Yuffier stood up, came to Tidi, Brandy, and Ainuo, and carefully examined the scarlet lines on their bodies.

The three daughters are all from Yudao, they were Lu Yan's former subordinates, and now they are staff members of the Acropolis Administration.

After they joined the Xuanwu Kingdom, they had already taken the secret medicine, which suppressed the deterioration of the "virtual ghost infection" in their bodies, and waited for the secret medicine to completely cure the "virtual ghost infection" to appear.

"The color is quite pale." Yuffier muttered.

"...?" Titi blushed, nervously looking at the girl with eyes full of radiance.

Yuffier slid her hands over the magical equipment stored in the space around her waist, took out the secret medicine and handed it to the three girls: "Come on, this is my newly developed secret medicine, apply a little on the scarlet lines, and eat the rest .”

The three girls looked at the black thing in the glass bottle, and their throats became astringent.

"Is this really edible?" Tidy's face was full of suspicion.

Yuffier urged: "Of course, I've already tasted it, eat it quickly."


Lu Yan coughed a few times, raised her eyebrows and looked at the three of them.

"Okay." Titti sighed resignedly, dug out a ball of secret medicine with his fingers, and applied it on the scarlet lines under the collarbone.

Brandy and Ainuo did the same, and soon the scarlet lines on their bodies were covered by the black secret medicine, and there was still more than half of the secret medicine in the bottle. 353

"Eat the rest." Yuffier said delicately.

"Understood." Titi responded, dug out a ball of black secret medicine, closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth resignedly.


Seeing this, the other two swallowed their saliva, and finally resigned to their fate and finished the remaining secret medicine.

"It's so bitter." Titi's pretty face wrinkled into a ball, and she looked at Lu Yan with aggrieved eyes.

Lu Yan suppressed a smile and said, "Be patient."


Ainuo puffed his cheeks, retched a few times, and swallowed the secret medicine in his throat abruptly.

"Very good, let's wait for the secret medicine to take effect." Yuffier said expectantly.

The three of them looked at each other, they were all paying attention to the changes in their bodies, their hearts were nervous, and they all hoped that the secret medicine brought by the blonde girl with double ponytails would be effective.

Lu Yan asked curiously: "Miss Yu Feier, how long will it take to take effect?"

Yuffier shook her head, and said as a matter of course: "I don't know, that's why I need your help to do the experiment.

"..." The three of them heard that the whole person was not well, so it was better not to say this answer.

Lu Yan was also speechless, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Don't worry." (cdcg) Yuffier waved her hand and sat down calmly.

Seeing this, Lu Yan also motioned: "Sit down too.

Titti muttered: "It's better to stand, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up if I sit down."

"..." Lu Yan twitched her lips, ignoring the girl's words.

Time passed slowly, Yuffier couldn't help but yawned, stretched out her hand and scratched her cheek.

She sat up straight and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It doesn't seem to have changed..." Aino replied.

"It shouldn't be, it's been an hour." Yuffier stood up as she spoke, and stepped in front of the three of them.

She took out a piece of paper, wiped off the black secret medicine on Ainuo's skin, and exposed the skin underneath.

She was stunned and said, "Hey, did you apply the secret medicine on the good skin?"

"No, I painted very carefully." Ainuo pouts.

Yuffier thought of something, and wiped off all the remaining secret medicine on Ainuo's body with her sleeve, revealing the covered skin.

"Ah..." Ai Luo's pretty face blushed, and the feeling of being rubbed was ashamed.

"No more." Yuffier said in surprise.

"What's missing?" Lu Yan stood up.

Yuffier shouted excitedly: "The scarlet lines are gone, the secret medicine works!"

Hearing this, Ai Luo lowered her head to look at her chest, her beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and she exclaimed: "Hey, it's really gone."

Both Titti and Brandy looked sideways, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Without hesitation, they quickly wiped off the secret medicine on their bodies, revealing the skin that was originally covered, and the horrible scarlet lines disappeared.

The eyes of the two of them turned red immediately, and they cried excitedly: "It's gone, it's really gone."

"Great, it's really effective." Tiwai couldn't help crying, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"It's really useful." Yuffier muttered.

"As long as it is useful, as long as it is useful." Lu Yan praised repeatedly.

She thought of other people who were "infected by virtual ghosts", and now they all have the possibility of being cured.

"Come on, let me check it carefully." Yuffier stretched out her hand.

The three of them suppressed their excitement and rushed forward at the same time, regarding the girl as a lifesaver.

Yu Feier carefully checked the bodies of the three of them, and made sure that the 'infection of virtual ghosts' on them had been cured.

"Don't worry, it's cured." She clapped her hands and said.

She thought of something, and said: "But just in case, after the new secret medicine is mass-produced, you can take the secret medicine for a few more days to consolidate the effect.

"Okay, I must eat." Ti Ti San nodded.

Now they are no longer disgusted with taking the secret medicine, and even feel that they should take more just now.

Lu Yan couldn't help asking: "Miss Yu Feier, when will the energy production be born?"

You Fei'er said delicately: "Ah, you have to ask Mu Liang, he will nod to start mass production."

"Your Majesty should agree..." Lu Yan was also a little uncertain.

"Yes, don't worry." Yuffier said crisply.

Lu Yan nodded and said: "Yeah, they have been waiting for a year, and they are not in a hurry for a few days."

"Yes, it will be cured." Yuffier said firmly.

The threat of the Xu clan has always been there, and now the research on the secret medicine to cure the 'infection of the Xu ghost' will be a great help to human beings.

Tidi and Ainuo said gratefully with red eyes: "Miss Yuffier, thank you."

"If you need me in the future, just tell me." Brandy patted his chest and said earnestly.

"The corners of Lu Yan's eyes twitched, why did this sound so weird.

"it is good."

Yu Feier waved her hand and said casually: "I'm going back, I don't know if Mu Liang has come back."

"I'll take you back." Titti said hastily.

Yuffier refused: "No, I'll go back through the portal, soon.

Titti said indifferently: "Then I'll take you to the portal."

"Yeah, I'll take you there too." Brandy nodded vigorously.

"Go." Lu Yan waved her hand.

Feeling helpless, Yuffier was surrounded by the three of Tidi and left the Acropolis Administration, and was welcomed to the portal like a queen traveling all the way.

Under the puzzled eyes of the two soldiers, Yuffier walked into the portal and disappeared.

The soldier asked in a low voice, "Is she the queen?"

Another soldier said in an uncertain tone: "It shouldn't be, isn't it that the clerk or the fox fairy is the queen?"

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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