Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2075: So Take Off Your Clothes. (1 More)

Acropolis No. 4, 100 meters away from the Acropolis Administration, is where Mu Liang's newly installed space portal is located.

The space portal is in a six-meter-high house, guarded by soldiers inside and outside.


Beside the portal, the soldier on duty yawned, raised his hand and patted his face to wake himself up.

Another soldier joked: "Did you become a thief last night? You look so sleepy."

The yawning soldier waved his hand and said: "Don't mention it, yesterday's training was a bit intense, I was sore all over, and I didn't sleep well all night.

"Well, yesterday's training was intense." Another soldier nodded in agreement.

He tilted his head and reminded: "After training, you can take a bath, and then apply some secret medicine to relax the muscles, and you will recover soon."

"Secret medicine to relax muscles?" The yawning soldier froze for a moment.

Another soldier nodded and said, "Yes, it's sold at the pharmacy. Bring your soldier's ID to buy it, and you can enjoy a 30% discount."

"Hey, I didn't know about the 30% discount." The tired soldier said in a daze.

The soldier's face showed reverence and said: "This is the welfare that His Majesty has formulated for our soldiers, and others do not have it.

"Your Majesty is very kind." The tired soldier's eyes became hot.

Another soldier reminded with a serious face: "But you kid, remember that you can only buy three copies a month, and you can't take them out and resell them to make a profit, otherwise you will be punished."

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, most of the special benefits enjoyed by soldiers are only for the soldiers themselves, and only a very small part is also applicable to their families.

The tired soldier waved his hand and assured: "I know, this kind of thing will not be done, these secret medicines are not enough for themselves.

Suddenly, the portal buzzed, and the mist quivered into a swirling vortex.

"Someone is coming." The soldier hurriedly reminded, straightened his back and put on a serious face.

Under the watchful eyes of the two soldiers, Yuffier stepped out of the space portal, her eyes changed from dazed to clear, and she glanced at the surrounding environment.

"This is Acropolis No. 4.々?" Yuffier turned her head and asked.

"Yes." The soldier replied, but did not recognize the blond girl.

Yuffier was full of admiration: "It's so fast, after entering the portal, you will come to the No. 4 Acropolis."

The soldier reminded: "Miss, don't stay here."

"Oh, I got it." Yuffier waved her hand, and walked briskly away from the building where the portal was located.

When she came to the street outside, there were many pedestrians, and the crowd was bustling and lively.

The girl with blond hair and ponytails was just about to ask someone for directions, when she raised her eyes, she saw the Acropolis Administration Office not far away, so she walked straight forward.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yu Feier walked into the Acropolis Administration Bureau, the busy staff didn't notice her, and there were already several long queues in front of the service window.

"Everyone is so busy." She muttered softly.

"Miss Yuffier, do you need to work hard to come here?" A slightly surprised voice sounded.

Lu Yan happened to come down from upstairs, and immediately saw the blonde girl with unique temperament.

You Fei'er turned her head to look, her golden eyes lit up immediately, and said happily: "Lu Yan, I'm here to find you."

"Looking for me?" Lu Yan was a little surprised.

She is not very familiar with Yu Feier, she has only seen her in meetings in the palace, she knows each other's names, and they are familiar with each other, and they have no intersection on weekdays.

She came to the girl with blond hair and twin ponytails: "What can you do with me?"

You Fei'er nodded and said: "Yeah, I have developed a new secret medicine, and people who are infected with the 'virtual ghost' are needed to cooperate with the experimental medicine.

Lu Yan frowned when she heard this, and worried: "Will there be any danger?"

"Probably not, I've tasted the secret medicine, and it's not poisonous." Yuffier tilted her head and said.

"This way..." Lu Yan thought for a while.

Yu Feier urged: "Don't waste time, if the new secret medicine is effective, it can cure Xu Gui's infection."

Lu Yan's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard the words, she nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"When does it start?" she asked.

"Now, it's enough for you to help me find three people." Yuffier said crisply.

"Three people..." Lu Yan thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

She turned around and said, "Come with me to the office."

"Okay." Yuffier stepped forward and followed.

The two came to the third floor of the Acropolis Administration, and Lu Yan's office was in the first room.

In the office, Lu Yan's assistant was arranging the documents on the bookshelf, when she saw the two people come in, she turned around and said hello.

"Sit whatever you want." Lu Yan raised her chin to signal.

Yuffier was not polite either, and sat down on the soft sofa.

The assistant poured a cup of tea for the girl, and said softly: "Miss Yuffier, have a cup of tea.

"Okay." Yuffier responded delicately.

Lu Yan instructed: "Yu'er, go and call Brandy, Ainuo, and Titiao in.

々Yes. Assistant Yu'er nodded obediently, turned and left the office.

Not long after, Yuer brought the three girls back to the office and stood in a row in front of Luyan.

"Unbutton your shirt." Lu Yan raised her chin.

"Ah?" The three of Brandy were taken aback at the same time, their pretty faces turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Yan laughed and said: "This place is full of women, why are you shy?"

Brandy glanced at the blond girl with double ponytails, saw her eyes were shining brightly, and felt that she was not well.

She couldn't help asking: "Lord Luyan, what are you calling us here for?"

"You still have to take off your clothes, it sounds very indecent." Ainuo blushed and said shyly.

Titi's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Yu Fei'er in horror: "Could it be?"

Lu Yan rolled her eyes at each of the three women, and explained: "What are you thinking about, I just let Miss You Feier see the scarlet lines on your bodies."

The three of them heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and looked at the blond girl with twin ponytails apologetically.

"Take it off quickly." You Fei'er said impatiently (by Wang Zhao).

The girl's impatient tone made the faces of the three of them become weird again.

Lu Yan raised her hand to her forehead, and explained aloud: "Miss You Fei'er is someone close to His Majesty, and is responsible for researching various secret medicines. This time, I brought a new secret medicine here, and I need you to cooperate with the experimental medicine."

"What secret medicine?" Titti's eyes were full of panic, this is to use them as an experiment.

Yu Feier explained: "The secret medicine to treat the 'infection of virtual ghosts' is non-toxic and harmless."

"Eh, really?" the female secretary exclaimed.

"Of course, so take off your clothes quickly." Yuffier urged urgently.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes became firm, and their expressions looked like they were about to go to the battlefield to die.

The three of them moved in unison, and unbuttoned the work clothes on their upper bodies, revealing the scarlet lines covered under the cloth.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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