Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2073: Destined To Go Down In History. (2 More)

At night, Mu Liang returned to the Highland Palace, stepped into the main hall, and was greeted by the little maids.

"Your Majesty is back." Xiaomi thoughtfully helped Mu Liang take off his coat, put it on his arm and prepared to send it for cleaning.

Mu Liang rolled up his cuffs and asked warmly, "Have Qinlan and the others come back?"

Xiaomi replied: "Your Majesty, Miss Liyue and the others are back, Lord Huxian and Lord Qinlan are not yet.

"Well, how's the dinner preparation going?" Mu Liang asked casually.

"Your Majesty, there are still two dishes left." Xiao Zi's voice came from the kitchen.

"Then I'll take a shower." Mu Liang smiled lightly, and walked towards the study.

Xiaomi hurriedly followed, helped to prepare clean and comfortable clothes, and then sent the changed clothes to be cleaned.

When Mu Liang returned to the dining room after washing, the girls had already been seated, and Hu Xian and Yue Qinlan walked into the dining room one after another.

"Mu "750" Liang is back." Yue Qinlan greeted gracefully.

Mu Liang nodded, and asked softly, "Is the management office busy today?"

"Fortunately, with Xiaolan's help, I can relax a bit. Yue Qinlan sat down while talking, her slender legs crossed naturally.

"Speaking of Xiaolan, I haven't seen her in the past few days." Mu Liang said clearly.

Xiaomi said softly: "Miss Xiaolan left before dawn and will come back very late."

"Tell her to rest." Mu Liang said softly.

Wei Youlan is the earliest maid in the palace, and also the busiest and most conscientious one. Since she became Yue Qinlan's assistant last year, her workload has increased again.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Don't worry, I specially brought her a star fruit, which can improve her strength and restore her spirit."

"Yeah." Mu Liang smiled.

Yue Qinlan spread her hands and said: "There are too many star fruits, and the warehouses of the palace can't be piled up."

The tree of life is too big, and there are more than a million low-level star fruits, which are densely distributed in the huge canopy.

The growth of star fruit is continuous, and it will bloom and bear fruit soon after picking.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said softly, "Let me do some research and see if I can make ordinary star fruit into medicine for storage."

The star fruit is full of treasures, and the peel can be made into a "spiritual food", which can be used to make tea, medicine, soup, etc. Regular consumption can refresh the mind and enhance physical fitness and immunity.

The juice of the star fruit can enhance the strength, and also has the effect of refreshing the mind, which is much stronger than the peel.

The core of the star fruit is the best quality nut after frying. A small bag of half a catty can sell a sixth-order Warcraft spar. Eating it is very beneficial to the body.

Nijisha said crisply: "Just let Yuffier study these."

After Mu Liang heard the words, he remembered that he didn't see the blond girl, and asked in surprise, "Where is she?"

Yao Er whispered: "Miss Yu Feier has gone to the research institute."

"Didn't you let her rest?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Xi Beiqi suppressed a smile and said: "She heard that you were not here today, so she went to the research institute early in the morning, and she hasn't come out yet.

"This girl." Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Your Majesty, do you want to ask Miss You Fei'er to come out?" Yao Er asked delicately.

Mu Liang waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let her continue to study, and I will send dinner to her later.

"Okay." Yao Er nodded obediently.

"Let's have dinner first." Mu Liang picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fried meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Others also moved their chopsticks, and the happiest moment of the day began,

"Wow, today is a new dish." Xi Beiqi's eyes revealed a look of happiness.

When the little maids are free, they will study new dishes every day to enrich everyone's taste and dining experience. At the same time, they can also add new dishes to Xuanwu Restaurant and restaurants.

"It's delicious." Yue Qinlan praised.

Xiao Zitian said sweetly: "There will be new dishes tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to it." Mu Liang smiled warmly.

Xiao Zi's pretty face was slightly flushed, and she was full of energy in her heart. She decided to prepare lunch and dinner tomorrow.

The dinner ended an hour later, the little maids cleaned up the table, Xi Beiqi, Yue Feiyan and others crowded on the sofa, waiting for the update of the new TV series on time.

Mu Liang smiled, thought for a while, turned and walked towards the research institute.

The extraction of the star fruit really needs to be done by professionals, and Yuffier is obviously very suitable.

When he came to the research institute, Yu Feier and Yi She had just finished their dinner, and Rui Shi was piled aside.

They were frightened by Qin Fei'er during the day, and the two of them ate immediately after the dinner was delivered.

"Are you full?" Mu Liang asked gently.

"Muliang!" Yuffier's body trembled.

"Your Majesty!" The smile on Yi She's face disappeared, and she respectfully saluted Mu Liang who suddenly appeared.

Mu Liang said with a smile in his eyes: "Calm down, I'm not here to let you rest..."

"Hoo hoo..."

Yuffier breathed a sigh of relief, since she didn't come here to let her rest, it must be not a bad thing.

"Mu Liang, what do you want me for?" She asked delicately.

Mu Liang flipped his hand, took out a star fruit and said, "I want you to help me study how to extract the essence of the star fruit to the maximum extent."

"It's not difficult, give me three days." You Ba promised.

"Don't worry." Mu Liang smiled.

Yu Feier said embarrassedly: "Then just wait a few more days, my research has made progress.

"Is there any progress in curing the 'Virtual Ghost Infection'?" Mu Liang was surprised.

Yuffier nodded excitedly: "Yeah, there are still two small problems, I should be able to succeed after thinking about it."

"It's amazing, it's really been researched by you," Mu Liang said in the original text.

You Fei'er said delicately: "I have studied for so many years, and there must be some progress."

Mu Liang said with a serious face: "I am looking forward to your research results, if you are really successful, you are destined to be recorded in the annals of history.

You Fei'er's pretty face flushed slightly, she took a peek at Mu Liang, and answered vaguely.

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang asked suspiciously.

Yuffier plucked up the courage and said: "I want to go down in history with you.

Yi She put her hand on her forehead and turned around silently.


Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, nodded and agreed: "Okay."

"Really?" 4.6 Yuffier blinked her beautiful golden eyes.

"Of course." Mu Liang raised his hand to rub the head of the blond girl with twin ponytails, his eyes were doting.

You Fei'er stared at Mu Liang in a daze, and a big scene was already imagining in her mind, did Mu Liang agree to marry her?

In her opinion, the marriage of the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom will naturally be recorded in the annals of history.

Thinking of this, the blond twintail girl's face turned redder and redder.

Mu Liang asked in surprise: "Your face is so red, are you okay?"

"No, nothing." Yu Feier's eyes flickered, and she quickly avoided looking directly at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang smiled, nodded and said warmly: "Then you can continue to work, I still have something to do, so I have to go to work for a while."

"Okay~~~" Yuffier replied sweetly.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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