Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2074: 'Infection Of Virtual Ghosts' Cure Secret Medicine. (3 More)

In the research institute, Yu Feier poured out the liquid medicine in the glass vessel. This was the eighth failure today.

Yi She blinked and asked: "There are still eight matching plans, continue?"

The two of them researched out twenty-five new formulas of secret medicines, and wanted to choose useful ones from them.

Yuffier said seriously: "Of course, I will try all the remaining formulas today."

Yi She suggested: "Then you are responsible for trying formula No. 18, and I will try formula No. 19."

"Okay." Yuffier replied indifferently, and started to prepare according to the materials on the paper.

The two of them got busy, adding different liquid medicines in different proportions into the empty container, sometimes stirring and sometimes heating.

"It takes half an hour for the different liquid medicines to be completely mixed before proceeding to the next step." Yuffier muttered softly, and put down the stirring glass stick.

She looked sideways at Yi Snake, Snake Lady was also seriously preparing the secret medicine, and was already heating the glass vessel.

Yuffier thought for a while, and directly tried to make the No. 20 recipe. Anyway, waiting is waiting, so it's better to go to the next step of No. 23.

The research institute became quiet, and there were occasional sounds of various vessels colliding, accompanied by the disappointed lament of the two.

"Failed again." Yi She flicked her tail and sighed again.

"Go on." Yuffier regained her spirit, picked up the new recipe and continued to try.

The two continued to get busy, until it was dark, and then tried all the remaining secret medicine formulas.

Yi She shook the cup in her hand, and there was a black sticky substance in it: "It seems that only this one is considered a success."

You Fei'er cheered up: "Success or failure, you will know if you try it.

Yi She blinked her beautiful eyes: "You drink?"

Yuffier rubbed her chin and said, "My 'Virtual Ghost Infection' has been cured, and I can't drink it.

"Then what should we do?" Yi She frowned.

Yu Feier tilted her head and said, "But I can try to see if it is poisonous, and if it is not poisonous, I will find someone else to try it."

Yi She asked in surprise: "Is there anyone in the kingdom suffering from 'Virtual Ghost Infection'?"

"I don't know, I have to look for it, if it's not there, then make it up." Yuffier said indifferently.

She has the blood and body tissue of the ghost king, and there are two other ghost kings alive, so it is not difficult for people to get the 'infection of ghosts'.

"Let's look for it first." Yi She suggested.

"Yeah, go find Mu Liang." You Fei'er put away the glassware, turned around and went to the dressing room, and changed out the explosion-proof suit on her body.

The explosion-proof suit she was wearing was the one Mu Liang gave her back then, and she would wear it every time she worked in the laboratory.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After Yuffier changed her clothes, she hurriedly left the institute.

"Miss Yuffier." Xiao Zi who was passing by called out.

Yu Feier paused, turned around and asked, "Xiao Zi, where is Mu Liang?"

Xiao Zi replied: "Your Majesty is out today, he is not in the palace, he seems to have gone to the film and television city.

"Hey, why are you going to the film and television city?" You Feier blinked her golden eyes.

Xiao Zi explained: "The new movie is still being filmed, His Majesty is going to watch it."

The theme of this film is to reveal the secrets of the changes in the mainland. This is a very serious subject, so we must pay special attention to it.

"Then did you say when you'll be back?" Yuffier asked flatly.

"No." Xiao Zi shook her head.

"Okay." Yuffie sighed.

Xiao Zi curiously asked: "Miss Yuffier, what's the matter?"

"I want to do experiments, and I need people who have the 'infection of virtual ghosts'." Yuffier explained.

Xiao Zi tilted her head and said: "Maybe you have to ask Miss Liyue and the others, maybe you will come into contact with them.

Alina and the others often go out to perform missions, and they come into contact with more people, and there may be people who know the infection of the virtual ghost.

It was originally in the Highland Guard, but it has been cured now.

You Fei'er thought of something, and her spirit shook: "No, I almost forgot that many of Lu Yan's former subjects were not cured.

Luyan, who used to live in the salt water area, was the owner of Yudao Island. Later, she was attacked by a virtual ghost, met Miuda and others, and was finally saved.

The current Luyan is the manager of the No. 4 Acropolis, and her former people also live in the No. 4 Acropolis.

At present, the only way to completely cure the 'infection of virtual ghosts' is the first-order angel's tears.

The tears of the tenth-order angels are extremely rare, except for the core figures of the Xuanwu Kingdom, others are not given to them, and they have to be exchanged for meritorious deeds.

The people who joined the 'Xuanwu City' at the beginning, everyone in the Ghost Special Forces, have already been cured of the 'Virtual Ghost Infection'

"It seems to be..." Xiao Zi muttered.

"I'm going to Acropolis No. 4." Yuffier cheered up.

She turned around and was about to run out, but was stopped by the little maid again.

Xiao Zi shouted: "Miss Yuffier, to go to No. 4 Acropolis, you can go through the portal."

"Portal?" Yuffier was stunned.

Xiao Zi nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty went to No. 4 Acropolis to install the portal yesterday, and it can be used now.

Among the twelve Acropolis, Acropolis No. 1, Acropolis No. 2, Acropolis No. 3, and Acropolis No. 4 are all equipped with portals.

Yu Feier's beautiful eyes lit up: "Then you take me there."

"Okay." Xiao Zi responded, and walked out.

Yu Feier asked casually: "How many portals are there in Xuanwu Kingdom now?"

Xiao Zi thought for a while, then said Jiaohan: "Now in the Xuanwu Kingdom, there are a total of eight portals, one for each of the four Acropolis, Thousand Thorns Pass, Shanhai Pass, Highland, and Seabed Town."

"It will be convenient to travel after that." Yuffie's beautiful eyes lit up.

Xiao Zi smiled like a flower and said: "Yes, in another month, other acropolis should also be able to install portals.

"It's really exciting." Yuffier's eyes sparkled.

She left the Highland Palace with the little maid, and went straight to the Highland Floor, where the portal had been moved to ensure the privacy of the Highland Palace.


The two came to the first floor of the high ground. The portal was fixed on a half-meter-high platform, and an octagonal pavilion was built around it.

There are highland guards on duty next to the portal.

Xiao Zi said crisply: "Activate the portal and go to the No. 4 Acropolis."

"Okay." The highland guard responded.

He stepped forward to operate on the portal, and pressed the Warcraft spar on it in a specific order to connect to different portals.

In this way, you can go to different places with a flash of the portal.

Yuffier watched with eyes full of surprise. It was the first time she touched the portal, and she was a little nervous because of her anticipation.

Not long after, the portal was activated, and there was a burst of buzzing, and the fog in the door swirled into a vortex.

"Okay, you can go in." The highland guard stretched out his hand to signal.

"Okay." Yuffier replied, stepped into the portal and disappeared.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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