smiling.

Cen Fei'er said with a serious face: "Three meals a day must be eaten on time, no matter how busy you are, you must eat enough, and you must not waste food."

After she entered the palace life, she learned about the previous situation in the Old World from other maids. She knew that they used to be hungry and understood the importance of food.

"I see." Yuffier nodded vigorously.

Cen Fei'er looked at Yi She again with a questioning look in her eyes.

"I understand." Yi She nodded quickly, with a serious expression.

"That's about the same." Cen Fei'er nodded in satisfaction, turned and left with the lunch box in her arms.

"Hoo Hoo~~~"

Yu Feier breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered: "Don't let Mu Liang know, he will arrest me to rest."

"Your Majesty will be back in the evening." Yi She reminded.

Yu Feier said solemnly: "Then finish this research before Mu Liang comes back.

"Okay." Yi She shrugged, picked up the glass vessel and continued to do research.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the correct size. .

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